Wars of the Roses 6 - Henry VII 1485-1509 Flashcards
When was the Battle of Bosworth?
When did Henry VII marry Elizabeth of York?
When was Lovell’s rebellion?
When was the Simnel and Lincoln rebellion?
When was the Battle of Stoke?
When was the Yorkshire rebellion?
When did Perkin Warbeck visit Ireland?
When was Sir William Stanley executed?
When was the Magnus Intercursus treaty?
When did Warbeck and Scotland invade?
When was the Cornish rebellion?
When did Warbeck’s march from the South-West?
When was the truce with Scotland?
When were Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick executed?
When did Prince Arthur marry Katherine of Aragon?
When did Elizabeth of York die?
When did Prince Arthur die?
When did Margaret Tudor marry James IV of Scotland?
When did Henry VII die?
Who was Sir Edmund Dudley?
He was the lawyer who helped created Henry’s financial policies and was President of the King’s Council in 1506
Who did Warbeck marry?
Lady Katherine Gordon
What was a condition of Arthur and Katherine’s marriage?
That rival claimants to the throne must be removed
When did Henry VII date his reign to?
21 August 1485 (the day before Bosworth) so that anyone who fought against him was a traitor
Where was the base for espionage?
How did Henry VII use his family to secure his throne?
Married Elizabeth of York (united the two houses), had two sons and reversed the act of bastardisation
When were ciphers used?
From 1505 onwards
How did Henry VII successfully use spies?
He was forewarned of Warbeck’s plans and infiltrated the court of Margaret of Burgundy
How did Henry VII use bonds to control the nobility?
The nobility would sign a pledge promising good behaviour of themselves or relations or they would pay a fine.
Why was Henry less likely to reverse an attainder than his predecessors?
He demanded absolute obedience from nobility
How did Lovell’s rebellion end?
It lacked support and Lovell fled to Burgundy
Who did Simnel claim to be?
Edward Earl of Warwick (Clarence’s son)
How was Simnel’s rebellion significant?
He was crowned in Ireland, coins with his face on were minted and the rebellion led to a battle
What happened to the leaders of Simnel’s rebellion?
Lincoln was killed, Lovell fled and Simnel was employed in Henry VII’s kitchen
Who led the Yorkshire rebellion?
Sir John Egremont
Who was killed in the Yorkshire rebellion?
Henry Percy was lynched
What caused the Yorkshire rebellion?
The collection of tax to fund war to defend Brittany against France that Yorkshire was usually exempt to (Henry did not try to collect similar tax again)
Who did Warbeck claim to be?
Richard of York (the youngest of the princes in the tower)
What support did Warbeck have?
1491 - support in Ireland
Up to 1492 - support in France
1492 - support from Margaret of Burgundy
1493 - support from Maximillian, King of the Romans
1495-1497 - support from Scotland
How did Henry VII neutralise the threat of Margaret of Burgundy?
Trade agreements
Who led the Cornish rebellion?
Lord Audley
What caused the Cornish rebellion?
Taxation for war against Scotland
Where was the Cornish rebellion defeated?