Week 7 Flashcards
Which animal is most intelligent?
Humans (most common answer; technology, language complexity, human niche modification)
If we restrict it to non-human animal’s people tend to think of dolphins, apes, elephants that are social animals, mammals, large brains and most similar to ourselves.
Some people may have thought of birds which are more divergent to humans than mammals?
Others included were bees and gecko’s.
Why do we have these biases when we think of TOM in non-human animals?
Why do we think that its the animals which are most like us that will be the most intelligent?
Great Greek philosophers are the first to introduce this idea: in the great chain of thinking (i.e., the scala naturae by Aristotle)
> Provides a way to organize the natural
world in an organized way, linear.
> Man was naturally placed on the top and
the following went in order of how similar
they were to man: mammals, cetaceans,
(reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish),
cephalopods, crustaceans, other
arthropods, other molasses, ascidians,
holothurians, sponge, plants and inanimate
> This idea that man was more complex and
above all other life is an ideal adopted by
the church; the only thing above man is
God and the angles.
When thinking about animal intelligence from an evolutionary lens:
> Darwin was the first to propose that “the
difference in mind between man and the
higher animals, great as it is, certainly is
one of degree and not of kind”
The mind is subject to the forces of natural
selection. We should share fundamental
cognitive traits with many species to whom
we are closely related to.
What is intelligence?
> How it is defined and measured
influences what our findings are and what
animals will appear intelligent.
> As a construct it is not useful to us if it is
not clearly defined.
(A) Clark’s Nutcracker:
Using a measure of the ability to recall
specific locations, which
is the more “intelligent” animal?
○ Bird species that hoard seeds for the
winter and has very accurate recall of
where they are located/hidden.
○ If we compared it to humans to test our
recall for 10’s of thousands of animals we
would find that birds were more intelligent
than humans.
(B) Complex Behaviours are not always
○ Looking at intelligence by looking for
complex looking behaviour doesn’t always
mean intelligence (i.e., they could be fixed
action patterns; behaviour pattern
triggered by a releasing stimuli which
continues even if the trigger is removed).
(C) Clever Hans
o You may assume that animals behave
based on human-like intelligence when it is
not (e.g., Hans the clever hors who
travelled around completing mathematical
questions but the trick was he was
stamping and reading the actors body
language to know the right answer; he did
not actually have conceptual
understanding of mathematics).
Isn’t particularly useful as a concept for investigating the mental lives of non-human animals
A more operationalized definition of intelligence is “cognition”
o The mechanisms by which an animal
acquires, stores, processes and acts on
Information from their environment.
The Challenge:
o The biggest challenge to cognition is how
do we test something we cannot observe
directly? Mechanisms in animal minds
which are not directly observable.
Non-Human Cognition:
How can we test cognition in non-human animals? How can animals’ observable behaviors be used to test hypotheses for cognition?
To answer the question: Do animals share ‘uniquely human’ cognitive abilities? We need to build falsifiable hypotheses based on animal behavior.
Uniquely human cognition?
What does uniquely human cognition refer to?
What does uniquely human cognition refer to? Characteristics of human cognition that is argued to only be found In humans such as:
o Tool manufacture and tool use, (animals
crows, octopus etc. all use tools)
o Mental Time Travel, (future and past
o Syntactical-grammatical language
o Consciousness,
o self-awareness,
o Imitation (observe and imitate behaviour
in other conspecifics; imitate goal and
actions to achieve goal)
o deception,
o Theory of Mind
Do animals have TOM when you can only use non-verbal based tests?
What is Theory of Mind?
Two Tasks
What is Theory of Mind?
> The ability to perceive others’ actions as
governed by internal states (desires,
beliefs, intentions, knowledge).
> Agents’ behaviour is goal directed and
driven by internal states. Its an
unconscious process we do in humans. Are
animals able to do the same?
False Belief Task
Sally Anne
● People watch the doll being placed in the
box when she leaves the room the doll is
moved (location change) then re-enters
the room. Where will she look for the
o Pass: where she last saw it in the wrong
o Fail: where we know where it is
● Do we predict others behaviour based on
our own knowledge or can we appreciate
that others have own belief that can be
false (i.e., not reflect reality).
● Passed by 4-year-olds
● Failed by younger children (under 4)
● Failed by autistic children
● This task is language-based, and some
people argue the task is too demanding
for young children to answer it correctly.
Non-verbal versions have been developed
to assess this.
Non-verbal False Belief task
Anticipatory eye-tracking tasks
● Watch a video and we are testing where
they anticipate the actor to search for the
object before they do it.
● Tested 2 y.o. children
● Puppet moved a ball around then removed
it when actor is not looking
● 17/20 children look first at the correct
● Children look longer at correct locations
*This indicates this paradigm could be
applied to non-human animals
Is ToM uniquely human?
