.11 Flashcards
7 core competencies of army aviation
Accurate/timely info collection
Provide reaction time/maneuver space
Fuck up/with enemy forces
Air assault ground forces
air movement of stuff and people
Evac and recover personnel
Enable command and control
Ways to enhance the realism of training (1-2 par 1-7)
Imperfect intel
Degraded comms
Adaptive opposition
Realistic ROEs
Loss of key leaders
etc etc etc
What is in CH 2 of the .11
Descriptions for
- Aircraft definitions (Series, type, model etc)
-Task types
-1000, 2000, 3000 series task descriptions etc
-Condition, standard, description explanations
Self start provision for commanders
Commanders may start their own training program for a task not currently used/trained at the unit
Most experienced SP in unit will admin training. IPs will not train or evaluate task until they themselves have been GO’d by SP.
This can be used to reestablish NVD currency across the unit (if everyone goes pumpkin)
Define performance task
measure the ACM’s ability to perform, manipulate the controls, and respond to tasks affected by specific conditions and mode of flight
Hand eye coordination tasks
must be trained and evaluated in all modes of
flight for readiness level (RL) progression as designated by the master task list (MTL).
define 2000 series task
The 2000-series tasks are tactical tasks that act as building blocks for performing Army Aviation missions. Some 2000-series tactical tasks are mandatory (identified in the MTL) and others are optional
based on the mission of the unit.
Tactical tasks build on skills trained in base tasks and enable mission accomplishment. Tactical tasks include external load operations and tracking targets
Define technical task
Technical tasks measure the ACM’s ability to plan, preflight, brief, run up, or operate specific onboard systems, sensors, or avionics in flight or on the ground.
These tasks are not significantly affected by conditions or mode of flight.
Technical tasks may be evaluated in any condition or mode. The commander may mandate conditions or modes of flight based on the unit mission
define 1000 series task
The 1000-series tasks are base tasks that generally apply to all aircraft in a specific category. They are the entry-level tasks that are common sub-components of more advanced tactical and mission tasks.
They generally apply to operating the airframe and usually would apply to a civilian equivalent aircraft. The critical task list identifies all mandatory and optional 1000-series tasks.
What are the 7 parts of a task
Task title.
Condition statement.
Training evaluations.
What is a condition statement
The condition statement specifies the circumstances under which the task must be performed and identifies an initiating cue or triggering circumstance that lets the ACM know to accomplish the task.
It also lists materials, equipment, and personnel required for task accomplishment.
What is a standard
the minimum level of performance required for task proficiency
What are task descriptions used for
The description explains the preferred method for conducting a task to meet the standards. Tasks may be accomplished using other methods, as long as the task is done safely and the standards are met.
Task descriptions broken down into crew actions.
For all tasks the common crew actions necessary to meet crew coordination objectives are
-Perform crew-coordinated actions as specified in the task description.
-Monitor engine and aircraft systems operations.
-Monitor avionics, mission equipment, navigation, and communication operations.
-Maintain airspace surveillance and clear aircraft.
-Announce when attention is focused inside aircraft—except for momentary scans—and announce when attention is focused back inside.
What are task considerations
The considerations section of a task defines essential information the aircrew must consider when performing tasks under various flight modes (day, night unaided, and night aided while using a NVD)
and/or environmental conditions.
These considerations must be evaluated to determine risk associated with task performance under certain environmental conditions.
What do the training/eval requirements of a task detail?
Training and evaluation requirements define whether the task will be trained and/or evaluated in the aircraft, simulator, or academic environment.
Listing aircraft and/or simulator under the evaluations
requirements does not preclude the evaluator from evaluating elements of the task academically to determine depth of understanding or planning processes.
What do we do if the ATM is insufficient for a given task?
Task development process, its outlined at the end of chapter 2
What are an IPs responsibilities per the .11
CH 3 (3-4)
Serving as the primary technical and tactical expert for the aviation standardization program.
Administering the commander’s ATP.
Maintaining a high level of aircraft proficiency as a PC, instructor pilot (IP), and AMC
Providing expertise on unit individual, crew, and collective training to the commander.
Managing individual flight/training records.
Are flight surgeons RCMs, NRCMs, Or NCMs?
CH 3 (3-7)
They are RCMs, but are not part of the rated inventory per AR 600-105
What are the basics on NCMs?
