Week 6: Fluid Homeostasis and Imbalances Flashcards
What are 3 main functions of body fluids?
- Solvent
- Transportation of oxygen, nutrients, hormones and chemicals, waste products
- Regulation of body temperature
What is total body water of women and men? (TBW). The percentage of TBW decreases with what?
60% of body weight is water in men
50% of body weight is water in women
- Decreases with age and increasing obesity
What % of intracellular fluid (ICF) makes up our body weight?
40% of body weight
What % of extracellular fluid (ECF) makes up our body weight?
Normal urine output for adults?
0.5-10mL/kg/ h
What happens when osmolarity increases?
Osmoreceptors shrink
What does hypovolemia mean?
Not enough extracellular fluid
6 Causes of hypovolemia?
- GI losses
- Third spacing: fluid leaks into abdomen or burns and fluids a lot of blisters
- Inadequate intake
- Polyuria (DKA) (Urinating too often)
- Sepsis (Infection)
- Insensible Losses
What does renin do?
What does angiotension I and II do?
What is aldosterone?
What is ADH?
What is ANP?
What are CNS findings with hypovolemia?
Mental status changes, sleepiness, apathy
What are cardiovascular findings with hypovolemia?
Orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia
What are skin findings/ changes with hypovolemia?
Poor skin tugor, hypothermia, pale extremities, dry tongue
What are kidney/ renal changes with hypovolemia?
Oliguria (urinary output less than 400 ml per day or less than 20 ml per hour) and acute kidney injury
For treatment of hypovolemia- Urine output should be maintained at what?
0.5-1 mL/kg/h
What causes hypervolemia?
Fluid-retaining states: congestive heart failure (CHF), nephrotic syndrome, liver cirrhosis, end stage renal disease (ESRD)
- Or iatrogenic (parental overhydration)
What are general clinical manifestations of hypervolemia?
- weight gain
- peripheral edema or pulmonary/ ascites
- jugular venous distention
- pulmonary rales
- low hematocrit and albumin concentration
What are treatments for hypervolemia?
- Fluid restriction
- Judicious use of diuretics
- Monitor urine output and daily weights