Week8C1 : Taxonomy eukaryotes II Flashcards
paramecium is a ____
ciliate (alveolate group)
What are the three sub-group of the alveolate group?
ciliate, dinoflagellate and apicomplexans
Alveolates are characterized by the presence of ____
alveoli, which are sacs underneath the cytoplasmic membrane to maintain osmotic balance or has a contracile vacuole
Ciliates are characterized by the presence of ____
two nuclei, the macronuclei and micronuclei
T or F : Some ciliates are animal parasites, some are animal symbionts (in the rumen).
**Dinoflagellates are characterized by the presence of ____
two flagella with different insertion points (transverse flagellum and longitudinal flagellum)
What is the microorganism responsible for the red tides?
Why are dinoflagellate toxic
because they secrete neurotoxins
Which microorganisms is known to cause toxoplasmosis, malaria and coccidiosis
apicomplexans are characterized by the presence of ____
apicoplasts (degenerate chloroplasts)
what are apicoplasts?
degenerated chloroplast that lacks pigment and can’t do phototrophic but can do anabolic pathways
What is the infectious form of the apicomplexan
Which microorganisms have apicoplasts
***stramenopiles are characterized by the presence of ____
flagella with many short hairlike extensions
What are the major subgroups of the stramenopiles?
- golden algae
- brown algae
- diatoms
- oomycetes
oomycetes are ____ (chemoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs or phototrophs)
What is the difference between oomycetes and fungi?
the cell wall of oomycetes is made of cellulose
What is the microorganism responsible for the blight disease in potatoes
oomycetes –> phytophtora infestans
What is the pigment that dominate in the golden algae
Golden algae are colonial or unicellular
What is the other name of the golden algae
diatoms are characterized by the presence of ____
cell wall made of silica (frustule)
What is the name of the celll wall of the diatoms?
Diatoms are ___ (uni or pluricellular) and ____ (phototrophic, chemoheterotrophs ..)
What are the subgroups of the rhizaria?
- cercozoans
2. radiolarians
cercozoans and radiolarians (rhizaria) are characterized by the presence of ____
What is the name of the structure formed by the cercozoans and the radiolarians
***Tests are made of ____ for the cercozoans
organic materials reinforced with calcium carbonate
***Tests are made of ____ for the radiolarians
T or F : cercozoans and radiolarians can use their pseudopods for motility
Are cercozoans marine or heterotrophic organisms?
exclusivley marine organisms
Are radiolarians marine or heterotrophic organisms?
mostly marine and heterotrophic
**pseudopods of rhizaria are ____ while pseudopod or ameobozoa are ___
lob shaped
What are the subgroups of the amoebozoa?
Gymnamoebas, entamoebas and slime molds
***Rhizaria are unicellular or pluricellular
Amoebozoa move by ____
cytoplasmic streaminf (amoeboid movment)
T or F : Entamoebas are freeliving, inhabit soil and aquatic environments
False, they are parasites of the vertebrates ad invertrabrates. The Gymnamoebas are free-living
What are the two types of slime molds?
plasmodial slime molds
cellular slime molds
What are the differences between the cellular slime molds and plasmodial slime molds
- amoeba cells in the pseudoplasmodium don’t fuse together
- amoeba cells exists has an haploid state in the pseudoplasmodium
- vegetative form of the cellular slime mold is haploid
In ____ slime molds, the spore germinate yielding a swarmer cell and a ameoboid cell
***The vegetative form of the plasmodial slime molds is ____
masses of protoplasms (cytplasm, nucleus and organelle) in the diploid diploid form, forming the plasmodium
Compare and contrast the lifestyles of gymnamoebas and entamoebas.
Gymnamobas : free-living, inhabits soils and aquatic environements
Entomoebas : parasitic vertebrate and invertabrates
How can amoebozoans be distinguished from rhizaria?
amoebozoans : -pseudopod lob shaped -aquatic and terestrial Rhizaria : -Thread-like pseudopod -mostly marine -shell-like structure called test
What are the subgroups of the fungi?
- mushroom
- yeast
- molds
Name of the hyphaea configuration in which cytoplasm and nuclei are not subdivided into cells.
In ceonocytic hypha or aseptate
Name of the hyphaea configuration in which nuclei are separated by cross wall
(called the septum).
septate hypha
What is the name of the spores of fungi
How does the fungi feed?
Feed by secreting extracellular enzymes that digest complex organic materials (polymers). Monomers, or short polymers are then assimilated.
Name two symbiotic associations of fungi
- mycrorrhiza
2. lichens
Lichen is an association between ___ and ___
fungi and algea or cyanobacteria
mycrorrhiza is an association between ___ and ___
green plant and glomeromycetes
What is the name of the specialized hyphae that penetrate the plant cells and consume the cytoplasm.
Candida albicans invades the mucosa by the formation of _____
What are the three ways fungus reproduce by asexual means?
- simple cell division (budding)
- formation of spores
- spread of hyphal filaments
What is the name of the mushroom spores
basidiospores. They are held on the basidiocarp
In the sexual reproduction of sccharomyces cerevisiae an ___ and an ___ fuse together to form a diploid yeast
alpha and a
Yeast are ____cellular that can reproduce ____
asexually or sexually