week 1 Flashcards
7 components of intimacy
knowledge, interdependence, caring, mutuality, trust responsiveness and commitment
What does knowledge mean about intimacy?
intimate partners have extensive, personal, condifidential info on eachother
interdependence in intimacy mean
intimate partners have strong, diverse and enduring influence on eachother
caring in reference with intimate relationships
Intimate partners feel more affection for one another than they do for most others
mutuality in reference with intimate relationships
intimate partners think of themselves as a couple instead of two entirely separate individuals
Trust in intamacy refers to
intimate partners expect
treatment from one another that is fair and
intimate partners are
attentive to each other’s needs, and they
support each other more effectively than
they do most others.
Commitment refers to
intimate partners expect
their relationship to continue, and they
work to realize that goal.
Why do intimate relationships matter
the need to belong
Why do intimate relationships matter: people suffer both mentally and physically when they lack
a tendency to form stable, affectionate, connections to others may have been…
evolutionary adaptive
what model displays intimate relationships matter?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
What was found with healthy couples and poor marital couples get diagnosed with an illness. Whats the trend of death in these groups
people with illness live longer if there in better marital quality
Influence of culture: people are marrying more or less
marrying less
what is the trend for how long people wait to get married
people are waiting longer to marry
what percent of marriages end in divorce?
half 50%
Most children live in a single—parent home sometime during
their childhood
What are 3 reasons cultural norms changed?
socioeconomic development, increasing individualism, technology
Influence of experience: infants interactions with their caregivers shape their
attachment style- their learned orientations toward relationships with others
Were all individuals with our own combinations of experience and traits: 5 traits
- Sex differences.
- Gender differences.
- Personality.
- Self-esteem.
- Sexual orientation.
Sex differences: Stereotypes suggest that man and women have little in common, so the ranges of their traits and interests are
completely separate
Actual sex differences take the form of
overlapping normal curves and most sex differences are rather small
Sex differences refer to
biological distinctions between man and women
gender differences refer to
social and psychological distinctions created by our cultures and upbrining
What are gender roles?
Patterns of behaviour that are expected of normal men and women
Male gender role expectation?
Men are expected to be masculine or assertive, self-reliant, decisive and competitive.
female gender role expectation
Women are expected to be warm, sensitive, emotionally expressive and kind.
Individual differences: 5 big personality traits
agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, open-mindedness
What of the five traits are influential in intimate relationships?
Agreeable and extroverted people are cheerful and enthusiastic.
Conscientious people keep their promises
people high in negative emotionality are pessimistic and argumentative
What is soclometer theory?
Self-esteem is a gauge that measures the quality of our relationships with others.
When others like us, we like ourselves
like gender, sexual orientation is complex, being comprised of 3 things
identities, attractions and behaviours
compare same sex couples vs hetrosexual sex couples
Same-sex couples have better relationships than heteros do
evolution may have instilled in us certain tendencies that shape our
what are three assumptions of evolutionary psychology?
sexual selection has sculpted our species
men and women differ only to the extent that they have faced different reproductive dilemmas
- cultures determine whether certain behaviours are adaptive and cultural changes occur faster than human nature
What different reproductive dilemas do mena and women face? what is parental investment
: men and women differ enormously in the
minimum time and biological effort they have to provide to each
child they produce.
what is paternity uncertinity
men, but not women, may face doubts
about whether or not a particular child is theirs.
influence of interactions: relationships emerge from the combination of the partners
experiences and talents and are often much more than the sum of those parts
relationships are also fluid, blank processesses rather than static blank things
Relationships are also fluid, dynamic processes rather than
static, changeless things.