WEEK 11 - ORAL CAVITY Flashcards
list the contents in the vestibule
- inside the lips and cheeks
what is the vestibule superficial to
t eeth and alveolar arches
what does the vestibule consist of
- labial and buccal sulci
list the layers of the check in chronological order
- oral mucosa
- buccinator
- buccal fat pad
- parotid duct
- muscles of facial expression
- skin
list the features of the tongue
- dorsal surface
- ventral surface
- body
- apex
- root
what does the dorsal surface of the tongue consist of
- oral and pharyngeal
- palatoglossal folds
- sulcus terminalis
- foramen caecum
what does the ventral palatine tongue consist of
- frenulum
- deep lingual veins
- fimbriated folds
- sublingual folds
alveolar lingual sulcus
- horshoe shaped cavity in the oral cavity proper
what does the alveolar lingul sulcus contain
sublingual folds and openings of sublingual ducts
location of the pharyngeal tongue
- from sulcus terminalis to epiglottiswhat
what does the lingual tonsils consist of
- lymphatic nodules surrounding a single indentation or crypt
what does the lingual tonsils receive
- mucous secreting glands
pharyngeal tongue contents
- valleculae
- medial and lateral glossoepiglottic folds
- palatine tonsils
- palatopharyngeal fold
function of the intrinsic tonguie muscles
only change the shape of the tongue
list the two diff sub categories of the intrinsic tongue muscles
- superior longitudinal and inferior longitudinal
- vertical and transverse
list the superior longitudinal tongue muscles
- saggital under dorsal mucosa
- apex up
function of superior longitudinal and inferior l
shorten the tongue
extrinsic muscles of the tongue
- genioglossus
- hypoglossus
- styloglossus
- palatoglossus
blood supply of tongue
lingual artery
and lingual vein
what is the lingual artery a branch of
external carotid artery
where does the lingual artery pass
medial to the posterior hypoglossus
what is the lingual vein a tributary of
- internal jugular vein
nerve supply of the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3
- general sensation
- special sensation
- somatic motor
- autonomic
anterior 2/3 of tongue general sensation
lingual nerve
special sensation of anterior 2/3 of tongue
chorda tympani
somatic motor of the anterior 2/3 tongue
hypoglossal nerve
sympathetic fibres for anterior 2/3 of tongue coming from
hitchhikers from eca
parasympathetic fibres from anterior 2/3 tongue
- chorda tympani
posterior 1/3 tongue general sensation
glossopharyngeal and vagus
what does the chorda tympani join with
lingual nerve of v3 below foramen ovale and hitchhikes into the oral cavity
intrinsic salivary gland s
- numerous, small
where are intrinsic salivary glands
- in mucosa, submucosa
- tongue oropharynx and upper respiratory system
how many extrinsic salivary glands
- 3 pairs large
where are extrinsic salivary glands located
- outside oral cavity and drains into the via duct
what is the intrinsic salivary glands connected via
short duct
what do von ebners glands produce
- serous producing
where are von ebners glands scattered through
- muscles in the oral tongue and open into moats around vallate papilla and foliate papilla
list the three pairs of extrinsic salivary glands
- parotid gland> serous
- submandibular gland > mixed
- sublingual > mucous
function of extrinsic salivary glands
- secrete large amount of saliva when eating
where do extrinsic salivary glands empty into
empty contents into oral cavity via ducts
where is the parotid gland located
- lateral to ramus of mandible and masseter
where is the parotid gland enclosed in
parotid capsule, an extension of deep cervical fascia
what passes through the parotid gland
- eca
- retromandibular vein
- facial nerve
where does the parotid gland leave
the gland via the superficial surface of the masseter, pierces buccinator to empty into vestibule adjacent to the second molar
parotid gland innervation
parasympathetic: glossopharyngeal and auriculotemporal nerve
sympathetic: external carotid plexus
sensory: auriculotemporal nerve
where is the submandibular gland
medial to the body of the mandible
where does the submandibular duct open into
- sublingual papilla in the oral cavity proper
innervation of the submandibular gland
parasympathetic - chorda tympani
sympathetic - external carotid plexus
sensory - lingual nerve
where is the sublingual gland located between
oral mucosa of the floor of the mouth and mylohyoid in sublingual fossa
hard palate situ
palatine process of maxilla
soft palate situ
- oral mucosa on oral side
what is within soft palate
muscles and aponeuroses of palatine muscles
fat and glands
list the five paired muscles of palate
- levator palati
- tensor palati
- palatoglossus
- palatopharyngeus
- uvula muscles
innervation of palate
- pharayngeal plexus > glossopharyngeal, vagus and sympathetic trunk
sensory and parasympathetic innervation of palate
- nasopalatine nerve
- greater palatine nerve
- lesser palatine nerve
where do most of the oral cavity drain into
submandibular and submental mental nodes from there into the deep cervical nodes
function of GFN
where does the lesser petrosal nerve arise from
- tympanic plexus
where does lesser petrosal nerve enter
middle cranial fossa via tympanic canaliculis then descends through foramen ovale with V3
Where do the pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers synpase onto
otic ganglion below foramen ovale
function of hypoglossal nerve
solely somatic motor fibresd
innervates intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue
location and course of hypoglossal nerve
- exits cranial fossa via hypoglossal canal
- picks up hitcchikers from C1 outside canal
- travels deep to the intermediate tendon of digastric muscles
- releases c1 hitcchikers to form nerve loop in neck with inferior root of ansa cervicalisw
what does the hypoglossal nerve innervate
- thyrohyoid and geniohyoid