De Bono Flashcards
abolish [əˈbɒlɪʃ]
zrušiť, odstrániť (The main purpose of thinking is to abolish thinking.)
vinegar [ˈvɪnɪgə]
ocot (vínny)
spoonful [ˈspuːnˌfʊl]
lyžica, lyžička (You take a spoonful of oil from the oil glass).
stir [stɜː]
zamiešať, rozmiešať ( You take a spoonful of oil from the oil glass. You stir thoroughly and then take…)
thoroughly [ˈθʌrəlɪ]
dôkladne, riadne (You stir thoroughly and then take)
assertion [əˈsɜːʃən]
tvrdenie, vyhlásenie ( My publishers were highly sceptical of this assertion.)
point out
poukázať, upozorniť ( After publication a logician wrote politely to point out my error).
impeccable [ɪmˈpekəbəl]
bezchybný, dokonalý (The logic seems impeccable)
subtract [səbˈtrækt]
odrátať, odpočítať ( If we now subtract this same amount of oil from both spoonfuls we must be left with equal volume in each.)
look upon
považovať, hľadieť ( The numbers are looked upon as stacked boxes).
add up
sčítať (súčet) (We add up all rows)
stack [stæk]
hromada, kopa (Stack of boxes)
jigsaw [ˈdʒɪgˌsɔː] (puzzle)
skladačka, skladačkový
whereby [weəˈbaɪ]
pomocou ktorého (The mind provides a means whereby incoming information gets organized)
tray [treɪ]
podnos, tácka
viscous [ˈvɪskəs]
fluid [ˈfluːɪd]
tekutina, kvapalina
stout [staʊt]
pevný, hrubý (stout membrane)
gradually [ˈgrædjuəlɪ]
postupne, pozvoľna (A steel ball is dropped on to the surface. Gradually it sinks in.)
heat up
ohriať, prihriať (The bowl of ink is heated up)
dissolve [dɪˈzɒlv]
rozpustiť (the hot ink dissolves the gelatine)
pour off
odliať (z hrnca)
shallow [ˈʃæləʊ]
plytký, povrchný (a shallow depression remains on the surface of the gelatine.)
depression [dɪˈpreʃən]
priehlbina, preliačina
erode [ɪˈrəʊd]
narušiť (In the end a sort of channel will have been eroded in the surface of the gelatine)
alter [ˈɔːltə]
pozmeniť, upraviť (In both cases the first arriving information altered the surface.)
track [træk]
chodník, cestička (The gelatine model is more sophisticated because the information essentially organizes itself into a track or pattern)
pomerne, celkom ( The drawing below shows a design for a rather special wooden cube)
carpenter [ˈkɑːpɪntə]
dovetail [ˈdʌvˌteɪl]
hodiť sa k sebe, zapadať do seba/ rybina, rybinový žliabok (The two halves are to be joined by proper dovetail joints as shown)
overleaf [ˌəʊvəˈliːf]
na druhej strane (časopisu, listu) Instead they run at an angle as shown overleaf.
lead sb
astray [əˈstreɪ]
uviesť niekoho do omylu ( In this instance pattern recognition led us astray because we have recognized th wrong pattern)
break down
rozobrať, analytovať ( In the first sort we strive to break down a complex situation into familiar…)
backtrack [ˈbækˌtræk]
ustúpiť (od čoho) In order to progress we may have to backtrack and change to another pattern which is more appropriate for the conditions.
clash [klæʃ]
rozpor, konflikt (In the political sense we have the extraordinarily wasteful and inefficient “clash” system.
pun1 [pʌn
slovná hračka ( In the pun type of humour…)
adversary [ˈædvəsərɪ]
súperiaci ( I politics it is the adversary system in which opposing parties claim the rightness of their ideologies)
reluctant [rɪˈlʌktənt]
neochotný, zdráhjúci sa (The youngster may be reluctant to look for, and unable to find, a different approach).
conformist [kənˈfɔːmɪst]
konformista (Intelligent people often tend to be conformists.)
wheelbarrow [ˈwiːlˌbærəʊ]
nvariably [ɪnˈveərɪəblɪ]
(neu)stále, vždy (Invariably the comments criticise the design).
strut [strʌt]
podpera (The wheel-bearing strut would break off)
ratio [ˈreɪʃɪˌəʊ]
pomer (The ratio of negative comments to interested domments has been 20 to 1)
scaffolding [ˈskæfəldɪŋ]
lešenie (budovy)
condemn [kənˈdem]
odmietnúť, zavrhnúť (In the judgement idiom, when we come to an idea which is wrong we condemn it and back away)
commuter [kəˈmjuːtə]
dochádzajúci, cezpoľný