CH 3 (3-7)
Non crew members;
Non-crewmembers must be fully integrated into the ATP to include individual aircrew training folder (IATF), individual flight records and
complete training and annual evaluation requirements per the MTL.
How is proficiency measured at the unit level?
Proficiency is measured in terms of the unit’s demonstrated ability to perform the tasks as stated in the approved METL,
Full METL proficiency is achieved when a
unit has attained a ________ level of proficiency in all METL tasks according to the training and evaluation outlines (T&EOs) in CATS and as defined in AR 220-1.
A “T” level of proficiency
What are some ways to mitigate risk? Where is the full list?
Full list CH 4, 4-5
Identify controls (Altitude caps, restrictions, cuttoffs)
Dont accept unnecessary risk
Make risk decisions at proper level
etc etc etc
RL progression is a prescriptive process mandated by ______ and must be strictly followed to ensure standardization across our force
CH 6 (6-1)
What is the CTL
CH 6 (6-2)
Commanders Task List; 7120
A commander’s directive to the ACM that mandates specific training and evaluation requirements
Task-based requirements derived from the unit’s METL and/or
collective task(s), UTL and the MTL
Designates authorized crew duty stations
Specifies the hours, tasks, iterations, frequency, evaluation requirements, and ATP responsibilities the ACM must meet
during the training year
Details on required training programs are found where?
Ch 6 (6-2) and
95-1 (CH 4, 4-5)
CBRN Requirements
CH 6 (6-3)
are required for RL progression and must be performed at least once annually after an ACM is RL1
When temperature is a factor or when the protective over garment is not available the aircrew protective mask will be the minimum equipment worn
When must ACMs undergo NVG refresher training?
CH 6 (6-3)
No 1 hour flight within 180 days
ACMs who undergo refresher training are designated NVG RL3
ACMs may not train 2000 and above series tasks under NVGs until
CH 6 (6-3)
Proficiency has been obtained in ALL 1000 series tasks in MTL for NVG.
Evaluators/trainers for NRCM NVD training must sit where?
CH 6 (6-3)
At a crew station without access to flight controls, except when evaluating crew coordination or giving LAO
Can you eval CBRN in the sim?
CH 6 (6-4)
Yes, as directed by the commander
When conducting emergency procedure training in flight, SP’s and IP’s are restricted from wearing
CH 6 (6-4)
Protective masks
While conducting training wearing MOPP, the commander will ensure aircrews use extra care when performing flight duties when the wet bulb globe temperature is above ____ degrees Fahrenheit
CH 6 (6-4)
What documents detail gunnery training programs?
CH 6 (6-4)
DA PAM 350-38
What is the 7122 called?
The Crewmember training record
Details for environmental training
CH6 (6-5)
Overwater, mountain, etc
What program must be implemented in conjunction with a gunnery program?
CH 6 (6-4)
A combat identification training program per
TC 3-17 and
Minimum standard for training visual and thermal CVID?
Minimum iterations?
CH 6 (6-4)
ROC-V (recognition of combat vehicles)
Two phases of Aircrew Coordination Training
CH6 (6-6)
Initial qual - must be USAACE
Sustainment - Annual. Material published at the beginning of each calendar year on DOTD FTB website
DA Form 759 is what?
Individual flight record and flight certificate
Annual sustainment training for ACT will be annotated where?
CH6 (6-6)
On an individuals 7120 and as a 7122
ALSE Training
CH6 (6-6)
Annual requirement. Operation, use, and user level maintenance.
PC Program
CH6 (6-7)
Commander developed program
Experience proficiency, tactical decision making, leadership, and judgement required.
AMC program
CH6 (6-7)
Battalion commander is primary trainer for the program with assistance from ATP commanders
Minimum components (details ch 6-8)
Academic training
Flight training
Aircraft certification
Annual sustainment training
Emergency procedures training
CH6 (6-9)
-Simulator should be primary tool used
-If in sim, IP/SP not required to be at controls
-Conducted as part of semi annual requirement using FADEC-F
-Minimum 1.5 hour EP periods, Focus on at least 3 EPs from each section of the FRCs
After commanders investigation, extension is appropriate when
CH 7 (7-1)
requirements can be met within 30 days (180 days after deployment)
How to annotate an extension
CH7 (7-2)
7122 entry, specify requirements to be completed.
