Week 3 Quiz Flashcards
Which muscle can be described as ‘an intrinsic muscle that runs from the anterior to posterior of the tongue’?
Superior Longitudinal Muscle
Which muscle can broaden and flatten the tongue?
Which of tongue muscles connect with the hyoid bone?
Genioglossus and Hyoglussus
The styloglossus can ______ and ______ the tongue.
retract, elevate
Contraction of the HYOGLOSSUS muscle has what affect on the tongue?
Pulls tongue back and down
Which are the main muscles contributing to the grooving of the tongue during the production of /s/?
Transverse and verticalis
Which muscle inserts into the corner of the mouth and pulls backwards on the corner of the mouth. At the same time, action of the muscle lifts the corner of the mouth upward?
Zygomatic Major
Contraction of the risorius muscles results in what movement of the lips?
drawing the corners backward
Which two muscles play a major role in protruding the lips?
Mentalis and Orbicularis Oris
What influence does the platysma muscle have on lip movement?
pulls down lower lip
The contraction of which muscle results in a sad expression?
Depressor anguli oris
Which muscles are involved in creating the appropriate lip position for [i] production?
Zygomatic Major