Quiz 6 Flashcards
What has been argued by Ruth and Dicke (2005) to be uniquely human cognition? (tick all that apply)
Tool manufacturing and tools use, self-awareness, deception, theory of mind.
All of them.
Black-capped chickadee chicks from harsher climates compared to chicks from milder climates have (check all that apply)
More accurate spatial memory, faster habituation, more numerous hippocampal neurons and more rapid innovative problem solving.
The tendencies to hoard food and later return to these caches is an indication of
Spatial memory
The study by Krupenye et al. (2016) found
Might have been evolved prior to humans split from apes on the pyhlogenetic tree
Which of these are limitations in testing bird cognition in the lab that Rachael described in lectures? (tick all that apply)
It can be difficult to understand the ecological context for the cognitive traits shown in the lab, it can be difficult to understand how selection may have given rise to abilities found in the lab and non-human animals can be neophobic so it can take a while to adjust to novel objects and lab environments.
In the first lecture, Rachael used a goose as an example of a fixed action pattern. Why might the goose not display intelligence in this example?
When the egg is removed from the goose, the behaviour of moving the egg continues
At what age do infants pass traditional false belief tasks
If a new prey species would be introduced into an environment, existing predators in the area with a steeper learning curve for new prey cues would likely have
Higher fitness
Intensity of seasonal variation
Predicts variation in birds cognitive traits
According to Rachael, can you teach an old kaka new tricks?
Yes, if it’s a completely new trick
What is the major flaw that Rachael talks about in relation to ToM in apes? (tick all that apply)
Think I ticked three :(
The false belief tasks cannot be replicated in humans, may not be measuring theory of mind :)
NOT that they have not tested enough apes to be sure.
Greater innovative problem solving in great tits is related to (select all that apply)
Greater clutch size and number of fledgelings
Birds that are good problem solvers have
Smaller home range
Why did early chimpanzee ToM tests fail?
Low Ecological validity
Where is man placed on Aristotle’s Scala Naturae
More accurate spatial memory of male Toutouwai was associated with…
More fledglings per nest and more independent young.
When does caching behaviour start in Toutouwai?
Approx. 5 weeks
Male jays catering to female desire when food sharing indicates…
Male jays pay attention to female jays state satiety when they see what they have eaten and evidence of desire state attribution.
NOT due to males reading their behaviour or that they like to please the experimenter!
Comparative psychologists believe that behaviour is influenced by
experience and development.
Morand-Ferron and Quinn (2015) suggest that ____ is a potential confound when examining the link between cognition and fitness.
Which tests were part of the toutouwai test battery as described in lectures?
Motor task, colour discrimination, symbol discrimination.
Not mirror test.
What did the development of non-verbal tasks allow?
The testing of non-human animals and younger children.
Not the testing of false belief in adults or plants
Krupenye et a. (2016) conclude that…
Apes have implicit understanding of false beliefs.