WEEK 12 - nose, sinuses and pharynx and pterygopalatine ganglion Flashcards
what is the nose formed by
- nasal bones
- nasal cartilages
- fibrofatty tissue
function of nose
- respiration
- olfaction
- appearance
what is the root of the nose formed by
nasal bone
frontal process of maxilla
nasal process of frontal bone
name the three main cartilages which form the dorsum and apex of the nose
lateral nasal cartilage
major alar cartilage
septal cartilage
list the 8 bones that form the floor, roof and lateral wall of the nose
- nasal
- frontal
- ethmoid
- sphenoid
- maxilla
- lacrimal
- inferior nasal concha
- palatine
what is the nasal septum part formed by
septal cartilage
what is the bony nasal septum formed by
- perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone anterosuperiorly
- vomer posterinferioly
what does the vomer and medial pterygoid plate form
what does the maxilla and nasal bones form
piriform aperture
what does the vomer, palatine and sphenoid form
what is the frontal sinus innervated by
supraorbital nerve
what is the ethmoid sinus innervated by
anterior and posterior ethmoid nerves sphenoid
what is the maxillary sinus innervated by
maxillary nerve
what does the sphenoid sinus drains into
sphenoethmoidal recess via its ostium
what does the posterior ethmoid air cells drains into
superior meatus
what does the middle and anterior ethmoid air drains into
middle meatus
what does the maxillary sinus drains into
middle meatus
what does the frontal sinus drains into
middle meatus
where does the nasolacrimal duct drains into
inferior meatus
sensory innervation of the xternal nose
ophthalmic and maxillary nerve
what is the external nose supplied by
facial artery
what is the nasal cavity supplied by
ophthalmic, maxillary and facial artery
list the divisions of the pharynx
- nasopharynx
- oropharynx
- laryngopharynx
where is the palatien tonsil located (oropharynx)
- located between the palatoglossal fold anteriorly and palatopharyngeal fold postertiorly
where is the lingual tonsil located (oropharynx)
- located on pharygeal tongue
where is glossoepiglottic folds and valleculae located (oropharynx)
- between pharyngeal tongue and epiglottis
where is the piriform recess located
0 lateral to the inlet of the larynx
list the three pairs of the pharyngeal constrictors
where are the pharyngeal constrictor muscles located
located at posterior and lateral sides of pharynx
where does superior constrictor arises from
medial pterygoid plate and hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, alveolar process of mandible and side of tongue
where does the superior constrictor attach to
attaches to pharyngeal tubercle
what is the superior constrictor muscle seperated by
stylopharyngeus muscle and glossopharyngeal nerve
where does the middle constrictor arises from
horn of hyoid and stylohyoid ligament
what branch of which nerve crosses over the middle constrictor to pierce into which muscle
internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve crosses over it to pierce thyrohyoid membrane
where does the inferior constrictor muscle arises from
thryoid cartilage of larynx and cricoid cartilage of larynx
which artery and nerve pass inferior constrictor
recurrent laryngeal nerve and inferior laryngeal artery
name the muscles of pharyngeal which elevate the pharynx and act to shorten and widen the pharynx
- palatopharyngeus
- salpingopharynegsu
- stylopharyngeus
nerves of the pharyngeal plexus
- pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
- pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
- sympathetic fibres from the superior cervical ganglion
which division is the maxillary nerve of
second division of trigeminal nerve
what does the zygomatic nerve travel with
maxillary nervee
where does the zygomatic nerve travel with the maxillary nerve through
inferior orbital fissure into obit
what does the zygomatic nerve divide into once it passes through the inferior orbital fissure
- zygomaticofacial nerve
- zygomaticotemporal nerve
what does the zygomatic nerve give rise to
lacrimal nerve
name the alveolar nerves of the maxillary nerve
- posterior superior alveolar nerve
- middle superior alveolar nerve
- anteror superior alveolar nerve
where does the posterior superior alveolr nerve arises from
maxillary nerve in PT fossa
where does the middle superior alveolar nerve arises fromm
infraorbital nerve in infraorbital groove
where does the infraorbital nerve emrges onto the face via
infraorbital foramen
where is maxillary nerve renamed infraobital nerve
after maxillary nerve passes through the inferior orbital fissure
what does the pterygopalatine fossa contain
- pterygopalatine ganglion
- maxillary nerve’
- maxillary artery
- fatty fascia
what does the pterygopalatine fossa opens into
- foramen rotundum
- pterygoid canal
- pterygomaxillary fissure