Week 1 - C - Milestones in children Flashcards
This is just a photo of the milestones

Remember a key few points
What are the 4 areas of development in a child?
Gross motor skills
Fine motor and vision
Language and hearing
Social skills and play
What age should a child have no head lag on pulling to sit? Crawl? Take first steps?
No head lag at 3 months
Crawl at 9 months
First steps independently - 12 months
At what age should a child be able to run? Take steps 2 feet per tread(steps)? Take steps with alternating feet? Hops?
Run at 18months
2feet per tread - 2years
Alternating feet - 3years
Hops at 4 years
In terms of fine motor and vision, at what age in developemnt does the child regard hands held in midline? Explores object without mouth and uses palmar grasp at what age?
3 months
In what order is scissor, palmar, pincer grasp? Whata re the months in development?
Palmar - 6 months
Scissor - 9 months
Fine pincer - 12months
What category dose building blocks fall into? What is the rule to remember the building blocks?
Falls into fine motor and vision
Can build 3 times the blocks as the childs age in years
Tower of 3-4 bricks 18 months
Tower of 6-7/scribble 24 months
Tower of 9 bricks/copies circle 36 months
At what age can a child draw a simple man?
At what age will a baby respond to its name? When should the baby be able to speak 50+ words?
Respond to its name at 12months
50+ words at 2 years
What category does social smile fall into? What age is it in the child’s development?
Social skills and play
Can perform social smile at 6 weeks
At what age does a child drink from a cup and feeds with spoon?
Drinks from cup at 12months
Feeds from spoon at 18months
When does a child get anxious around strangers (stranger awareness)?
Wat age can a child understand sharing with children and understand turn taking?
Understands sharing at 3years
Understands turn taking at 4 years