Week 3 Flashcards
Method by which neurons communicate
Action potentials
Membrane potential becomes less negative
Membrane potential becomes more negative
First, the resting membrane potential is negative. Then, when the membrane potential reaches above threshold, an action potential is triggered. The membrane depolarizes in the rising phase, then re-polarizes in the falling phase. Then the membrane hyper polarizes during the undershoot. It can be impossible or difficult to initiate another AP. The membrane returns to resting potential.
Action potential steps
Voltage gated, sodium and potassium channels, open and close as a function of the neuronal membrane potential. They are located along axon, hillock, axon membrane, and terminals.
Driving force of the action potential
Sodium and potassium channels closed
Resting potential (channels)
Voltage gated sodium channels open, sodium goes into the cell, which creates more depolarization.
Rising phase (channels)
Voltage gated potassium channels, open slower than sodium channels, by the time they’re open, the cell is quite positive, causing potassium to flood out of the cell, makes the cell more negative, an activation gate closes, sodium can’t move.
Falling phase (channels)
Potassium continues to leave the cell, causes, hyperpolarization, in resting potential, helps reset voltage gated sodium channels.
Undershoot (channels)
In this period Neurons cannot fire again. This period Limits how frequently a neuron can fire. Accounts for unidirectional nature of action potential. Sodium channels can only open again once membrane potential hyperpolarizes.
Absolute refractory period (phases 2-3)
In this period membrane potential becomes more negative than resting membrane potential. Neurons can fire again, but only with a strong stimulus. Ends when the neuron gets back to resting potential.
Relative refractory period (phases 3-6)
When sodium channels open the local membrane potential depolarizes. Depolarization makes neighboring sodium channels open. Propagation moves forward only because recently open sodium channels are in active. In myelinated axons the AP is a faster process than in unmyelinated axons.
Action potential propagation
Since action potentials are binary, the frequency and pattern conveys different info to the downstream neurons in circuit. The pattern is the temporal code. The frequency is the rate code.
Neural information code
The point of contact between axon terminal and another neuron
The steps, through which action potential is converted to chemical signal and transmitted to postsynaptic neuron in circuit
Synaptic transmission
1) presynaptic, neuron stores transmitters in vesicles, waiting to be released when an action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal (calcium channel)
2) when action potential triggers opening of calcium channels, they rush into the cell
3) the transmitter, binds to post synaptic, receptors, producing an EPSP. Some transmitters are already being broken down.
4) action potential ends, Neuro transmitters are broken down, EPSP didn’t reach threshold, so the postsynaptic neuron has returns to rest.
Steps in synaptic transmission
Entering calcium releases vesicles from protein, anchors, and stimulates fusion with membrane
1) proteins on the vesicle and presynaptic cell bind to each other, docking, the vesicle
2) when calcium enters it binds to the docking proteins and activates vesicle fusion
3) Nero transmitters from vesicles diffuse out rapidly into the synaptic cleft
Steps of vesicular release
Neurotransmitters bind to the channel. Channels open, ions flow in and out.
Ligand-gated ion channels
Neuro transmitters find GPCR. G proteins subunits or intracellular messengers, modulate channels. Ion channels, open, ions flow in or out.
Open channel directories, relatively fast and short, effects are localized
Open channels, indirectly, uses chemicals, called second messengers, relatively slow acting, and long, lasting affects, effects are more widespread and varied
Produced when transmitter binds to a transmitter-gated channel selective for sodium or calcium. Allows for diffusion to temporarily push positive ions into the neuron, making it slightly more positive.
EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential)
Produces when transmitter binds to a transmitter-gated channel selected for chloride. Allows for diffusion to temporarily push chloride into the neuron, making it slightly more negative.
IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential)
EPSP from two presynaptic event sum over time
Temporal summation
EPSP from two separate presynaptic inputs sum over space
Spatial summation
Junction of cell body in axon. Rich in voltage-sensitive channels. Where EPSPs and IPSPs are integrated. Where action potentials are initiated.
The axon hillock
Very different way of cells connecting to each other. Pre-and post synaptic sells touch through connexons. Ions flow is bi directional. Doesn’t typically occur at axon terminals.
Gap junctions