Practical Typography Flashcards
obscure [əbˈskjʊə]
zakryť, zastrieť
misuse [ˌmɪsˈjuːs]
depict [dɪˈpɪkt]
vyobraziť, znázorniť (Computer keyboards depict the available characters in almost the same way as manual typewriter.)
beware [bɪˈweə]
dať si pozor (Beware. This chapter is more difficult than it might seem.)
ingrained [ɪnˈgreɪnd]
hlboko zakorenený (habits are ingrained.)
ambidextrous [ˌæmbɪˈdekstrəs]
obojručný, ambidexterný (používajúci obidve ruky rovnako dobre) (By replacing the curly opening and closing quotes with ambidextrous straight quotes, two slots became available for other characters.)
grievous [ˈgriːvəs]
bolestný, tragický (That’s why straight quotes are most grievous and inept typographic errors.)
inept [ɪnˈept]
nešikovný, neschopný That’s why straight quotes are most grievous and inept typographic errors.)
underused [ˌʌndəˈjuːzd]
nedostatočne/málo využitý (The question mark is underused.)
omit [əʊˈmɪt]
vynechať, vypustiť (Nonprofessional writers often omit these hyphens).
jaunty [ˈdʒɔːntɪ]
elegantný (The ampersand is one of the jauntiest characters).
underscore [ˌʌndəˈskɔː]
podčiarknutie (Underscore characters don’t depend on formatting.)
depart [dɪˈpɑːt]
opustiť (pravidlo) (You should depart from this rule only if the font you are using…)
mutually exclusive
vzájomne sa vylučovať (Bold or italic, always think of them as mutually exclusive).
substantive [ˈsʌbstəntɪv]
podstatný, dôležitý (Write substantive headings. Readers should be able to understand the framework of your argument just by reading headings.)
disparate [ˈdɪspərɪt]
nesúrodý, odlišný ( To achieve a uniform appearance, a type designer has to harmonize these disparate forms.)
rudimentary [ˌruːdɪˈmentərɪ]
najzákladnejší, základný (Keep in mind that the justification engine of a word processor or web browser is rudimentary compared to that of a professional page-layout program.)
clunky [ˈklʌŋkɪ]
konský, ozrutný ( I’ll always left-align the text, because justification can look clunky and coarse. )
coarse [kɔːs]
hrubý, drsný ( I’ll always left-align the text, because justification can look clunky and coarse. )
whereas [weərˈæz]
keďže, zatiaľ čo (Whereas if I’m using a professional layout program, I might justify.)
indent [ˈɪnˌdent]
odsadenie (v stĺpci)
dangle [ˈdæŋgəl]
visieť, hojdať sa
descend [dɪˈsend]
zliesť, zísť, klesnúť ( I suppose, another option for the first paragraph—the first letter of the paragraph is enlarged so it descends three or four lines.)
exert [ɪgˈzɜːt]
využiť, uplatniť (In pro page-layout, you can exert a lot of control over automatic hyphenation).
asterisk [ˈæstərɪsk]
cluttered [ˈklʌtəd]
zasvinený (Cell borders can make the grid cluttered and difficult to read, especially in tables with many small cells.)
dense [dens]
hustý (Increasing the cell margins is the best way to improve the legibility of a dense table. )
counter-productive [ˌkaʊntəprəˈdʌktɪv]
wrinkle [ˈrɪŋkəl]
vráska (A small wrinkle arises when you use page break before with headings that have space above and below.)