● Can TOM be attributed to apes? ● It’s still a current debate ● Penn and Povinelli are adamant that they do not. ● Carli and Tomaselli argue they do. ● The first animal that people have tried to attribute TOM to and is most common in chimpanzees.
ToM in chimpanzees
Tells us when TOM developed is it specific to humans or from a common ancestor.
Early chimpanzee failures…
Early chimpanzee failures…
Originally, they found that chimpanzees fail explicit FB tasks. Can humans see them when their vision is obstructed in ways that are not actually ecologically valid to what they experience in the real world. Therefore, cannot understand which keeper is able to see them and can give them food.
Some argue that this visual perception TOM test is not ecologically valid and too far from their behaviour repertoire to be able to reliably assess TOM in chimps.
Chimps TOM
Ecological validity
● Hare et al. (2001)
● Criticism of Hare et al. (2001)
● Hare et al. (2001)
● Study with two chimps competed with a
dominant conspecific. Can they
understand what another agent can see
● Subordinates could always see where
the experimenter hid the food and
whether the dominant chimp could see
● Dominant chimp either new the location
of the food, didn’t know or was
● Subordinate always had a head start, so
shouldn’t have responded to dominant’s
● Chimps less likely to approach food
seen by the dominant. They preferred
to approach food when the dominant
was unaware of its location.
● They argued this is evidence of chimps
being able to understand other chimps’
knowledge of the food location based
on their visual field and use this
information to guide their own
Criticism of Hare et al. (2001)
● A behavioural rule would produce the
same result:
● If another animal can see then they
must have knowledge of where it is
hidden then “If a dominant individual
orients to a piece of food in a particular
location, then that food must be
More recent work: False belief in apes
● Krupenye et al. (2016)
More recent work: False belief in apes
● Krupenye et al. (2016)
● Anticipatory eye tracking study in apes
(non-verbal FB task).
● Their results indicate that the most first
look locations were to the target
location (FB) and there were no species
differences in their performance =
implicit TOM rather than explicit TOM.
Q: Are you convinced that apes attribute
false beliefs?
● How do you test whether they
understood the content of the videos?
● What tests would provide us the
information to confirm this?
● Is anticipatory eye looking a reliable
● Yes:
● Explanation
● In the previous videos, the subjects watched an actor interacting with a ‘naughty ape’. In the scenarios, the actor had to guess the location that the naughty ape was hiding, or the location that the naughty ape hid the stone. You can see the locations that subjects watching the videos were looking based on the red circles in the clips. These scenarios were designed so that at the end of the clip there was always a ‘correct location’, which was where the actor should look (based on a false belief), as well as a ‘distractor location’. In watching the videos without any explanation, how hard did you find it to tell what was happening in them? Do you think that you would have looked at the ‘correct location’ in this task?
A spanner in the works…
● Rachel (lecturer) said she was on the
fence and says there is one important
flaw to consider in non-verbal FB tasks.
● The study is consistent with infants’
performance on non-verbal FB tasks
but there is a replication crisis where
they are not able to replicate the
original infant study. Is it measuring
what we think it does? unlikely.
● We do not yet have the tools or the
paradigm to answer the question
chimps have TOM robustly.
False belief in apes…?
Non-verbal FB task in apes suggests they have implicit theory of mind and can anticipate actors search behaviours but is still a struggle to replicate
Can we look at other aspects or maybe less sophisticated components of TOM in non-human animals
A good place to start is to look at a lower-level TOM traits by looking at desire state attribution.
Children initially use desire-states to understand behaviour in others
Desires and beliefs are integrated later in development
Do other animals also use this precursor to adult ToM?
Desire state attribution in Eurasian jays
Desire state attribution in Eurasian jays
● We haven’t shared a common ancestor
with for millions of years.
● Their cooperative food sharing
behaviours provides a good platform
for examining TOM in avian species.
● Can males’ jays attribute desire to their
female mates?
● In the image the male passes food to
the females bills during pair bonding.
Do they give females food they like or what the females like using satiation techniques?
Manipulating desires:
Ostojić, Shaw, Cheke, Clayton 2013 PNAS
● Specific satiation: satiation for a specific
food and not all.
● i.e., always have room for desert after a
big meal but are too full for more
savoury food.
● In animals, we can satiate females via
refeeding them wax worms they would
prefer meal worms and vice versa. If
males and females are prefeed different
food they develop different desires. Will
males feed their female food they want
our based on their own desires.
• Indicate males reduce the proportion of
wax worms he shares with females to
• After being prefeed on meal worms he
increases the proportion of wax worm
shared with her relative to baseline. They
are responsive to the food preference of
females (i.e., specific satiation).
