Week 5 Flashcards
Position Power
Power associated with a job or position
Personal Power
Power independent of a job or position
“Great Man” Approach
Identifies personality traits that can be used to separate leaders from followers
Modern Trait Theories
Assumes that leaders do have certain traits but, the traits can be developed
Trait Approach to Leadership
Attempts to identify personality traits that differentiate leaders from followers
Behavioral Theories
Assume specific behavioral styles differentiate leaders from non-leaders
Behavioral Approach (Ohio State)
Sought to identify dimensions and effects of leadership
Behavioral Approach (Michigan)
Sought to identify behavioral differences between effective and ineffective leaders
Transactional leadership
Focuses on clarifying roles and requirements, and setting and monitoring goal progress
What are the 4 categories of unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders?
Task-oriented, Relationship-oriented, Passive, and Transformational
Task-Oriented Behaviors
Ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in efficient ways
Relationship-Oriented Leadership
Leadership style that prioritizes relationships and the well-being of a group over tasks
Relationship-Oriented Leadership 4 components:
Consideration, Empowerment, Servant-leadership, and Ethical leadership
Leadership Prototype
A mental representation of the traits and behaviors people believe leaders possess
Global Mindset
The belief in one’s ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context
Initiating Structure
Leader behavior that organizes and defines what people should do to maximize output
Contingency/Situational Approach
Suggests that there is no “best” style of leadership
Fiedler’s Contingency Model
Based on the premise that a leader’s effectiveness depends on the extent to whether a leader’s style matches the situation at hand (style is measured on the Least Preferred Coworker scale)
Transformational Leadership
Leaders transform their followers and organizations
LPC Scale: High vs. Low?
High: relationship-motivated style
Low: task-motivated style
Laissez-Faire Leadership
A general failure to take responsibility for leading
Abusive Supervision
The sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behaviors displayed by managers (excludes physical contact)
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
A relationship-based approach to leadership that focuses on the two-way relationship between leaders and followers
Situational Control
Refers to the amount of control and influence a leader has in their work environment
What are the two types of LMX Theory?
In-group and out-group exchange