Water Potential D2.3 Flashcards
What is solvation?
the reaction between solute and solvent molecules.
What is the most important factor in determining how well solvents solvate a solute?
solvent polarity, polar solvents are good.
How does water react with solutes as a solvent?
an ionic solute like NaCl will break into its ions in water since polar attractions cause water molecules to surround and isolate solute molecules.the partial charges of water interact with charges or partial charges of the solute.
What is solute concentration?
the amount of solute (in moles) per unit volume (in dm^3). 1dm^3 = 1L
What is an isotonic solution?
there is no difference in concentration of solute, = number of water molecules move between them
What is a hypertonic solution?
higher concentration of solute in solution > cell, water molecules leave the cell and shrinks
What is a hypotonic solution?
lower concentration of solute in solution > cell, water molecules enter the cell and expand
What does it mean to be osmotically active solutes? Examples?
to be cause osmosis to occur (can induce the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane). IONS
- sodium
- potassium
- chloride
What is the effect of water on animal cells?
animal cells bathed in a hypotonic solution will make cell swell and because it lacks the support of a cell wall, it will lyse/burst
What is the effect of water on plant cells?
plant cells bathed in hypertonic solution will shrink and pull away from the cell wall which creates a decrease in pressure, reducing the volume of the cytoplasm.
Applications of isotonic solutions?
- intravenous drips with normal saline solutions
- rinse wounds and skin abrasions
- keep areas of skin moistened prior to skin grafts
- contact solution
- eye drops
- nasal irrigation
- frozen to slush for donor organs during transportation
What water has a water potential of 0?
pure water used at standard atmospheric pressure and 20C
What is water potential?
the potential energy of water ler unit volume, relative to pure water. used to quantify the tendency of water to move from dilute to concentrated solutions due to osmosis.
What is water potential denoted by?
the symbol Ψ (psi) and expressed in units of pressure (kilo pascal, kPa)
What are factors that affect water potential?
- rises and falls in hydrostatic pressure (high pressure = more potential)
- solute concentration (when solutes dissolve the potential dec) (high concentration = less potential)
How does water move?
moves from high concentration to low to minimize diff in potential energy
What is the formula for water potential?
Ψ = ΨS + ΨP
What does the number on ΨS mean?
negative = high solute concentration
Water potential in hypotonic solutions of plant cells?
increased water potential
Why is water potential increased in hypotonic solutions?
- water moves into the cell creating a increase in pressure on the cell wall (increase of ΨP)
- more water molecules than solute and therefore ΨS decreases
Water potential in hypertonic solutions of plant cells?
decreased water potential
Why is water potential decreased in hypertonic solutions?
- water moves out, fewer water molecules = decrease in pressure
- more solute than water molecules and increase of solute concentration