Week 8 Quiz Guide Flashcards
Chapters 19, 20, 23, 26
What are some normal age-related changes that affect the circulatory system?
Heart pumps less efficiently
Blood vessels narrow
Blood vessels become less elastic
Blood flow decreases
What does systole mean?
During systole, the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles) contract. causing the blood to flow out of the ventricles and into the arteries.
What is diastole?
The relaxation phase of the heart. or when the heart rests.
What is Myocardial Ischemia?
A lack of blood supply to the heart, causing a lack of oxygen; can cause angina
What is Alveoli?
Alveoli are tiny, grape-like sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs
What are the signs and symptoms of CHF?
Reduction in the ability to exercise or be active
Difficulty breathing (dyspnea)
Increased pulse
Irregular heartbeat
Chest pain
Lack of appetite
Edema, especially in the feet or ankles
Swollen abdomen
Abdominal pain
Increased urination, especially at night
Weight gain
What symptoms of CHF suggest left-sided failure?
Rapid pulse
Weight gain
What symptoms of CHF suggest right-sided failure?
Edema of the extremities (especially the ankles), bulging neck veins, irregular heartbeat, fainting
How is anemia commonly treated?
Treatments can include a high-iron diet and iron supplements. In some cases, a transfusion may be ordered
What are some normal age-related changes that affect the respiratory system?
Lung strength decreases
Alveoli become less elastic and decrease in number
Airways become stiff and less elastic
Lung capacity decreases
Chest muscles become weaker
Cough reflex becomes less effective and cough becomes weaker
Oxygen in blood decreases
Decreased lung capacity causes voice to weaken
What are the common signs and symptoms of pneumonia?
High fever
Chest pain, especially during inhalation
Difficulty breathing
Shortness of breath
Rapid pulse
Thick secretions coughed up from lungs
What are the guidelines for providing care to a TB patient?
Follow Standard Precautions and Airborne Precautions
Wear PPE as instructed, this includes an N95 or HEPA respirator
Patient will be placed in an airborne infection isolation room, AIIR
Keep doors to the room closed when note entering/exiting
Be careful when handling sputum
Ensure all medication is taken
What do Thyroid hormones regulate?
Thyroid hormones primarily regulate metabolism and growth
Where is insulin stored?
Insulin is stored and regulated by the pancreas
What is the purpose of insulin?
Insulin regulates the amount of glucose available to the cells for metabolism. Cells cannot absorb sugar without insulin
What are the common signs and symptoms of DM?
Skin breakdown
Visual changes, especially blurred vision
Changes in appetite or increased thirst
Fruity or sweet-smelling breath
Weight change
Nausea or vomiting
Change in urine output
Signs of UTI
Fruity of sweet-smelling urine
Changes in mobility
Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
Nervousness or anxiety
Dizziness or loss of coordination
Irritability or confusion
What is the purpose of a Pulse Oximeter?
A Pulse Ox measures the saturation of oxygen carried within red blood cells. Normal range is 95-100% (slightly lower at higher elevations)
What is sepsis?
Sepsis occurs when chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight an infection trigger inflammation throughout the body.
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition. Signs and symptoms should be reported immediately so that care that can be taken as soon as possible.
What is a Central Venous Line? What is a PICC line?
A central venous line is a type of intravenous (IV) line that is placed in one of the larger veins in the body, usually in the upper chest or neck.
A PICC line is a type of CVC, with the notable difference of being peripherally inserted in the arm, usually just above the elbow.
What are important NA tasks related to caring for a patient on a mechanical ventilator?
Patients on ventilation require sedation. Sedated patients required care oral care, skin care, and repositioning as a result. Repositions should occur every 2 hours to mitigate skin breakdown. Positioning should be done carefully to avoid damage or accidental removal of tubes.