Web words 2 Flashcards
irresistible [ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbəl]
neodolsteľný, zdrvujúci
appeal [əˈpiːl]
príťažlivosť, pôvab
blaze our path
raziť našu cestu
pioneer [ˌpaɪəˈnɪə]
byť priekopníkom
resolutely [ˈrezəˌluːtlɪ]
pevne, rozhodne
distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt]
succumb [səˈkʌm]
podľahnuť, neodolať
stopa, vplyv
unquenchable /ʌnˈkwen.tʃə.bəl/
fertile [ˈfɜːtaɪl]
úrodný, plodný
vein [veɪn]
štýl, charakteristika
convey [kənˈveɪ]
oznámiť, vysloviť,
bulk [bʌlk]
(veľký) objem, veĺkosť
notch [nɒtʃ]
stupeň, priečka (increase font sitze a few more notches)
ascertain [ˌæsəˈteɪn]
zistiť, dopátrať sa
originate [əˈrɪdʒɪˌneɪt]
vzniknúť, zrodiť sa
opt [ɒpt]
zvoliť si, vybrať si (opt to keep it small)
clunky [ˈklʌŋkɪ]
mohutný, konský
mandatory [ˈmændətərɪ or -trɪ]
povinný, nariadený
detriment [ˈdetrɪmənt]
škoda, ujma
condense [kənˈdens]
zhustiť, zhutniť
enforce [ɪnˈfɔːs]
presadiť, vynútiť
threshold [ˈθreʃəʊld or ˈθreʃˌhəʊld]
hranica, prah
immense [ɪˈmens]
obrovský, ohromný
superfluous [suːˈpɜːflʊəs]
nadbytočný, prebytočný
dandruff [ˈdændrəf]
fallout [ˈfɔːlˌaʊt]
dôsledok, následok (The fallout from these dismissals can be staggering:)
dismissal [dɪsˈmɪsəl]
prepustenie(z práce) (The fallout from these dismissals can be staggering:)
staggering [ˈstægərɪŋ]
ohromujúci (The fallout from these dismissals can be staggering:)
pervasive [pɜːˈveɪsɪv]
všade prítomný (That disconnect starts with an unrealistic yet pervasive stereotype, which is shaped in large part by the official bios of Fortune 500 leaders.)
embark [emˈbɑːk] on sth
pusti sa, dať sa do čoho (That realization led us to embark on a 10-year study, the CEO Genome Project.)
tap into
napichnuť sa na ( we tapped into a database created by our leadership advisory firm,)
gravitate [ˈgrævɪˌteɪt]
inklinovať ( For example, our analysis revealed that while boards often gravitate toward charismatic extroverts)
surpass [sɜːˈpɑːs] the expectations
prekonať, predbehnúť očakávania (introverts are slightly more likely to surpass the expectations of their boards and investors.)
slog [slɒg] through sth
drieť sa, moriť sa (What did I learn from slogging through hundreds of pages photocopied or downloaded from journals)
variable [ˈveərɪəbəl]
spree [spriː]
Oddávanie sa (Very recently, I experienced a long spree hunting for design jobs.)
in terms of sth
z hľadiska, čo sa týka ( This process was enlightening in terms of what I valued as a designer)
extempore [ɪkˈstempərɪ]
improvizovanie, narýchlo
sheer [ʃɪə]
číry (musicians or stand-up comedians did not make it magically, but through sheer rigorous practice.)
rigorous [ˈrɪgərəs]
prísny, dôkladný (musicians or stand-up comedians did not make it magically, but through sheer rigorous practice.)
Take a stance
zaujať postoj ( are there to show the interviewers your thought-process, your ability to take a stance with design conviction, and facilitate the conversation by making the exercise )
inclusive [ɪnˈkluːsɪv]
zahŕňajúci, vrátane (and facilitate the conversation by making the exercise inclusive by letting the other team members participate in the process.)
salient [ˈseɪlɪənt]
najdôležitejší (I devised a framework from my design process that highlighted salient considerations to be made while designing. )
fag [fæg]
buzerant, buzík
sloppy [ˈslɒpɪ]
neporiadny, ľajdácky (Don’t be sloppy)
cease [siːs]
prestať, zastaviť sa (It will never cease to surprise me when a designer says, “I’m just not great at presenting.”)
nod [nɒd]
prikývnuť (Then wait, even if it feels like a long time, until someone nods or gives an affirming sound.)
err [ɜː]
chybyť (I’d err on the side of keeping it short if you don’t have much.)
deflate [dɪˈfleɪt]
zotrieť, vziať sebavedomie (Nothing deflates high expectations like a flash of bad judgment on a small detail.)
cringe [krɪndʒ]
myknuť sa, stuhnuť (I cringe writing that because this is definitely a buzzword that not even Stefan Sagmeister has managed to sufficiently destroy.)
podvodník, vydávajúci sa za niekoho
forefront [ˈfɔːˌfrʌnt]
predné miesto, čelo /organizácie (In this series I talk to leaders at the forefront of design)
incentivize [ɪnˈsentɪˌvaɪz]
stimulovať, podnietiť (There is no “master” version of the database. Instead, each member of the network is incentivized to maintain and update their own copy.)
