Unit 1: Homeostatis and Disease Definitions Flashcards
(Deals with onset and duration)
Long term Dysfunction (6 months +)
- Can tend to be slower in developing, sometimes can follow an acute condition
Series of things that surround the issue, leading to unforeseen negative events
(Broken leg leads to hemorrhaging)
Time spent recovering from an illness or injury
Result of a medical condition
Harmful deviation from the normal state of an organis
An unexpected increase in the number of disease cases in a specific geographical area (yellow fever, small pox)
Something that is everywhere, comes and goes.
Ex; flu, tuberculosis (in Ontario dairy cattle)
Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed collectively.
The cause of a disease
the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
Iatrogenic is something that happens in the process of another medical treatment. Such as incorrect prescription, you become infected if HCP doesn’t wash hands, or wrong kidney removed in surgery.
Disease arising from unknown cause
(Idiots don’t know nothing)
Incidence (linked with prevalence)
Incidence is the rate at which new cases occur in a population at a specific time, prevalence is how many people have the disease
-if 50,00 people have a disease, that is the prevalence
-if 2000 people got the disease in a new that is the incidence
This means to be present but not yet symptomatic
Region or organ tissue suffering damage such as a wound, ulcer, abscess or tumour.
Broad term; can be pimple, bruise, etc.
Clinical Manifestations
Symptoms. For example asthma: coughing, wheezing, SOB
The condition of suffering from a disease or medical condition
- How sick does it make you?
- Disease that transform into larger epidemic pandemic are the most dangerous with a low morbidity.
Mortality is the condition of one day having to die or the rate of failure or loss
- Will it kill you?
Manner and development of disease
Disordered physiological processes of associated with disease or injury
Precipitating Factors
Precipitating factors refer to a specific event or trigger to the onset of the current problem. (This and this happened which resulted in this). Problem becomes developed because of past. EX: someone suffered a traumatic event, now they have anxiety and depression.
Predisposing Factors
Predisposing characteristics were seen to include demographic factors (age and gender), social structure (education, occupation, ethnicity).
Relating to or denoting the period between the appearance of initial symptoms and the full development of a rash or fever.
The term “prodrome “ refers to the early stage and symptoms of any condition. Here, a person might notice changes in the way they feel, think, or behave.