Week7C2 : taxonomy of eukaryote I Flashcards
What are protists ?
Protists are eukaryotes, which means their cells have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Most, but not all, protists are single-celled. You can think about protists as all eukaryotic organisms that are neither animals, nor plants, nor fungi
What are the two archaeplastida seen in class?
Green algae and red algae.
What is the other name of green algae?
What is the other name of red algae?
To what is due the red color in red algae?
Dinoflagellates, apicomplexans and stramenophiles results in the secondary endosymbiosises of ____
red algae
Euglenids and chlorarachniphytes results in the secondary endosymbiosis of ___
green algae
Which microorganism have a mitosome?
What is a mitosome ?
degenerated mitochondria
Does diplomonard and parabasalids have a chloroplast or a mithochondria
Which is the microorganisms that have a hydrogenosome
what is a hydrogenosome?
organelle to have some anaerobic respiration
Can diplomonads and parabasalids do oxidative phosphorylation?
no, they are amitochondriates eukaryotes.
What is the microorganism responsible for giardiasis?
Giardia lamblia (diplomonads)
Describe the cycle of the giardiasis
cyst in food –> one cyst give two trophozoites –> cyst