Warning Caution Note Flashcards
Before exterior check
Do not preflight until armament systems are safe, off, pins installed, locking levers locked
Nose section
Dont deflect blades more than 6’ and dont tie down below normal droop position
Ensure no heat damage to blades on UES birds
Ensure avionics compartment secured before securing FLIR door
Cabin top
Caution: SATCOM and COM3 are trip hazard, be mindful when accessing APU compartment
Before starting engines
Before engine ops, all rotor tiedowns shall be removed
Pilots when fully restrained must be able to actuate EPCLs, Fuel selectors, fire T handles, full range flight controls.
C: Dont grab glare shield
Circuit breakers and switches
When flight into IMC expected, STBY INST must BATT GOOD for 5 seconds for 30 min standby ESIS power
N: Beeping tones will be heard during ICS startup
Ensure stab clear prior to application of AC power
No person within 3 feet of TACAN for radiation hazard
During power up, IBIT, reboot in flight, CMWS inop for 2-5 min
C:Dont switch AC power from APU gen to main gens during booting, cause damage
MFDs on
On AC with EDECU and DAS plug, validation code of 25% 20 seconds after AC power must be verified
May also verify in FMS
DEC fault codes immediately display after AC power 4 on 2 off, and 30 seconds after both engines shut down
Master warning panel
If light doesnt light, pull out 1/4 inch and push in to reset
FCC Reset
Wont reset until EGIs in ORIENT phase
Load Nav database
N: Must be loaded using PCMCIA card with only NAV Data. BIN File recommended. Loading MAPS will significantly increase nav data load time
N:Recommended to load from the BC FMS
Load MSN Data
N:Asterisks in the date line can be cleared by forcing a BUS swap
Flight controls check
W: Must sweep prior to flight to ensure to aviation gear not causing restrictions
C: Ensure blades not directly over open hydraulic deck (WSPS strike)
N: Dont push past pedal stops, will make bearing/bolt noises
W:PRI Servo appearing during collective movement DNF, bypass valve jammed
N:During collective and pedal slow check, no more than 1.5 inch free play
Stab check
W:Any part fails DNF
Blade de ice
Clear upper deck of personnel until TEST IN PROGRESS is off and power switch is OFF to avoid low current shock
C: Dont blade de ice test more than once/30 min with rotor stationary
W:Droop stop hinge pins and cams hot AF
C: Dont perform blade deice with erosion kits installed
N:FMS defaults to last known position, will update when GPS data becomes available
N: INIT will automatically engage once GPS acquires sattelites
N:Calc performance will not be used until verify correct config of ACN
N: Drag and performance values must match AC configuration
N: Only 2 UTOs can be loaded via card, others can through IDM. Must display “OPERATIONAL” prior to JVMF login (2 minish)
Starting engines:
W:Blades +/- 20 degrees if UES and rotor brake start
W: Blades turning with stab unlocked can allow stab to fold up into tail rotor
C: Stab unlocked may not be visible in CAS box, check ECIAS
N: You may start engines with inop/uninstalled rotor brake
Engine(s) - Start
W: Rotor brake slip = shut down or release rotor brake
C: If start attempted with ignition switch off, dont place on just abort
N: During rotor brake ops theres no NP or Q readings until release, main XSMN Pressure caution remains until release, HYD PUMP cautions remain until release,
N: Fuel press low may appear, should be gone before stabilized ground idle
N: Dont use boost pumps to extinguish Fuell press low cautions during a start
C: Dont move EPCL from idle to off while pressing starter
C: Neutral controls, no more than 1 inch collective until 50% NR to avoid damage to anti flap bracket bushings
N:If starter drops out with EPCL OFF when releasing button, start attempt may be continued, press and hold until 52 to 65% NG and release
C: Minimize cyclic input with rotor brake off starts to minimize DSP
N: One second delay from starter disengage and ENG STARTER ON caution disappearing. NG May be above 65% but ENG Starter on caution must disappear by the time engine reaches idle.
Hydraulic leak test system
N: Dont hold in test position, wont test properly because it holds the circuit open instead of allowing LDI to check automatically
N: If Backup hydraulic pump is still running following leak test, place OFF and back to auto
Tail rotor transfer BACKUP
Failure of the Backup pump ON or T/R Servo 2 advisory to appear indicates LDI failure
Engine Runup
W: Restricto movement rate with lockpin not engaged
N: During single engine ground ops with collective full down, NP/NR May indicate 99% pull 1/2 in collective to remedy, more likely in hot weather
C: Above 21 degrees, operate 100% for 5 min before doing EOT to prevent overheating. Dont test above 38 degrees
N: If external air source used to start aircraft, APU must be turned on to complete the APU gen backup check within the EOT check
ECS as desired
C: Personnel using only foamies restricted to 3 flight hours per 24 hours for noise. Rubber style flange plugs prohibited
C: When using AC< right cabin door should remain closed, dont open it fore more than 1 minute
N: Turning on ECS may cause AFCS computer CPTR capsure and TRIM and FPS lights to illuminate. FCC 1 or 2 to clear
CEFS fuel transfer Check
N: Theres a timing error between CEFS and DCUs during power up. TANK ID CHANGED Caution may be shown on EICAS and will be missing fuel quantities. To correct, 3 min after APU or external power applied, cycle DCU 1 and 2 circuit breakers.
Health indicator test
W: Any part fails DNF
W: Dont cycle anti ice bleed and start valve more than once. DNF if TGT rise less than 30 or if you have to cycle switch to get it to rise.
C: Malfunction engine anti ice and inlet anti ice may result in power losses up to 40% max torque available when in 30 min TGT limits. Any part of inlet AI fails DNF
N: If you use the force function it will still display
N: May use in flight HIT in desert to avoid sand ingestion.
Before taxi
W: Ejector rack lock lever should be turned inward on the ground, so the pilot can see the CE take it to the vertical unlocked position. Must verify unlocked prior to flight
Ground taxi
C: Minimize cyclic input for DSP
C: Landing and search lights have less than a foot of clearance full extension. Use caution when landing into rough terrain
Before takeoff:
W: Pitot and AI shall be on during ops in visible moisture at 4 degrees and below. If you freeze your pitots your stab may trim full down in cruise, slew it to 0 if that happens.
W: If stab has not begun trailing edge up by 30 to 50 knots and manual control not available, do not exceed KIAS limit on ARC or pitch control may be lost
After takeoff
W: If external fuel transfer not used in auto, careful planning must be used to maintain tank CG limits
W: Flares burn, ensure CMWS arm/safe switch is SAFE and safety pin installed when not required
C: During roll on aero braking, once mains touch down cyclic must be centered prior to reducing collective. Aero braking prohibited once main landing gear touch down, use brakes.
N: Nose up pitch may cause transient drop in indicated man transmission oil pressure
After landing
W: After installing crew safety pin, pull on it to ensure installed correctly
Parking shutdown EPC to idle
W: restrict movement rate with lockpin disengaged
N: If droop stop wont go in, shut down one engine to lower rotor in attempt to seat. If still wont go in, accel NR to 75% , then repeat shutdown with slightly displaced cyclic to attempt to dislodge jammed stop. If perma jammed, clear area and proceed with shutdown and neutral controls.
C: Dont increase collective pitch during rotor coast down to help anti flap stops life
C: Before EPCL off, engine must cool at 90% NG or less for 2 min. If you cant do this and have to restart engine, restart within 5 min. If you cant restart within 5 min, wait 4 hours.
Pressure refueling
All switches on AUX FUEL panel shall be set with power applied to ensure valves in proper position for tank to be refueled.