Tibor kalman: Perverse Optimist 2 Flashcards
ulietaný, uponáhľaný
ensue [ɪnˈsjuː]
plynuť, nasledovať (negotiaion ensued)
overture [ˈəʊvəˌtjʊə]
predohra, overtura
slender [ˈslendə]
útly (magazine was more slender in words and more potent in pictures)
indulgent [ɪnˈdʌldʒənt]
zhovievavý, benevolentný
precarious [prɪˈkeərɪəs]
neistý, riskantný (We always done Colors in a very precarious way)
species [ˈspiːʃiːz]
druh (živočíšny)
saliva [səˈlaɪvə]
slina, sliny
eulogize [ˈjuːləˌdʒaɪz]
vychvaľovať, velebiť
obey [əˈbeɪ]
počúvať, riadiť sa (There is a need for some code that newspapers should obey to prevent them from manipulating readers)
intensify [ɪnˈtensɪˌfaɪ]
dubious [ˈdjuːbɪəs]
pochybný, podozrivý (selling sweaters in dubious way)
concomitant [kənˈkɒmɪtənt]
antagonistic [ænˌtægəˈnɪstɪk]
stance [stæns]
postoj, prístup
depiction [dɪˈpɪkʃən]
vyobrazenie, vykreslenie
affluent [ˈæflʊənt]
bohatý, majetný
obscure [əbˈskjʊə]
málo známy (obscure destinations)
dreary [ˈdrɪərɪ]
pochmurný, depresívny
outlandish [aʊtˈlændɪʃ]
podivný, bizarný ( the most outlandish choice was…)
fuselage [ˈfjuːzɪˌlɑːʒ]
trup (lietadla)
amid [əˈmɪd]
uprostred, medzi (Amid a series of features on ideal objects…)
arduous [ˈɑːdjʊəs]
náročný, namáhavý (Producing this photos was a somewhat more arduous process)
I turned out that he was right.
Vyšlo najavo že mal pravdu.
swan song
labutia piesen (koniec slávy) Kalman’s swansong was Colors 13, an issue with no words.
sudden [ˈsʌdən]
apparition [ˌæpəˈrɪʃən]
zjavenie prízrak (the sudden apparition of gibberish on page 68…)
gibberish [ˈdʒɪbərɪʃ]
bľabot, hatlanina
dissolve into [dɪˈzɒlv]
prepuknuť, vypuknuť (Toscani suggestions to enforce a sense of readeriliteracy, dissolves into the concluding scenes)
auteur [ɔːˈtɜː]
filmový režisér s veľmi výrazným autorským rukopisom
in sb’s favor
v prospech( Curators in history or science museums take more liberties and abandon neutrality in favor of contextualization to teach tough subjets)
liberty [ˈlɪbətɪ]
sloboda (občana)
loose [luːs]
voľný, neuviazaný (The exhibition was arranged in a loos chronological order)
tenement [ˈtenəmənt] (building)
nájomný / obytná dom (Whites generally allocate tenements as housing to the poorest blacks.)
set out
naaranžovať, rozmiestniť, rozložit ( Working with a curator Elisabeth Sussman, Kalman set out to unframe the art.)
dimly [ˈdɪmlɪ]
tlmene, nejasne (svietiť)
tarpaulin [tɑːˈpɔːlɪn]
nepremokavá plachta/celta
plywood [ˈplaɪˌwʊd]
ephemera [ɪˈfemərə]
staré zberateľské predmety (pohľadnice, plagáty)
syčanie, sykot, prskanie
mourn [mɔːn]
sútiť, oplakávať (There were some things to celebrate about that, but other things to mourn..)
obnoxious [əbˈnɒkʃəs]
odporný, hnusný, neznesiteľný (Wolfie’s way of doing it was obnoxious)
respective [rɪˈspektɪv]
príslušný, vlastmý (DO you think your respective work reflects common goals? )
didactic [dɪˈdæktɪk]
poučný, didaktický (Didactic texts tend not to work, so there needs to be another approach)
reproach [rɪˈprəʊtʃ]
vyčítať, vynadať (They are the same people you like to reproach.
tombstone [ˈtuːmˌstəʊn]
náhrobok, náhrobný kameň
aghast [əˈgɑːst]
zdesený, užasnutý (He is aghast when she tells him the truth.)
irradiate [ɪˈreɪdɪˌeɪt]v
ožiariť, ožarovať (radioaktívne)
preserve [prɪˈzɜːv]
zachovať, udržiavať ( Our skyline is a treasure, we should preserve it like a redwood forest. )
inhabit [ɪnˈhæbɪt]
obývať ( it is more interesting than the world of authored design that I inhabit professionally.)
hit on/hit upon
prísť, napadnúť (Canny and Karol hit upon a way of making ther two person company.)
obtuse [əbˈtjuːs]
obmedzený, tupý (človek) (You’re being obtuse and you’re making wild assumptions.)
arbitrary [ˈɑːbɪtrərɪ]
náhodný, ľubovoľný (How arbitrary or strategically choosen-was “graphic designer”?)
vicious [ˈvɪʃəs]
krutý, brutálny, zlý (So you and they must have some vicious falling out….)
fall out
pohádať sa (So you and they must have some vicious falling out….)
reconciliation [ˌrekənˌsɪlɪˈeɪʃən]
uzmierovanie, zmierenie
freer [ˈfriːə]
live up to
dodržať, naplniť (did the experience live up to the romantis ideal?)
sleazy [ˈsliːzɪ]
nechutný, hnusný, odporný
wacko [ˈwækəʊ]
strelený, praštený, / magor, cvok
polish off
zhltnúť , hodiť do seba (jedlo/knihy) (We’ve polished off a couple of Roald Dahl books in the last month.)