an undifferentiated, homogenous
mass of solid rock when it was formed 4.5 BYA.
denser materials sank—less dense materials displaced towards the surface.
Iron Catastrophe
Liquid layer
Part of mantle with convection currents
solid layer made up of iron and nickel
Inner core
two types of crust
Oceanic and Continental Crusts
liquid layer made up of iron and nickel
Outer core
basalt, 4-7km thickness, much denser(heavier) than continental crust, subducts underneath the continental crust.)
granite, 20-70km thickness, less dense(will not undergo subduction, lighter.
Proposed by Alfred wegener
Continental drfit theory
he believed that all the continents were connected as one large land mass (Pangea) about 200 million years ago.
Alfred Wegener
Continents were once a supercontinent called _____ which means “all lands.” Over time, these supercontinents slowly broke apart into what we have today.
Evidences of continental drift theory:
Distribution of rocks, distribution of fossils, distribution of glacier sediments, paleoclimate, fit of continental shorelines
these were the main evidence for continental drift during Wegener’s lifetime.
Fossils, rocks, climate clues
This theory was often rejected because no one could explain how the continents moved. He reasoned that the cause of movements is the Earth’s Rotation.
Continental drift theory
Why was Wegener’s theory often rejected?
No one could explain how continents are moving
Some terrestrial organisms are restricted in certain continents because they cannot
swim and cross over the vast oceans that
PRESENTLY separate the continents.
Distribution of fossils
Coal forms in tropical climates
Orientation of striations or scratches imprinted as glaciers moved along the surface of rocks
Distribution of glacier sediments
For example, the coast of Africa fits well with the Eastern coast of South America and Southeast coast of North America
Fit of continental shorelines
Parts of the Appalachian mountains in the
eastern America are like those found in
Greenland and western Europe
Distribution of rocks
It is the idea that the Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called plates that move around on the mantle.
Theory of plate tectonics
It is the idea that the Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called _____ that move around on the mantle.
Plate boundaries (3)
Divergent, convergent, transform
Boundaries between two plates that are diverging or moving away from each other
the crust and part of the upper mantle
the plastic like layer below the lithosphere
2 composition of earth’s plates?
Lithosphere and asthenosphere
fossils (especially rocks) formed million years ago and contain record of direction of the magnetic poles at the time of formation.
it is the driving force of plate tectonics in which hot, plastic-like material from the mantle rises to the lithosphere, moves horizontally, cools, and sinks back to the mantle.
Convection current
often occur along faults. Faults are breaks in rock mass where plate movement occurred. Faults are associated with plate boundaries.
Boundaries between two plates that are sliding horizontally past one another.
Transform fault
The crust is broken up into sections that moves on top of liquid mantle
Boundaries between two plates that are converging or moving towards each other
sections or pieces of crusts are called
Tectonic plates
Forms trenches, Destructive Earthquakes, Rapid Uplift of mountain ranges, and building of volcanic arc