How are they doing this?
● Is able to understand the preference of
females food desires. Reasoning via
analogy of their own specific satiation
on what food would be prefeed.
● The male could merely be reading the
behaviour of their mate to pick up on
what food they want. External behaviour
cues rather than an understanding
internal states.
How do we test this?
● We reran the same test but changed
one condition where the male couldn’t
see her prefeeding and had no
information on what she ate earlier. He
only has information about her response
now to food sharing. We see the effects
are not present to suggest they were
responding to the food preference of
the females (i.e., no pattern in males
food sharing choices; it’s much more
What does this tell us?
● It intriguing that they only adjust their
sharing behaviours when they have
their own knowledge on the females
prefeeding experience.
● Males do not rely on the behaviour of
the sharing phase to figure out what to
feed her.
● They are inferring based on their
previous food eating on what she is
most likely to currently want. If this is the
case, this is consistent with desire state
*understanding desires guide others actions
and they may differ from our own was
believed to be uniquely human but may be
seen in jays. First evidence of this in non- human animals.
● What is cognitive ecology?
● What is cognitive ecology?
● Before cognitive ecology there was
behaviour ecology.
● Early ecologists treated behaviour as a
‘black box’, that was largely ignored
● Behaviour ecology is a new discipline.
Beginning in the 1980s, behavioural
ecology was built on the foundations of
ethology and comparative psychology.
● Nikolaas Tinbergen, Konrad Lorenz, Karl
Von Frisch, Richard Dawkins etc.
● Studies animals in their natural
environments and focuses on the causal
explanations of behaviour.
● (4) Tinbergen questions (multiple levels
to ask why animals do certain
● Motivational mechanism:
● the external and internal events that
trigger behaviour (fixed action pattern)
● Development/ontogeny: genetic and
developmental mechanisms that affect
● Adaptive value or function: the
behaviour’s impact on survival or
reproduction (aid reproductive success
and fitness)
● Evolutionary history/phylogeny: The
evolutionary distribution of the behaviour,
how did it arise? (lineage of behaviour
across species[s] evolutionary history)
● These can be broken down into
proximate and ultimate cause:
● Proximate: motivational and
developmental occur in an individual’s
● Ultimate: adaptive and evolutionary
causes of behaviour over generations
● A sub-discipline within psychology
● Built on work of learning pioneer Ivan
Pavlov (1849 – 1936) and Morgan’s
cannon (1894) you should always look
for the simplest explanation or
● The ‘War’ with ethology (1950s) where
ethology and comparative psychology
are at odds with one another (nature vs
nurture debate)
● Ethology
○ Behaviour is determined by genotype
and largely instinctive.
● Comparative Psychology
○ Behaviour is influenced by experience
and development
● is the study of BEHAVIOUR in its
the behaiour) within an
EVOLUTIONARY framework = the mix of
both ethology and comparative
● The aim of behavioural ecology is to try
and understand how an animal’s
behaviour is adapted to the
environment in which it lives’ (Davies et
al. 2012)
● Nick Davies is one of the most well-
known author within this field.
● In the past decade, many behavioural
ecologists began turning their attention
to cognition
● A sub-discipline within behaviour
ecology (i.e., focus on cognitive
● “Given the success of integrating
physiological mechanisms and function,
it is not surprising to find behavioral
ecologists turning their attention to
another type of mechanism
underpinning behavior: cognition.”
● “The interest is being especially
directed at measuring the individual
differences in “cognitive abilities” upon
which selection can work and in
identifying fitness benefits associated
with having “better” cognitive abilities”
The last lecture showed how the cognitive mechanism hypothesis could be tested with a behavioral hypothesis which allows you to be able to distinguish what cognitions animals use to understand the world around them.
Highlights that comparative cognition studies show there is huge behaviour variation within a species (i.e., a jay bird loved wax worms so much they always gave the female wax worms in all conditions).
We can identify cognitive mechanisms, but we don’t have…
● What is the ecological context for
cognitive traits?
○ What causes this behaviour and what
selective pressures does this ability
evolved for?
● Why do individuals vary so much in
their abilities?
○ Not all animals do the same thing or as
good at it? Why do they vary so much?
○ A challenge in field studies that you
need to choose an animal that is
amenable to participating in cognitive
WHY DO ANIMALS THINK? (crossed out text)
Change it from how do animals think to why do animals think. In other words, how do cognitive traits evolve? How does it contribute to their survival and fitness? Is it selected for via natural selection?
- How do we quantify variation in cognitive
Shaw et al. (2015)
• Motor Task: are birds able to flip bottle cap
lids to find the food in it?
