week 2 teaching: the lower limb Flashcards
pectoral girdle vs pelvic girdle
small attachment of bones at clavicle, muscles play a really important role = fairly mobile
deep socket in hip and large bony attachment from pelvis to verterbrae= strong stable joint
pelvic girdle
two innominate hip bones
joins sacrum posteriorly
joint to eachother through cartilagenous joint anterioirly
innominate hip bone formed from
three bones that merge together in early childhood
what is the pelvic bone joint to at hip joint
between hip and knee
between knee and ankle
hip joint
ball and socket joint with 3 degrees of freedom
why is hip joint more stable than shoulder joint
deeper joint
femur connected to
platella and tibia in modified hinge joint
two bones in leg
larger: tibia
smaller: fibula
ankle joint
hinge joint with tarsal bones
tarsal bones attach to
metatarsals and
moving the thigh
gluteous maximus
most superficial
powerful extensor muscle
produces lateral rotation of thigh
strong activation when working from flexed position (walking upstairs)
gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
primary abductors of hip
actively engage muscles every time we move forwards
when one leg lifts up, abduction of thigh keeps hips in neutral position