The Elements of Typographic Style - Robert Bringhurst 2nd Edition Flashcards
nevertheless [ˌnevəðəˈles]
a predsa (One question, nevertheless, has been often in my mind.)
thrive* [θraɪv]
pt thrived/throve, pp thrived/thriven
prosperovať, dari, sa, prekvitať (Typography thrives as a shared concern – and there are no paths at all..)
solitude [ˈsɒlɪˌtjuːd]
samota, osamelosť ( The subject of this book is not typographic solitude, but the old, well-travelled roads..)
preconception [ˌpriːkənˈsepʃən]
predsudok (I have no preconceptions about which brands of computers, or which versions of which proprietary software, they may use)
synopsis [sɪˈnɒpsɪs]
súhrn, prehľad (Hisorical Synopsis)
oblique [əˈbliːk]
šikmý (bolique axis)
crisp [krɪsp]
strohý, rázny (štýl)
aperture [ˈæpətʃə]
otvor, štrbina
subsidiary [səbˈsɪdɪərɪ]
vedľajší, podružný, druhotný (Italic subsidiary to roman and closely linked with it)
foremost [ˈfɔːˌməʊst]
v prvom rade, na prvom mieste (These charts show first and foremost the axis of the pen that makes the letter).
subjugate [ˈsʌbdʒʊˌgeɪt]
podriadiť. podmaniť (italic fully subjugated to roman)
liberated [ˈlɪbəˌreɪtɪd]
emancipovaný, nezávislý, (italic partially liberated from roman)
misuse [ˌmɪsˈjuːz
zneužiť, zle použiť (Typography is an art that can be deliberately misused)
disguised [dɪsˈgaɪzd]
maskovany, skrývaný (It is a craft by which the meaning of a text can be knowingly disguised.)
rife [raɪf] with
oplývajúci, hemžiaci sa (In a world rife with unsolicited messages, typography must often draw attention…)
unsolicited [ˌʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd]
nevyžiadaný, nežiadúci (In a world rife with unsolicited messages, typography must often draw attention…)
relinquish [rɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ]
vzdať sa, upustiť (Yet in order to be read, it must relinquish the attention it has drawn.)
serenity [sɪˈrenɪtɪ]
pokoj, nevzrušenosť (It takes various forms and goes by various names, including serenity, livelness, laughter, grace and joy)
elucidate [ɪˈluːsɪˌdeɪt]
vysvetliť, objasniť, (The satisfactions of the craft come from elucidationg, and perhaps even ennobling the text)
zošľachťujúci, povznášajúci (The satisfactions of the craft come from elucidationg, and perhaps even ennobling the text)
dignity [ˈdɪgnɪtɪ]
dôstojnosť (Letters have a life and dignity of their own)
courtesy [ˈkɜːtɪsɪ]
zdvorilosť, slušnosť (Typography is a link and it ought, as a matter of honor, courtesy and pure delight to be as strong as the others in the chain.)
stamina [ˈstæmɪnə]
výdrž, vytrvalosť ä it is still to give the illusion of superhuman speed and stamina – and superhuman patience and precision.)
platitude [ˈplætɪˌtjuːd]
otrepaná fráza, klišé (typography that can walk familiar ground without sliding into platitudes)
obmedzenosť, tuposť (Typography is to literature as musical performance is to composition: an essential act of interpretation, full of endless opportunities for insight or obtuseness. )
deployment [dɪˈplɔɪmənt]
nasadenie, rozmiestnenie ( The same alphabets and page designs can be used for a bography and for a manual on the use and deployment of biological weapons.)
inherently [ɪnˈhɪərəntlɪ or -ˈher-]
vo svojej podstate, z podstaty (Evidently there is nothing inherently noble and trustworthy in the written or printed word.)
purport [pɜːˈpɔːt]
tvriť, vyhlasovať (A novel often purports to be a seamless river of words form beginning to end)
seamless [ˈsiːmlɪs]
jednoliaty, súvislý (A novel often purports to be a seamless river of words form beginning to end)
novel [ˈnɒvəl]
obscure [əbˈskjʊə]
nejasný, ťažko zrozumiteľný (Such features may be obscure in the manuscript, even if thy are clear in the authorjs mind.)
timbre [ˈtɪmbə or ˈtæmbə French tε̃brə]
timbre, sfarbenie hlasu (hud.)
interchangeable [ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒəbəl
zameniteľný, vymeniteľný (Thee root metaphor of tpesetting is that te alphabet is a system of interchangeable parts.)
particle [ˈpɑːtɪkəl]
(elementárna) častica
poignant [ˈpɔɪnjənt or -nənt]
dojímavý, pálčivý, bolestný (The typographer can make poignant and lovely typography from bibliographical paraphernalia and textual chaff.)
raconteur [ˌrækɒnˈtɜː]
rozprávač (dobrý)
yarn [jɑːn]
priadza, vlákno (thought is a thread, and the raconteur is a spinner of yarns - but the true storyteller, the poet, is a weaver. )
thread [θred]
niť (thought is a thread, and the raconteur is a spinner of yarns - but the true storyteller, the poet, is a weaver. )
weaver [ˈwiːvə]
tkáč (thought is a thread, and the raconteur is a spinner of yarns - but the true storyteller, the poet, is a weaver. )
scribe [skraɪb]
pisár, opisovač (The scribes made this old and audibe abstraction into a new and visible fact)
audible [ˈɔːdɪbəl]
počuteľný (The scribes made this old and audibe abstraction into a new and visible fact)
loom [luːm]
(tkáčske) krosná
ragged [ˈrægɪd]
otrhaný, neupravený, rozstrapatený (If text is set ragged right)
loosely [ˈluːslɪ]
splývavo, voľne (A loosely fitted typography)
inflected [ɪnˈflektɪd]
ohýbavý, flexívny (In highly inflected languages, such as Latin)
decipher [dɪˈsaɪfə]
rozlúštiť, dešifrovať
rovnomernosť, vyrovnanosť (In justified text, there is always a trade-off between evenness of word spacing and frequency of hyphenation.)
pinched [ˈpɪntʃt]
strhaný, vyziabnutý (, making the text look like a netly pinched piecrust)
inflationary [ɪnˈfleɪʃənərɪ]
inflačný (In nineteent century, which was a dark and inflationary age in typography)
period [ˈpɪərɪəd]
bodka (na konci oznamovacej vety)
cease [siːs]
prestať, ustáť (etter spacing has a role to play wherever words have ceased to matter and letters are what count. )
fastidious [fæˈstɪdɪəs]
puntičkársky, pedantný (For German a fastidious typographer will take space out of the combinations..)
arbitrarily [ˈɑːbɪtrərɪlɪ]
svojvoľne, ľubovoľne (And arbitrarily condensing or expanding letterforms is the poorest of all methods for fitting uneditable copy into unalterable space.)
slaughter [ˈslɔːtə]
vraždenie, vyvraždenie (With no regard for letters to squish them into cattle trains and ship them to the slaughter)
maltreatment [ˌmælˈtriːtmənt]
zlé zaobchádzanie (When letters are maltreated in this way, their reserve of legibility is sapped)
chasm [ˈkæzəm]
zásadný rozdiel (medzi vecami) (The two ways of destroying such an opportunity are setting great chasms of space that the eye cannot leap without help)
intrusion [ɪnˈtruːʒən]
narušenie ( If the main text runs 11/13, intrusions to the text should equal some multiple of 13 points)
suffocate [ˈsʌfəˌkeɪt]
dusiť, udusiť (Don’t suffocate the page)