• Colour Discrimination: are birds able to
discriminate between the coloured bottle
lids and find where the food is? Build an
association between red lid and food?
• Reversal Learning: are birds able to find
food when the contingency/association
they’ve learnt is reversed? (i.e., red switched
to blue).
• Spatial Memory: are birds able to find where
the food reward is kept? We record how
many errors they make when the grid
contained only 1x piece of food and it never
changes in location across trials.
• Detour Reaching: are birds able to move to
the open end of the tube to get the food
rather than trying to peck through the
transparent glass. Can they inhibit their pre-
potent pecking response?
• Symbol Discrimination: are birds able to
build an association between a symbol and
the food reward to find its location?
There was huge variation in how quickly each bird learnt each task (i.e., consistent individual differences within a species).
Individual differences in general cognitive performance “g”
EVIDENCE FOR GENERAL COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE ‘g’? Individual differences in general cognitive performance “g” ● Colour discrimination ● Symbol discrimination ● Inhibitory control ● Spatial memory ● Reversal learning ● Motor skill learning
● Individuals good in one task tended to
do better in all of them (in humans this
is interpreted as general intelligent or
o g explains 36% of the variance in
toutouwai test battery performance
o g typically explains ~40% of the
variance in human test battery
Shaw & Schmelz (2017)
Toutouwai ecological context
After going to all that effort to measure cognitive performance in various ways and then track individuals through the subsequent breeding season, it turned out the toutouwai general cognitive ability was not linked to reproductive success (Shaw & Schmelz).
However, there was some evidence that spatial memory performance was associated with reproductive success. But I only had a sample size of 13 males.
*they concluded g is not linked to reproductive success because they did not have a large enough sample size to be confident in the association.
Toutouwai ecological context
• Caching species:
o Handling and storing food in a way that
preserves it for future use (Vander Wall,
1990). Hoarding over winter or hiding
food to save for later.
• Catching is Analogous to body fat:
o stores body fat in times of plenty and
used in times of scarcity
● The link between caching and memory
● Caching is only adaptive if the individual
storing is also the one who recovers the
● Individuals able to remember specific
locations (up to 500,000 in some
● Comparative research reveals
neurological adaptations in caching
○ E.g.,
○ Hippocampus size (i.e., caching species
have higher hippocampus sizes than
others, and overall have larger
hippocampal volume; the site of spatial
memory that can evolved as an adaptive
cognition to aid caching foraging
○ Spatial memory (i.e., chikadees show
that harsher environments that are more
unpredictable have more hippocampal
neurons, and more accurate memory for
cache locations; high altitude vs low
○ Caching strategies spontaneously
emerges and evolves quickly from 5-
week-old fledglings; recall as well. It
takes a couple of months to refine the
skill to be similar to adults’ ability (Clark
& Shaw 2018).
○ Does spatial memory ability influence
reproductive success in a caching bird?
i.e., is it under natural selection? Is it
linked to fitness
To test if spatial memory was linked to fitness in the wild
To test if spatial memory was linked to fitness in the wild.
et al., 2019)
N♂ = 38; N♀ = 27 task where there
was a hop puzzle for food reward,
where they flip lids to find the food.
● They found that they recalled where the
item was always placed, to see if they
made less errors over time.
● The DV: # lids open across trial as
spatial memory (fewer lids – better SM)
● They found that overtime they opened
less lids over time above chance levels.
*Quantified cognition or spatial memory as
number of errors across trials.
*Follow species overtime to mating season to see whether they
● Males: o Greater Spatial Memory in males was associated with more independent young and more fledglings. ● Females: o Higher Spatial Memory had no effect on egg-laying, independent young and more fledglings. ● What is going on?
● The link between memory performance
and reproductive success provides us
with evidence it links to fitness in the
wild. It highlights a possible mechanism
for the maintenance of cognitive traits
variations in a population.
● If spatial memory is crucial for
increasing the success of offspring,
then we would expect all birds in the
population to have the trait.
● Instead, we see there is heaps of
variations, this may be due to conflict
between the sexes which maintains
this (i.e., aids reproductive success for
males but not females; females do egg
laying and nesting but males job is to
provision the female during incubation
and share duties of raising offspring).
Shaw et al. 2019
● There is some evidence that male
provisioning is linked to memory
○ Males with better SM were more likely
to bring a larger proportion of larger
prey items back to the nest.
Cognitive ability is only available through behaviour; it is only a target of selection if it influences their behaviour.
● Explore cognition underpinning key
● Examine the heritability of cognitive
traits: could be shown with a cross-
fostering study high and low skill in
same ecological environment (i.e.,
whereby offspring are removed from
their biological parents at birth and
raised by surrogates; this is a technique
used to rule out the effects of genetics
or environment).