Thursday 1 - Fitz - Muscle receptors and spinal reflexes pre-recorded Flashcards
What are muscle spindles
where are they
sensory afferents
in intrafusal muscle fiber in the core of the muscle
Is a muscle spindle contractile?
The core is NOT (intrafusal fibers), but it is attached to contractile units on either end (extrafusal fibers).
two receptor type in muscle spindle fibers
1 (primary, IA) anulospiral endings - detect velocity,
- Dynamic movements
- Stop firing completely when stretch is released
2 (secondary, II) flower spray
- Amplitude of stretch
- Static
What innervates muscle spindle fibers
Gamma motor neurons for intrafusal fibers
alpha motor neurons for extrafusal
golgi tendon organs
what happens in the inverse stretch reflex
at the juction of the muscle and tendon, in series with extrafusal fibers
inverse - depolarization of the golgi tendon organ increases the activity of an inhibitory interneuron. This decreases activity of alpha and gamma motor neurons
Do spindles have no activity if the muscle is relaxed?
no, they just have reduced activity
Steps in “monosynaptic reflex stretch”
1 - muscle stretches
2 - depolarization in spindle afferent
3 - activation of both alpha and gamma motor neurons
4 - contration of the extraafusal muscle fibers (this maintains tension in the spindle, allowing the spindle to continue to be responsive. Its like the adaptation motor in the hair cells. intrafusal fiber pulls on the spindle afferent section of the intrafusal fiber and maintain tension)
5 - (maintenance of tension) muscle tone
What happens if you eliminate the alpha motor neurons
flaccid paralysis, cannot control the muscles anymore
What happens if the gamma motor neurons are overactive
spastic paralysis
two causes of spastic paralysis from lecture
elimination of descending inhibition
overactive gamma motor neurons
muscle reflex arc
sensory receptor primary afferent neuron 1 - 3 CNS synapses motor neuron muscle
Recurrent inhibition
motor neurons that transmit impulses to muscle can also send signals to “renshaw cells” which inhibit the muscle neuron as well as adjacent neurons
Lengthening reaction
light and heavy weights
modded by ?
light weight
moderate stretch
stretch reflex
heavy weight
strong stretch
inverse stretch reflex
Modulated by gamma motor neurons
withdrawl reflex
noxious stimulus
withdrawl of limb via:
contraction of flexers via monosynaptic pathway
relaxation of extensors via multisynaptic pathways
Spinal shock
initially spinal shock prevents any reflexes
start to come back, primitive first
Crossed extension reflex
step on a nail, lean on other foot ya dingus