Frances A Yates Flashcards
forecourt [ˈfɔːˌkɔːt]
parlour [ˈpɑːlə]
salónik, predizba (zastaralo)
revive [rɪˈvaɪv]
oživiť, obnoviť (This done, as soon as the memory of the facts requires to be revived…)
custodian [kʌˈstəʊdɪən]
správca, strážca (“all these places are visited in turn and the various deposits demanded of their custodians.”)
orator [ˈɒrətə]
whilst [waɪlst]
zatiaľ čo (“We have to think of the ancient orator as moving in imagination through his memory building whilst he is making his speech”)
dismiss [dɪsˈmɪs]
zavrhnúť, nebrať do úvahy ( “Whilst it is important to recognize that the classical art is based on workable mnemotechnic principles it may be misleading to dismiss it with the label ‘mnemotechnics’.”)
sagacious [səˈgeɪʃəs]
múdry, bystrí ( It has been sagaciously discerned by Simonides).
discern [dɪˈsɜːn]
rozpoznať, rozlíšiť äIt has beem sagaciously discerned by Simonides)
retain [rɪˈteɪn]
ponechať si, udržať ( reflexion can be most easily retained if they are also conveyed to our minds)
devoid [dɪˈvɔɪd]
úplne bez ( devoid of printing whithout paper for note-taking or on which to type lectures the trained memory was of vital importance.
vital [ˈvaɪtəl]
životne dôležitý ( devoid of printing whithout paper for note-taking or on which to type lectures the trained memory was of vital importance. )
tiresome [ˈtaɪəsəm]
otravný, protivný ( It is somewhat tiresome that his work, so vitally importatnt for the history of the classical art of memory and which will be constantly refered.)
engraved [ɪnˈgreɪvd or enˈ-]
vštiepiť, vyriť ( The natural memory is that which is engrafted in our minds)
endowed [ɪnˈdaʊd or enˈ-]
obdarovaný (Persons less well endowed can have their weak memories improved by the art.)
immense [ɪˈmens]
obrovský, ohromný ( An immense weight of history presses on the memory section of Ad Herennium.)
treatise [ˈtriːtɪz]
rozprava, spis (It is only Latin treatise on the subject to be preserved, for Cicero’s and Quintilian’s remarks.)
puzzle out
vyriešiť, rozlúštiť (“In short, all attempts to puzzle out what the classical art of memory was like must be mainly based on the memory section of Ad Herennium.”)
accretion [əˈkriːʃən]
prírastok, zväčšenie (“still preserve the ‘Ad Herennian’ outlines below all their complex accretions.”)
be incumbent [ɪnˈkʌmbənt] (upon us)
byť povinnosťou (“Evidently, therefore, it is incumbent upon us to attempt the by no means easy task of trying to understand the memory section of Ad Herennium.”)
rattle off
odrapotať, odomlieť (“for them he needed only to rattle off the ‘rules’ which they would know how to apply. ”)
baffled [ˈbæfəld]
bezradný, zmätený
strangeness [ˈstreɪndʒnɪs]
podivnosť, zvláštnosť
genus [ˈdʒiːnəs]
rod, genus (The genus of the lion)
equip [ɪˈkwɪp]
vybavit, vyzbrojiť (“If we wish to remember much material we must equip ourselves with a large number of places.”)
remedy [ˈremɪdɪ]
napraviť, opraviť(“even a person who thinks that he does not possess enough sufficiently good loci can remedy this.”)
summon up
evokovať, vyvolať ( the rules summon up a vision of a forgotten social habit.)
cogitation [ˌkɒdʒɪˈteɪʃən]
uvažovanie, premýšľanie
plausible [ˈplɔːzəbəl]
vierohodný, hodnoverný
elocution [ˌeləˈkjuːʃən]
elokúcia, rečnícky prednes
dignity [ˈdɪgnɪtɪ]
clothed [kləʊðd]
oblečený, odetý (“Things’ are thus the subject matter of the speech; ‘words’ are the language in which that subject matter is clothed.”)
brethren [ˈbreðrɪn]
bratia (zastaralo)
stirred [ˈstɜːd]
rozrušený, dojatý (“we generally fail to remember them, because the mind is not being stirred by anything novel or marvellous.”)
look up [lʊkˌʌp]
vyhľadať, nájsť (“to hold in memory a mass of material which can be looked up at will.”
specimen [ˈspesɪmɪn]
exemplár, ukážka (the specimen image just described was a memory for things image)
lash [læʃ]
bičovať, šľahať (“One is ‘Domitius raising his hands to heaven while he is lashed by the Marcii Reges”)
exhortation [ˌegzɔːˈteɪʃən]
nabádať (“The memory section closes with an exhortation to hard work.”)