week 5: cardiac physiology: structure of the lungs and heart and activity of the heart Flashcards
the heart is myogenic meaning
contacts by itself
why is the heart myogenic
pacemaker cells within the heart
SAN cells
0.1 mm in length
spontaneously beat
cardiac AP originates
SA node
not dependent on neuronal stimulation
generated own firing rate
myogenic tissue within heart
SA node
AV node
bundle of his
dominant pacemaker
SA node as it’s at the highest frequency firing rate
delay from propagation of electrical signal
100 millisecond
how is heart muscle connected
electrical connection between cardiomyocytes
gap junctions
electrical connection between cardiomyocytes allows AP generated in pace maker cells to
spread through to adjacent cells
electrical current passes through gap junctions in intercalated discs
gap junctions in intercalated discs forms a
low resistance pathway
frequency in which AP fires controls
heart rate
pacemaker potential is controlled by
different levels of permeability to different ions
maximum diastolic potential
phase 4
lowest part of AP
can move which changes frequenxy heart rate
ussually sits around -70mV
why does membrane potential begin to rise in stage 4
due to declining permeability to K+ and increasing permeability to Na+ and Ca2+
more + ions moving into cell faster than Na+ moving out
-40mV reached
threshold reached
rapid increase in Ca2+ permeability through altide calcium channles
generate upstroke in AP
peak of AP
associated in decrease in Ca2+ permeability, channels shut
increased permeability to K+, K+ channels open
K+ leaves faster than Ca2+ enter,
causes membrane to become more negative
decrease in membrane potential
membrane potential reaches -55/60mV
permeability to K+ starts to decrease
re-entry of Na+ and Ca2+
restarting pacemaker potential
AP spreads…..
spreads through atrial tissue to AV node via internodial tracts
propagates to all of atiral but specifically goes down internodial tracts to stimulate AV node
cells in atrioventricular node AP
cause delay of impulse transmitting down further- 100 milliseconds
after impulse reaches AV node,
passed to bundle of His from AV node
only electrical connection between atrial tissue and ventricular tissue
after bundle of His,
electrical tissue splits into two branches:
right and left bundle branch
where does electrical activity run down to from left and right bundle branches
apex of heart
electrical activity after apex of heart,
spread throughout ventricular tissue through Purkinje fibers
ventricular action potential has a stable:
resting membrane potential
because of the stable resting membrane potential of the ventricular AP
unless it receives external stimulus, it will not contract therefore relies on pacemaker cells
ventricular AP: phase 0
electrical activity passes to ventricular myocyte through gap junction,
rapid depolarisation
goes to 20/30mV
ventricular AP: phase 1
early repolarisation
slight repolarisation before plateau reached
ventricular AP: phase 2
plateau phase
allows for duration of mechanical event: contraction of myocytes
ventricular AP: phase 3
back to-90mV
ventricular AP (permeability changes): phase 0
controlled by increase in Na+ permeability
ventricular AP (permeability changes): phase 1
sudden decrease in Na+ permeability
increase in K+ permeability
+ ions leave cell
cell MP becomes more -
ventricular AP (permeability changes): phase 2
increase in Ca2+ permeability,
Ca2+ entering cell
decrease in K+ permeability, K+ leaving cell
ventricular AP (permeability changes): phase 3
increase in K+ permeability,
decrease Ca2+ permeability
more + ions leaving, less entering
allows us to reach resting mp
ventricular AP (permeability changes): phase 4
increase permeability of K+
lots of + ions leaving cell
helps to keep - MP
Ventricular AP refractory period
must reach back to resting membrane potential before AP can be reactivated
length in which it takes cell to mechanically contract
firing of electrical activity leads to
mechanical event: contraction
how does electrical activity turn into mechanical action
excitation contraction-coupling
AP opens
opens calcium channels within T Tubules
calcium enters diads
calcium entering diads causes
further calcium release from viandadeen receptors
more calcium being released from internal stores within cell
elevates intercellular calcium level
once intercellular calcium level in high,
binds to troponin C on thick and thin myosin filaments
cross-bridged can occur
allow for contraction to occur
why and how must calcium levels drop again
allow for cell to relax
Ca2+ extruded back out through na/ ca channels into extracellular are
or pumped back into intercellular stores within sarcoplasmic reticulum
spread of excitation through myocardium creates…
small currents that can be detected on the body’s surface
Einthoven’s triangle
created through electrodes created on left arm right arm and left leg
creates triangle around heart
Einthoven’s triangle lead 1
right arm to left arm
Einthoven’s triangle: lead 2
right arm to left leg
used to represent net amplitude and direction of electrical activity of heart
runs in line in same direction in whihc heart is directed, base to apex
Einthoven’s triangle: lead 3
left arm to left leg
ECG: upward deflection on ECG
positive signal moving towards left leg
negative signal moving towards negative electrode
ECG: negative deflection on ECG
positive signal moving away from + electrode
ECG: P wave
atrial excitation
small + wave
ECG: short flat area between P wave and QRS complex
delay at the AV node occurs
ECG: QRS complex
ventricular excitation
ventricular depolarsation
large + defelction
at end of S, all ventricles fully depolarised
ECG: T wave
ventricular repolarisation
small + deflection
larger than P wave
ECG: flat area after T wave
heart at rest
waiting until next beat
ECG: P-Q interval
measures delay between atrial and ventricular depolarisation
includes AV nodal delay
ECG: Q-T interval
measure of the duration of ventricular systole
how long they are in mechanical contraction phase
ECG: T-Q interval
measure of the duration of ventricular diastole
relaxation phase
ECG: R-R interval
measure of heart rate
caridac cyle
alternates periods of systole(contraction and ejection) and diastole (relaxation and filling)
two heart sounds
heart sound 1: lup
heart sound 2: dup
heart sound 1: lup associated with
closure of AV valves at the start of ventricular systole
heart sound 2: dup associated with
closure of the semi-lunar valves at the start of the ventricular diastole
other heart sounds
associated with rapid ventricular filling or atrial contraction
only heard during pathological conditions or particular circumstances