Once the extended requirements have been
completed, enter the completion on the DA Form 7122
759 Entry
If an extension exceeds the close out date, it will be annotated on the DA Form 759. Completion of the requirements will be entered on the DA Form 759 during the next closeout.
Medical suspension
CH7 (7-2)
(30 days or longer). Are prescribed by AR 600-105 for RCMs and annotated von the DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759.
How to annotate waiver
CH7 (7-2)
Annotated on the DA Form 759 during the
next closeout.
Unit or individual waivers will be annotated on the DA Form 7122 and signed by the waiver approval authority. DA Form 7122 entries will specify waived requirements and any required actions.
Who does commander interface with for RCM and NRCM pay changes following a suspension?
CH7 (7-2)
Commanders will coordinate with the Incentive Pay Branch regarding RCM suspensions
and with local finance and accounting officials when dealing with NRCM pay
Suspensions/Termination for NRCMs and/or UACs
CH7 (7-3)
will be processed per AR 600-106 and annotated on the DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759.
Nonmedical suspension
CH7 (7-2)
Any commander in the chain of command may impose a
nonmedical suspension for RCMs not to exceed 60 days. The suspension will be annotated on the
DA Form 7122 and DA Form 759
Can go to 365 days if commander has FEB appointing authority
FAC level stands for
CH7 (7-4)
Flying activity category
CH7 (7-4)
FAC 1 duty positions require a high degree of proficiency in the tactical employment of the assigned aircraft.
All operational flying positions at company and/or troop level in MTOE units with assigned aircraft are designated FAC 1 positions
CH7 (7-4)
FAC 2 duty positions require the same level of proficiency in individual and crew tasks as FAC 1 duty positions, but less in company and battalion collective mission tasks.
CH7 (7-4)
FAC 3 designation may only be applied in TDA units and to MTOE unit positions at brigade-level and above. To designate a position as FAC 3, a simulator must be available for the ACM to use.
Rated aviators assigned to FAC 3 positions that have not completed an instrument evaluation within the previous ATP year must complete an instrument evaluation within 90
days of FAC 3 assignment
Where to find minimum mandatory ATP/Stands SOP items?
CH 7 (7-7)
CH7 (7-5)
RCMs in FAC 4 positions are prohibited from performing ACM duties in Army aircraft.
FAC 4 designation will only be applied to operational flying positions above and outside a combat aviation brigade where a brigade-level commander or higher has determined there are limited and/or no
aircraft or simulator resources available to support FAC 1, 2, or 3 minimums.
If commander doesnt make PC
30 extension from first O6 in chain of command
Otherwise request waiver or FEB
When must company/BN commanders make PC? (Who else does this apply to)
What are the exceptions?
CH7 (7-5)
Company and battalion commanders, with aircraft assigned to the unit, which have been in command for at least 180 days and RL1 for at least 180 days must be a PC in their primary aircraft
All also applies to tracked warrants
365 days if first assignment in new aircraft.
All of these times exclude time lost to:
TDY, leave, aircraft non availability, cancelations,
Records review
CH8 (8-3)
Standardization personnel will review the ACM’s CAFRS flight training records and will assess the individual’s qualifications, duty position, and tasks performed within the ACM’s previous ATP year DA Form 7120-series.
Based on this review, the commander may designate an appropriate RL for the ACM. Standardization personnel will document the RL on the ACM’s DA Form 7122.
What is the purpose of a commanders evaluation?
CH8 (8-3)
To integrate an ACM into the ATP, determine proficiency and corresponding RL
When must commanders evaluation be conducted
CH8 (8-3)
Within 45 calendar days after the ACM signs into the unit
or after the effective date of his or her flying status orders, whichever occurs last.
If a newly assigned ACM has not completed any portion of their previous ATP year’s annual evaluation requirements, then those requirements must be completed prior to
CH8 (8-3)
RL1 or RL2 designation
If the ACM has not flown within the preceding 180 days, then the ACM will be designated
CH8 (8-3)
To be designated RL1, based solely on a records check, an ACM must have - A lot of shit checked off. Where is the list found?
CH 8 (8-4)
RCMs/UACs on their first assignment following IERW or an AQC will be designated ____ based solely on a records review. These ACMs must receive a ____for designation other than RL3.
must receive a PFE for designation other than RL3