Week 2 Flashcards
Individual Differences
The traits and behaviors that describe you as a person
Fixed ID
Traits that are stable over time and hard to change (i.e. intelligence & ability)
Flexible ID
Traits that can change over time from situation to situation (i.e. emotions & attitudes)
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Argues that intelligence is not uniform; people have different kinds of intelligence
Practical Intelligence
Ability to solve everyday problems through adaption, shaping, and selection
Combination of characteristics that give people their unique identity
Why study personality?
To improve teamwork, self-awareness, and manage more effectively
Big 5 Model of Personality
(O)penness to experience, (C)onscientiousness, (E)xtraversion, (A)greeableness, (N)euroticism
Dark Triad Traits
Narcissim, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism
Core Self-Evaluation (CSE)
A broad personality measure about individuals’ evaluations of themselves based on 4 individual traits
What are the 4 components of CSE?
Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, Locus of Control, and Emotional Stability
Locus of Control
Describes how much responsibility we take for our actions/behavior
Your belief of your chances at accomplishing a task
Internal Locus of Control
“I make things happen”
External Locus of Control
“Things happen to me”
Emotional Contagion
The influence a person has on other people’s emotions
Myth of Rationality
Views emotions as bad and an issue in the workplace
Emotional Intelligence
Your ability to monitor your own emotions and those of others