Week Eighteen - Links with Mental Health Flashcards
Women accounted for 26% of all incidents ofself-harm in 2014 despite representing just 5%of the total prison population. This has fallensharply since 2011 when women accounted fornearly half of all incidents, and reflects risingincidents amongst men.
46% of women prisoners report having attemptedsuicide at some point in their lives. This is morethan twice the rate of male prisoners (21%) andhigher than in the general UK population (6%).
Treatment for Mental Health…
26% of women and 16% of men said they hadreceived treatment for a mental health problemin the year before custody.
25% of women and 15% of men in prisonreported symptoms indicative of psychosis.The rate among the general public is about 4%.
Anxiety and Depression…
49% of women prisoners in a Ministry of Justicestudy were assessed as suffering from anxietyand depression, compared to 19% of the femalepopulation in the UK.