acerbic [əˈsɜːbɪk]
škodoradostný (Bitcoiners are notoriously acerbic on social media)
exhaustive [ɪgˈzɔːstɪv]
vyčerpávajúvi, kompletný (It’s not meant to be exhaustive but rather open to continuous evolution.)
backbone [ˈbækˌbəʊn]
chrbtica (Well presented data forms the backbone of compelling story)
candour [ˈkændə]
úprimnosť, otvorenosť (in which we offer anonymity in exchange for candor)
squander [ˈskwɒndə]
prehýriť, premárniť (and who wonders why we squander millions on display ad formats no one looks at, let alone clicks on.)
excerpt [ˈeksɜːpt]
úryvok, výňaťok (článku)
rankle [ˈræŋkəl]
žrať, štvať (What rankles you most in advertising currently)
perpetuate [pəˈpetjʊˌeɪt]
udržiavať, zachovávať (The industry has to perpetuate that the humble banner works)
fraud [frɔːd]
podvod (When you start talking about things like fraud and viewability, you’re compounding the problem.)
compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd]
násobiť, sťažiť (problém) (When you start talking about things like fraud and viewability, you’re compounding the problem.)
inconclusive [ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv]
nepresvedčivý, nepreukázateľný, (That’s why the results are often inconclusive or people say they’re clear on the role of display when they run tests.)
fudge [fʌdʒ]
vyhnúť sa (čomu) (The bottom line is the industry fudges the metrics to make it work.)
odd [ɒd]
zvláštny, čudný
carry on [ˈkærɪˈɒn]
pokračovať, neprestávať (The odd thing is a lot of them agree — they also don’t see any evidence standard display works — and yet they just carry on spending money.)
in terms of
pokiaľ ide, z hľadiska, čo sa týka (display is one of the main options in terms of where you can spend.)
take over
obsadiť, zabrať, (územie) (It’s an unfair example but the reason TV ads are so effective is they take over the whole screen.)
turd [tɜːd]
preoccupied [priːˈɒkjʊˌpaɪd]
zaoberať sa (hlavne) (Every so often, I’m preoccupied by the question, “Is what I see also what I get?”)
subjugate [ˈsʌbdʒʊˌgeɪt]
podriadiť, podmaniť (For that reason, it’s always wise to subjugate the mathematical reality to the “seen” or “optical” reality.)
ferrite bead
plastový valček na kábloch
cumbersome [ˈkʌmbəsəm]
ťažkopádny (This was cumbersome in every sense, particularly as the institution prepares to open in the former Whitney Museum building)
milovaný, drahý (beloved collegue)
albeit [ɔːlˈbiːɪt]
hoci, aj keď (The old symbol, that beloved (albeit to my eyes kind of generic and clip-artsy) Pacioli M)
particularly [pəˈtɪkjʊləlɪ]
najmä,hlavne, obzvlášť (This was cumbersome in every sense, particularly as the institution prepares to open in the former Whitney Museum building on Madison Avenue)
hinge [hɪndʒ]
pánt, záves (The new logo, a self-reading wordmark that acknowledges the institution’s two-syllable colloquial name, will serve effectively as the hinge for the whole system. )
precedent [prɪˈsiːdənt or ˈpresɪdənt]
precedentný, predchádzajúci (But more importantly, I’ll bet you that I could find half a dozen precedent examples of the same typographic conceit on medieval manuscripts and classical inscriptions within a five-minute walk from the Met’s front door.)
lure [lʊə]
návnada (the Lure of Preemptive cleverness)
pre-emptive [prɪˈemptɪv]
preventívny (the Lure of Preemptive cleverness)
fuss [fʌs]
hurhaj, zmätok (All the fuss that’s made about logos camouflage an embarrassing secret: people are reluctant to admit how they actually work. )
reluctant [rɪˈlʌktənt]
neochotný, zdráhajúci sa (All the fuss that’s made about logos camouflage an embarrassing secret: people are reluctant to admit how they actually work. )
hallway [ˈhɔːlˌweɪ]
chodba, vstupná hala
indulgent [ɪnˈdʌldʒənt]
zhovievavý, benevolentný
haunted [ˈhɔːntɪd]
ustarostený, znepokojený ( I remain haunted by a great example, those Nick Fasciano’s logos for Chicago I loved when I was thirteen)
accrue [əˈkruː]
narastať, nahromadiť sa (As a result, the idea that we create things that are unfinished, that can only accrue value over time)
unveil [ʌnˈveɪl]
odhaliť, uviesť (That’s what we face every time we unveil a new logo.)
subject [səbˈdʒekt]
vystaviť, podrobiť (And so every time a major identity is introduced today, it’s subjected to immediate scrutiny.)
scrutiny [ˈskruːtɪnɪ]
podrobné skúmanie/prehliadka (And so every time a major identity is introduced today, it’s subjected to immediate scrutiny.)
grow on
zapáčť sa, začínať sa pačiť (“Well, I don’t love it,” Phil Knight is reported to have said about the swoosh design at the time, “but maybe it will grow on me.”)