Wed 3 - Ruff - congnitive process Flashcards
what is the default network
Involved in – Daydreaming or mind wandering – Autobiographical memories – Envisioning the future – Moral decisions
Contrasts with the “task-positve network”
actve when performing specific tasks
ventral posterior lateral thalamic nucleus
input and output
input from skin from body via medial lemniscus
output to primary somatosensory cortex
geniculate nucleus
inputs and outputs
input: cochlea
output: primary auditory cortex
pulvinar thalamic nucleus
inputs and outputs
in: association cortex and superior colliculus
out: parietotemporal and visual association cortex
Medial dorsal thalamic nucleus
inputs and outputs
in: superior colliculus, olfactory cortex, amygdala, ventral pallidum
out: frontal eye fields, anterior cingulate gyrus, limbic system
its involved in attention and multitasking
lateral posterior thalamic nucleus
inputs and outputs
association cortex, anterior cingulate, retina
out: parietal and visual association cortex, anterior cingulate, striatum
what level is the multimodal thalamic tract in the association cortex?
the fourth…….
main function of the parietal cortex
visual attention, localization, spatial relationships, motor programs
Two hemispheres of the parietal association cortex
- attention
- visuospatial localisation
- spatial relationships (binding elements of a visual scene together in a single image)
- skilled movements
- right-left orientation
lesion in posterior parietal cortex results in
spatial neglect from nondominant hemisphere (forget about half of the “world,” which can be your body, a picture, etc.)
motor apraxias from dominant hemisphere (difficulty in the motor planning of a task, cant produce skilled motions)
Ideomotor apraxia
cannot use gestures or tools
functions of the superior temporal sulcus
language, social attention
function of the inferior temporal cortex
visual object recognition
what is agnosia
defect in recognition of objects even though sensory systems are working fine
cant recognize faces
inability to recognize and object by touch alone