Week 8; Lecture 1 Flashcards
Exoanthropic zoonoses
Has a sylvatic (feral and wild) cycle in natural foci outside human habitats (wildlife rabies, Lyme disease)
Synanthropic zoonosis
Has an urban (domestic) cycle In which the source of infection are domestic and synanthropic animals (urban rabies, cat scratch disease)
Direct zoonosis
Maintenance in a single vertebrate species
Maintenance requires more than one vertebrate species
Cycle requires both vertebrate and invertebrate species
Cycle requires inanimate reservoirs or development sites as well as vertebrate species
Amphixenosis maintenance cycle
Human to human and animal to animal
Amphixenosis zoonotic cycle
Human to animal and animal to human
Zooanthroponosis maintenance cycle
Human to human
Zooanthroponosis zoonotic cycle
Human to animal
Anthropozoonosis maintenance cycle
Animal to animal
Anthropozoonosis zoonotic cycle
Animal to human
Indirect transmission
A transmission mechanism in which the infectious agent is transferred to the host by a finite or vector
Direct transmission
Transmission of a disease pathogen directly from a previous host
what is a zoonotic disease
an infection or infectious disease transmissible under natural conditions from vertebrate animals to human beings
what types of organisms can be zoonotic
bacterium virus fungus parasite prion
how many species of infectious organsims pathogenic to humans have been ID’d
emerging disease
disease that has appeared in a human population for the first tim eor has occurred previously but is increasing in incidence or expanding into areas where it had not been reported in the past 20 years
what are some potential reasons for emerging and re-emerging zoonoses
population growth
globalization of trade
increasing movement of people and animals
increasing urbanization and population density
changes in agricultural practices
changes in food processing and consumption
changes in distribution of animal/vector populations
growing immunocompormised (at risk) population
environmental changes and disruptions
pathogen changes (drug resistance)
what populations tend to be the most susceptible to zoonotic diseases
the very old the very young pregnant women cancer patients diabetics organ transplant recipients
what is the veterinarians role in zoonoses disease prevention
More emphasis on zoonoses in veterinary school than medical school (i.e., veterinarians are often more knowledgeable about zoonoses than physicians)
Veterinarians are perceived by pet owners as the best source of information concerning their pets (i.e., they will ask you)
Veterinarians have a legal obligation to warn clients about potential zoonotic hazards
what role do veterinarians play in zoonoses control
deworming, vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of diseased animals, disease prevention, participate in disease eradication programs, participate in disaster response, meat inspecction, research, educating clients