Week 3 - Infants (B) - Cognitive Development Flashcards
mental structure
in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the cognitive systems that organise thinking into coherent patterns so that all thinking takes place on the same level of cognitive functioning
cognitive-developmental approach
focus on how cognitive abilities change with age in stage sequence of development, pioneered by Piaget and since taken up by other researchers
concept that an innate, biologically based program is the driving force behind development
cognitive structures for processing, organising and interpreting information
cognitive process of altering new information to fit an existing scheme
cognitive process of changing a scheme to adapt to new information
4 Stages of cognitive development (Piaget)
0-2 Sensorimotor
2-7 Preoperational
7-11 Concrete operations
11-15 Formal operations
Sensorimotor (age + def + stages)
0-2 Capable of coordinating the activities of the senses with motor activities
- Simple reflexes (0-1 months)
- First habits and primary circular reactions (1-4 months)
- Secondary circular reactions (4-8 months)
4, Coordination of secondary schemes (8-12)
Preoperational (age+ def)
2-7 Capable of symbolic representation, such as in language, but with limited ability to use mental operations
Concrete operations (age+ def)
7-11 Capable of using mental operations, but only in concrete, immediate experience; difficulty thinking hypothetically
Formal operations (age + def)
11-15 Capable of thinking logically and abstractly; capable of formulating hypotheses and testing them systematically; thinking is more complex; can think about thinking (metacognition)
object permanence
This is the awareness that objects (including people) continue to exist even when we are not in direct sensory or motor contact with them.
A-not-B error
The infants were used to finding the object under blanket A, so they continued to look under blanket A, not blanket B, even after they had seen the object hidden under blanket B.
‘violation of expectations method’
This method is based on the assumption that infants will look longer at an event that has violated their expectations, and if they look longer at an event violating the rule of object permanence this indicates some understanding of object permanence, without requiring any motor movements.
information-processing approach
approach to understanding cognitive functioning that focuses on cognitive processes that exist at all ages, rather than on viewing cognitive developing in terms of discontinuous stages