Russia 6 - Social Developments 1917-85 Flashcards
When was compulsory labour?
When was Zhendotdel created?
When was Zhendotdel abolished?
When were internal passports?
When was mass vaccination?
When were women recruited for the Virgin Lands Scheme?
When did BAM recruit women?
When was Komsomol?
When was the Decree on Illiteracy?
When was the Young Pioneers?
When were fees for primary schools abolished?
When was gender segregation in secondary schools?
When was abortion legalised?
When were fees abolished for secondary schools and university?
When was Almanac (the feminist movement)?
Who was head of the Zhenotdel?
Alexandra Kollontai
What manuals did the government produce?
Teaching men how to ask women to dance and deal with rejection
What was Khrushchev’s concern?
That the USSR couldn’t produce significant sausage
What was Obshchesttvennitsa?
The movement of wife activists
Who directed early education policy?
Lenin’s wife - Nadezhda Krupskaya
What was LOTOS?
League for Emancipation from Stereotypes
Who organised rationing?
How much did the amount of workers in Petrograd decrease by in 1917?
By 50%
How long was the working week under collectivisation?
7 days
How much did infant mortality decrease from 1940-50?
It halved
How much did the number of doctors increase by from 1947-52?
By 2/3
How much did Khrushchev increase the health and welfare budget?
It doubled
How much did the pension budget under Khrushchev increase?
It quadrupled
How much did spending on benefits increase under Brezhnev?
Increased 5% per annum
How many people were unemployed under Brezhnev?
What was Kommunalka?
Communal living houses where each family had a room
How much space did each family have in kommunalka?
5.5m^2 (decreased to 4m^2 in 1940)
How was the housing situation after WWII insufficient?
15,000 beds for 26,000 people and 1 basin per 70 people
How did housing change under Khrushchev?
Urban housing doubled - Khrushchyovka were cheap mass housing blocks (supposed to be temporary but continued into the 1980s) and allowed the reintroduction of privacy
Why did the Zhenotdel recruit women?
For nursing and food distribution
What happened to women under the NEP?
Rise in female unemployment and prostitution
How much did the number of women in industry increase from 1928 to 1940?
From 3 million to 13 million
How much of the workforce did women make up in 1955?
How much less did women get paid than men?
Women received 60-65% of men’s pay
How many of the clerical positions were held by women?
What was the triple shift?
Farming, housework and handicrafts
How many of the lowest paid farm workers were women in 1970?
How many of rural teachers were women?
How many women were in combat roles by 1945?
Give an example of a female flying regiment during WWII
Night witches
How did the role of women in propaganda develop?
1917-40 - vulnerable peasant woman
Post WWII - heroic women (e.g. Valentina Tereshkova)
How many party members were female in 1929?
What is the most that women made up of the Central Committee?
What did the Zhenotdel achieve?
Access to education, contraception, abortion, equal rights to divorce and legalised prostitution
When was postcard divorce introduced?
What happened during Stalin’s Great Retreat?
Abortion criminalised, contraception banned, sex outside marriage criminalised and lesbianism declared a disease
How much did Khrushchev increase paid maternity leave?
From 77-112 days
What news did Brezhnev supress?
Foreign woman’s rights
What was the literacy level in 1917?
How much of the Red Army was literate in 1925?
What was the literacy level in 1928?
What was the literacy level in 1939?
How many children got four years of education in 1928?
Only 60%
How many people went to university in 1953?
1.5 million
How many children finished school in 1953?
100% primary and 65% secondary
How many children completed secondary education under Khrushchev?
What teaching style did Khrushchev introduce to schools?
How many people went to university in 1980?
What was introduced in the 1970s to encourage attendance in schools?
Free meals and textbooks
How many youth group members were there in 1982?
40 million
What ages were each of the youth groups?
Octobrists = 5-9
Young Pioneers = 10-14
Komsomol = 14-28