WEEK 18 Flashcards
refers to changes, modifications, and variations in the genetics and inherited traits of biological population
biological evolution
changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a more complex form of human culture
cultural evolution
every species is made up of a variety of individuals wherein some are adopted to their environments compared to others
organisms produce progeny with different sets of traits that can be inherited
organisms that have traits most suitable to their environment will survive and transfer these variations to their offspring.
differential reproductive success
general term used to categorize the group of early humans
ape on the ground
it had both apelike and humanlike characteristics
the southern ape
classified as human and not humanlike creatures because they had bigger brains and were bipedal
full participation of all groups in a society that is mutually shaped to meet their needs and ensure that all of its members are psychologically safe and secure
social justice
product of prejudice and discrimination
social inequality
preconceived judgement formed without adequate information
beliefs that members of certain groups behave in specific ways
action that maintains and supports prejudice and denies to members of minority equal access to opportunities such as education, housing, and employment
occurs as a result of accepted beliefs and behaviors and is codified in societal roles and policies
institutional discrimination
unjust use of power against non-dominant group to exploit those groups to its advantage
groups that experience prejudice, discrimination, and oppression from the dominant group
populations at risk
negative, differential treatment of individuals because of their gender or sex
institutoonal sexism
unwelcome sexual advances
sexual harassment
oppressed people unable to escape poverty due to societal barriers
refers to members of the human family Hominidae
living organisms on Earth were created by divine power
theory of special creation
life is distributed all over cosmos in the form of resistant spores
cosmozoic theory of panspermia
explained life originated from nonliving substances
living organisms originated from pre-existing organisms
Earth was subjected to periodic catastrophes
theory of catastrophism
origin of primordial life on Earth was associated with the origin of universe
theory of organic evolution
humans during this period foound shelter in caves
paleolithic age
new stone age
neolithic period
agriculture developed independently in different parts of the world
agricultural revolution
man of skills
homo habilis
upright human being
homo erectus
wise human being
homo sapiens
the only living species in the Homo genus
Homo sapiens