Week 3 - H - Child attachment and temperament and NAI Flashcards
When is a child likely to have accidental bruises?
If a child can’t cruise, it shouldnt bruise
What age is a child able to walk around and therefore should not bruise beneath this age?
This age is 12 months
What are common sites for a child to normally have injuries (by injuries i mean bruises/scrapes) at?
Knees, shins and elbows
What are uncommon ares for a child to bruise?
Side of head, chest and back
Who would you report to if you suspected a child on non-accidental injury?
Child Protective Services and Social Work Evaluation ● Consult with hospital child protection team and social work services ASAP
What is the test used to assess the attachment type in a child?
Strange situation test
The strange situation test looks to see how the child reacts in the removal or addition of the carer If there is a question on a childs behaviour without the carer being involved ie entering the situation or being removed, what is the question asking about?
The question would be asking about the temperament of the child
What are the 4 types of attachment and what is the main one?
Secure attachment - most common Anxious (insecure) avoidant attachment Anxious (insecure) ambivalent attachment Disorganized attachment
Describe secure attachment?
Secure attachment is where the infant trusts the caregiver and they have a healthy relationship - it uses the caregiver as a secure basis to explore
When the parent returns and the child shows little or no attension What is this? What does the caregiver of the child encourage for the child to behave this way?
This is avoidant attachment The caregiver encourages separation from the child/ independence
When the child is unsure how to act and is typically wary around strangers and uncertain on return or arrival of parent What is this?
This is anxious ambivalent attachment (ambivalent means unsure)
What causes the childs uncertainty around the parent?
The parent is usaally unpredictable which causes the child to be uncertain
Describe disorganized attachment?
Child can appear tense and stressed (gives inconsistent reaction to caretakers return and departure)
his child showed regular eating, sleeping, elimination cycles, a positive approach response to new situations, and could accept frustration with little fuss. They adapted to change, such as new food or a new school quickly. What is this?
This is an easy temperament
this child showed irregular eating, sleeping, and elimination cycles. They displayed a negative approach response to new situations, for example frequent and loud crying or throwing tantrums when frustrated. What is this child?
This child is displaying a difficult temperament
this child showed negative responses of mild intensity when exposed to new situations, but slowly came to accept them with repeated exposure. They have fairly regular biological routines. Problems with these children varied depending on the other characteristics they showed. What is this?
This child is displaying Slow-To-Warm-UP
child with irregular eating and biological routines who throws frequent tantrums when frsutrated What is this?
Difficult child
What do these children have - explain answer

- B - Disorganized attachment - the child appears stressed and is tense when the caregiver arrives 2. F -Ambivalent attachment - The child seems uncertain when the mother returns and sits alone 3. C - Easy temperament - regular eating and readily adapts to new things
What is the differences in activity, emotionality and sociability known as?