Week 3 - B - Immunisation timetable Flashcards
What vaccinations are given at 8 weeks? (there are 3)
What is in the 6in1 vaccine?
6in1 vaccine - diptheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough (pertussis), Haemophilus Influenza B (Hib)and Hepatitis B
Rotavirus vaccine
Men B vaccine
What percentage of meningitis infections does Men B account for?
Accounts for 90%
What 3 vaccines are given at week 12? (clue 2 of them are second doses)
6in1 vaccine - second dose
Rotavirus second dose
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
What two vaccines are given at 16 weeks?
6in1 - third dose
Men B vaccine - second dose
So vaccines are given at week 8,12 and 16
When are the next vaccines given?
Given at one year of age
What are the vaccines given at 12months? (4)
Hib/MenC - single jab, MenC first dose and Hib fourth dose MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) - single jab
Pneumococcal vaccine - second dose
Men B vaccine - third dose
What vaccine is given annually from the age of 2-10 years?
Flu vaccine is given annually
What are the two vaccines given at 3years and 4 months?
MMR vaccine - second dose
4in1 pre school booster - diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio
Vaccines are given at 8,12,16weeks and 12months
Flu vaccine annually at 2-7 years
Then again at 3years and 4months
What vaccine is next given at 12 to 13 years of age?
HPV vaccine against HPV 6,11,16and18
Two injections given 6month apart at 12-13years of age
At 14 years a 3in1 teenage booster is given, what does this contain?
What other vaccine is given at 14 years?
3in1 ontains - diptheria, tentanus and polio
Men A,C,W and Y is given at 14 years as single jab
At 65 years of age, a pneumococcal (PPV) vaccine is given
What is given annually to 65 and over years?
Anual flu vaccine
What is the difference between
- the pneumococcal vaccination given at 12 weeks and 1 year
- versus the pneumococcal vaccination given at 65 years?
There are two kinds of pneumococcal vaccines available.
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine or PCV13.
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine or PPV23
The childhood vaccine (PCV) protects against 13 strains of the pneumococcal bacterium, while the adult vaccine (PPV) protects against 23 strains. Children respond very well to the PCV.
What age is the shingles vaccine given at?
What vaccine do pregnant women recieve?
Given at 70, (78 and 79 as catchup)
Pregnant women recieve a flu jab and whoopiing cough vaccine
What are the live vaccines?
Live vaccines are also known as weakend/attenutaed
Include MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and Rotavirus
What are the killed vaccines?
Live is also known as attenuated, what is killed also known as?
Pertussis and polio are killed
Killed is also known as deactivated
Which vaccines are toxoid vaccines? (from inactivated toxic compounds in the vaccine)
Diptheria and tetanus
Which are the polysacchardide vaccines as they are made from extracts of the cell wall of the vaccine?
These include
Meninngitis C
To recap on vaccines, which are given at 8 weeks, 12 weeks?
6in1 (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Hib, hepatitis B)
Meningiits B
12 weeks
6in1 and rotavirus - seconds doses
Pneumococaal conjugate vaccine
Which vaccines are given at 16 weeks?
16 weeks - 6in1 vaccine - third dose
Meningitis B - second dose
What vaccines are given at one year of age?
Hib/MenC - single inhection vaccine (Hib - fourth dose, Men C first dose)
MMR - measles, mumps, rubella
Meningitis B - third dose
Pneumococcal - second dose
Which vaccine is given annually from the age of 2 to 10?
Which are given at 3years 4 months?
Flu vaccine annually
3years 4 months - MMR booster and 4in1 preschool (Diptheria, tetanus pertussis and polio)
Which vaccine is given next after the 3years 4 months?
The HPV vaccine to girls and boys aged 12 years - 2 injections given 6 months apart
Protective against cervical cancer and genital warts
What vaccine is given to 14 year olds?
3in1 (diptheria tetanus and polio)
Men A,C,W,Y
Which vaccine is given to 65 year olds?
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV)
and the
Flu vaccine annually
Which vacicne is given to 70 year olds?
Shingles vaccine
Which vaccines are contraindicated in the immunosuppressed?
Live vaccines
MMR and rotavirus
When else are live attenuated vaccines not recommended?
For a pregnant women
Do not give vaccines in a severe anaphylactic shock
Able to give if person has a cold
What are symptoms of anaphylactic shock?
Swelling - oedema
Airway constriction
A 4 month old baby boy about to receive his DTaPV/IPV/HiB. He cried excessively for 6 hours following the same immunisation at 3 months of age.
A 12 month old baby girl due to receive her pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). She previously developed a fever and inflammation at the site of injection when she received this at 4 months of age.
Contraindication or no contraindication for both cases?
Neither is suggestive of an anaphylactic shock and therefore are not contraindicated
A 4 year old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia who is due to receive her MMR. She is undergoing chemotherapy.
A 4 year old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia who is due to receive her Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio (DTaP/IPV). She is undergoing chemotherapy.
Which is contraindicated?
Contraindicated in MMR vaccine as this is a live vaccine and should not be administered in the immunosuppressed
What vaccinations should not be given if the child has an egg allergy?
Yellow fever
Some flu vaccines
MMR is safe
What bacteria are the meningitis B and meningitis A,C,W,Y vacccinations against?
Meningococcal vaccine refers to any of the vaccines used to prevent infection by Neisseria meningitidis.
Different versions are effective against some or all of the following types of meningococcus: A, B, C, W-135, and Y