week 12 lecture 1 Flashcards
what are the public health organizations in texas
texas animal health commission (TAHC)
texas department of state health services (Texas DSHS)
What are national public health organizations
centers for disease control and prevention (CDC)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
world health organization (WHO)
Pan american health organization (PAHO)
Food and Agriculture organization of the united nations (FAO)
World organization for animal health (OIE)
Texas animal health commission was founded in 1893 for what reason
to address the texas fever tick problem
Today, what does TAHC do
works to protect health of all texas livestock
what is the mission of the tahc
to protect the animal industry from, and/or mitigate the effects of domestic, foreign and emerging diseases
to increase the marketability of texas livestock commodiies at the stae, national, and international level;
to promote and ensure animal health and productivity
to protect human health from animal diseases and conditions that are transmissable to people; and, to prepare for and repsond to emergency situations involving animals
the texas department of state health services zoonosic control branch has staff located in ____ regional offices thorughout the state as well as the austin office
CDC descended from
Malaria Control in War Areas
the cdc initially focused on
fighting malaria by killling mosquitoes
current mission of cdc
to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability
what does the cdc do
monitor health detect and investigate health problems conduct research to enhance prevention develop and advocate sound ppublic health policies implement prevention strategies promote healthy behaviors foster safe and healthful environments provide leadership and training
cdc works with states and other partners to provide a system of health surveillance to
monitor and prevent disease outbreaks (including bioterrorism)
implement disease prevention strategies
maintain national health statistics
cdc also guards against international disease transmission with personnel stationed in more than ____ foreign countries
what is NIH
primary federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research
NIH composed of ___ institutes and centers
the NIH traces its roots to 1887 with the creation of
laboratory of hygiene at the marine hosptial in staten island, ny (study of cholera and other infectious diseaes)
with the support of the american people, the NIH annually invests over ______ in medical research
28 billion
more than ____ of the NIHs funding is awarded through almost 5000 competitive grants to more than 325,000 researchers at over 3000 universities, medical schools, and other research institutions in every state and around the world
about ___ o fthe NIH budget supports projects conducted by nearly 6000 scientists in its own laboratories, most ofwhich are on the NIH campus in bethesda, maryland
FDA is responsible for
assuring safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines, and other biological products, medical devices, our nations food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and products that give off radiation
regulating tobacco products
advancing thepublic health by helping to speed product innovations
helpin gthe public get the accurate science-based inforamtion they need to use medicines and foods to improve their health
FDA Cener for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) regulates
the manufacture and distribution of food additives and drugs that will be given to animals
who regulates vaccines for animals
APHIS is responsible for
protecting and promoting US agricultural health
administering the animal welfare act
carrying out wildlife damage managment activities
mission of APHIS
to protect the health and value of american agriculture and natural resources