Week 3-Chapter 11 Flashcards
As it applies to vision, the process by which the ciliary muscle of the eye controls the shape of the lens for vision at near and far distance
Anvil (incus)
Middle ear bone, or ossicle, in a chain of three ossicles of the middle ear
Irregular curvature of cornea or lens
Aqueous humor
Watery fluid found in anterior chamber of the eye
Dimness of vision
Anterior chamber
Space between cornea and iris
(1) pinna, or ear flap, of external ear (2) atrium of the heart
Condition in which the eye lens becomes opaque
Ciliary body
Ligaments that suspend the eye
Choroid coat
The middle layer of the eye
Cochlear duct
An endolymph-filled, triangular canal containing the spiral organ of Corti
A waxy or oily substance produced by ceruminous (sebaceous) glands in the lining of the outer ear. Also known as earwax
Spiral cavity of the internal ear containing the organ of Corti
Color blindness
Inability to distinguish colors
An inflammation of the conjunctival membranes in the front of the eye
Deviated nasal septum
Condition in which there is a bend in the cartilage structure of the septum
Structures in the retina of the eye sensitive to bright light and responsible for color vision
A clear, circular area in the very front of the sclerotic coat
Congenital hearing loss
A birth defect in which there is hearing loss caused by prematurity, cytomegalovirus, congenital rubella, infection, neurodegenerative disorder, or family history of deafness
Detached retina
Condition that results when the vitreous fluid contracts as it ages, pulling on the retina and causing a tear, detachment of the retina may also occur as a result of an injury
Diabetic retinopathy
Condition caused by changes in the blood vessels in the retina of the eye, such as blood vessels that swell and leak, or abnormal blood vessels that grow on the retina, leading cause of blindness in American adults
Bloody nose usually due to a rupture of the small vessels overlying the anterior portion of the nasal system
Double vision
Extrinsic muscles
Muscles responsible for moving the eye within the orbital socket
Dry eye
A scratchy feeling in the eyes that occurs when the tears fail to keep the eye surface adequately lubricated
Eustachian tube
Passageway from throat to middle ear, equalizes pressure