Week 1 Flashcards
who are the four main influential authors of evolutionary theory?
- Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829)
who wrote the first theory of evolution
called the Lamarckian theory of the
transmutation of species. - Charles Darwin (1808-1882)
famous HML Beagle voyage, Gallipolis
finch samples, wrote the origin of
species with Wallace which included the
three elements of evolution (competition,
variation and inheritance), wrote the
decent of man in 1871. - Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834)
wrote the Malthusian theory of evolution
with four key elements: production of
food, population size, Malthusian
catastrophe and positive checks. - Alfred Russell Wallace (1823-1913)
took heaps of specimen samples, wrote
the Wallace and Webber lines theory,
Sarawak law, ternate, co-wrote the origin
of species.
who wrote the first evolutionary theory? what was the theory?
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829)
Before Jean Baptiste de Lamarck people
believed that animals satyed in the same
form they were created in.
Jean wrote the first scientific theory of
The Lamarckian Theory of Evolution
(transmutation of species) poists that
increasing complexity in nature is due to
animals adapting to their local conditions
through use and disuse. Meaning that
physical changes in an organism coincide
with uses and disuse of said features to aid
in their survical and are passed down onto
E.g., the girraffe grew long necks due to
their repeated extension of their necks to
reach higher leaves.
Critqued for its inability to explain what
happens when animals loose limbs and
that deformity is not passed down onto
what is the Malthusian theory?
Wrote the principle of population which proposed his theory that food production progresses linearly over time.
The population expands quadratically (i.e., much more quickly).
When population exceeds the production of food that is currently available this is called the Malthusian catastrophe.
To address this positive checks such as war or famine occur to bring down population size to meet the current rate of food production.
when was the species of origins by Darwin & Wallace written?
(11) people who Influenced Charles Darwin?
a. Robert Edmond Grant
b. John Edmonstone
c. William Paley
d. Alexander Von Humboldt
e. William Herschel (1831)
f. John Steven Hanslo
g. Captin Fitzroy and Charles Lyell
h. John Gould
i. Emma Darwin
j. Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834)
k. Anonymous (1884)
(1) who is Robert Edmond Grant?
Darwin fell under the wing of Mr Grant who taught him about Lamarkians theory of evolution (transmutation of species).
(2) who is John Edmonstone?
Freed slave from South America which taught him all about species diversity outside of England and taxidermy.
(3) who is William Paley?
When medical school didn’t work for Darwin he was sent to Cambridge to become a priest.
There he learnt about William Paley’s work on “Natural Theology” and he is often referred to as the grandfather of intelligent design.
He is also famous for the watchmaker analogy “if you found a watch in the sand, it would be so irrefutably complex to be explained by nature that you must conclude that someone made it even if you don’t know who the watch maker is”
(4) who is Alexander Von Humboldt?
Famous for his electric eels work where he wrote very detailed descriptions of how things work in nature.
The first step at adopting a meticulous scientifc approach with detailed accounts that are still used today.
Combines a passion for nature and science.
Unity of nature: Nature herself is sublimley eloquent. The stars as they sparkle in finament fill us with delight amd ecstacy, and yet they all move in orbit with mathematical precision.
(5) who is William Herschel (1831)?
The perliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy
Presented the idea that there are irrmutable laws in nature to be discovered and these laws govern natural processes.
(6) who is John Steven Hanslo?
Biology classes on Botany.
Plants, herbiums, and variation withina fixed species.
Recommended Darwin for the HMS Beagle Vouage
(7) who are Captin Fitzroy and Charles Lyell?
Fitzroy took him on the HMS Beagle vouage around the world and gave him a book by Charles Lyell called the principles of geology which argued that the earth is much older than we once thought and has gradually changed overtime by the laws of nature. They believed humans to be an expection to this and perceived to be unchanging in a changing world.
On the vouage he had contact with slavery.
Took samples from lots of places but didn’t adequatley lable when and where they came from.
His focus was more on geology rather than biology at this stage.
(4) Gallapogise Island bird samples were taken and sent hoe to John Gould for analysis.
(8) who is John Gould?
Told drawin he had more varitation than (4) species in his samples all taken from the same small island. Why? What is the purpose of having so much variation in species in the same ecological location? This is a question he had not answered yet.
However, now we know that variation within finchs occurs because it allows them to fufill ecological niches.
Following Darwins return home he reflected on how he was only well known as a geologist and not a biologist. Thus, he took the time to bolster his credentials and conduct research and papers on biology; particularly on what molosces are and their variations using the Lamarckian theory of transmutation.
He wasn’t able to address “why” variation occurs till he read Malthus’s theory of evolution.
(9) who is Emma Darwin?
Darwin married his cousin. She was highly religous and feared that her husbands beliefs in tramsmutation of species (which went against christian beliefs) would seperate them in the afterlife.
(10) who is Thomas Robert Malthus?
Wrote the principle of population which proposed his theory that food production progresses linearly overtime. The population expands quadratically (i.e., much more quickly). When population exceeds the production of food that is currently available this is called the malthusian catastrophe. To address this positive checks such as war or famine occur to bring down population size to meet the current rate of food production.
This theory guided and provided insights to his systematic enquiry of plants and animals which lead to the realisation that overtime favourable variations tend to be preserved and unfavourable variations die out. He begun to see that variation allowed species to adapt to changes in their natural environment which increased their survivial and chances that their variation is preserved and passed onto their offspring.
At this point darwin is documenting his ideas but he doesn’t publish anything
(11) who is Anonymous (1884)?
The publication of “the vestiges of the natural history of creation” written by an anonymous author.
It was a very popular paper which the king read as a bedtime story to his wife. It was highly speculative and not scientific at all.
It focused on evolution of all things being a linear process with english males being the pinical of the tree which we know today is not true.
Fish (F), Reptiles (R), and Birds (B) were believed to be branches of evolution which form the path to mammals.
This publication lead Darwin to be apprihensive on publishing his own work.
what (3) people influenced Wallace?
He was influenced by the same major authors of their time as Darwin with these (3) additions:
Ida Laura Pfeiffer
Wallace’s teaching job meant he had access to literature by Ida Laura Pfefiffer who was a naturalist.
This meant he has also was exposed to the same theories as Darwin was.
Henry Walter Bates
Was a collegue of Wallace’s who together got very interested in studying variation in beetles.
Anonymous (1884)
Wallace also read “the vestiges of the natural history of creation” instead wallace and his brothers reaction differed from Darwin in that instead of being scared to publish work on the subject they were inspired to test the proposed theory.
E.g., he syayed that he would like to study the varitation of beetles
How did the Origin of species come about?
Darwin and Wallace worked independently on developing a theory of evolution.
Wallace sent his “ternate” to Darwin to review and pass on to Charles Lyell to publish. It was lost. Darwin and Wallace ended up coming up with a very similar theory. they came to a gentleman’s agreement to collate their work and copublish the origin of species.