ATM Flashcards
Heading +/- 10 degrees
altitude +/- 3 feet
drift +/- 3 feet
flying standards
heading +/- 10 degrees
Altitude +/- 100 ft
airspeed +/- 10 knots
Maintain ground track w/minimal drift
climb/descent +/- 200fpm
trim +/- 1/2 ball
1004 plan vfr flight
-Are aircrew capable
-Can it be done VFR w/n 95-1, FAA, local regs, SOP
-Determine procedures departure, en route, destination
-Pick routes avoiding weather, limitations, adhere to VFR cruise altitudes
-Xcountry: +/- 1nm, +/- 5 knots TAS and GS, +/- 1 min ETE, +/- 5 degrees mag headings
-fuel +/- 100lbs
-Perform risk assessment
1006 plan IFR flight
-Aircrew capability
-Can it be done IFR w/n 95-1, FAA, SOP
-Determine routes, procedures
-Select routes to avoid wx, limits, adhere to IFR cruise altitudes
-Courses +/- 5 degrees
-Select approach compatitible w/WX, determine need for alternate
-Distance +/- 1nm true airspeed +/- 5 knots ground speed +/- 5 knots ETE +/- 1 min for each leg of flight fuel required +/- 100lbs
-File flight plan
1010 PPC
-Use current software
-Compute FAT +/- 5 degrees PA +/- 1000 ft Gross weight +/- 500lbs ETF +/- 0.05
-When manual calc required calculate Q +/- 2, weight +/- 500lb, fuel +/- 100lb, airspeeds +/- 5 knots
-Correlate PPC to aircraft/mission capabilities
1011 Dynamic in flight performance
When within 3000lb max GW
after an increase of 1000 PA
after an increase of 5 degrees C
Update and find;
Max torque available
max allowable gross weight oge
Go/No go IGE OGE
AC gross weight
Weight and balance
Weight and CG through duration of flight
Any limitations ID’d
365-4 within 90 days
Pre flight inspection
Perform preflight via checklist
review AC logbook for service intervals and deficiencies
Enter appropriate info on 2408-13-1
airspace surveillance
Brief sectors/procedures
announce unplanned drift or altitude changes
Clear the AC
Announce traffic and obstacles
announce inside/outside
maintain assigned sectors
hover power check
Determine if AC exceeds max gross weight
verify gross weight
determine sufficient power for misison
Select landing area
Set parking brake before landing
heading +/- 5 degrees
no drift +/- 3 until touchdown
no drift after touchdown
Standard for All tasks
(1) Do not exceed aircraft limitations.
(2) Crewmembers will comply with all evaluation considerations, warnings, cautions, and notes in the
(3) Perform crew coordination actions IAW chapter 8.
Hover standards
(1) Maintain heading ±10 degrees.
(2) Maintain altitude, ±3 feet (±5 feet for OGE). *
(3) Do not allow drift to exceed 3 feet (10 feet for OGE hover). *
(4) Maintain ground track within 3 feet.
(5) Maintain a constant rate of movement appropriate for existing conditions.
In-flight standards
(1) Maintain heading ±10 degrees.
(2) Maintain altitude ±100 feet.
(3) Maintain airspeed ±10 KIAS.
(4) Maintain ground track with minimum drift.
(5) Maintain rate of climb or descent ±200 FPM.
(6) Maintain the aircraft in trim ±1⁄2 ball width.
Standards while on APU
(1) Maintain airspace surveillance (Task 1026).
(2) Apply appropriate environmental considerations.
PC standards
-The PC is responsible for conducting the mission and for operating, securing, and servicing the aircraft they command.
-The PC will ensure that a crew briefing is done and that the mission is performed according to the mission briefing, ATC instructions, regulations, and SOP requirements.
P* responsibilities
-aircraft control
-obstacle avoidance
-proper execution of emergency procedures.
-The Pwill announce any deviation, and the reason, from instructions issued.
-The P will announce changes in altitude, attitude, airspeed, or direction.
P responsibilities
-in-flight computations
-assisting the P* (as requested)
-properly executing emergency procedures.
-When duties permit, the P assists the P* with obstacle
A degraded visual environment (DVE) is a circumstance where weather, obscurations or obstacle hinder the ability of the crew to determine where they are in relation to the surrounding terrain.
Utilization of the ______________ prior to encountering DVE may aid and assist in the prevention of spatial disorientation, reduce crew workload, fatigue and prevent accidents.
coupled flight director
______ reduces available ground references and may increase the possibility of spatial disorientation. Consideration should be given to reducing pilot workload with the aid of the coupled
flight director.
When conditions exist where radar altitude fluctuations are made due to terrain, obstacles, or wind, “RAD ALT” should be placed in the active standby mode by pressing and holding the collective trim button to manually control altitude with collective.
Hovering OGE
TASK 1000
Participate in a Crew Mission Briefing
- The pilot in command (PC) will acknowledge an understanding of DA Form 5484 and will actively
participate in a crew mission briefing. - The PC will ensure a mission briefing is conducted using table 4-1, or a more detailed unit-approved crew
briefing CL. - Crewmembers will acknowledge a complete understanding of the aircrew mission briefing.
TASK 1004
Plan a Visual Flight Rules Flight
- Determine whether the aircrew and aircraft are capable of completing the assigned mission.
- Determine whether the flight can be performed under VFR IAW AR 95-1, applicable Federal Aviation
Regulations FARs)/host-nation regulations, local regulations, and SOPs. - Determine the departure, en route, and destination procedures.
- Select route(s) and altitudes that avoid hazardous weather conditions; do not exceed aircraft or equipment
limitations, and conform to VFR cruising altitudes IAW DOD FLIP. - For cross-country flights, determine the distance ±1 nautical mile, true airspeed ±5 knots, ground speed ±5
knots, and estimated time en route (ETE) ±1 minute for each leg of the flight. Compute magnetic heading(s) ±5
degrees. - Determine the fuel required IAW AR 95-1, ±100 pounds.
- Complete and file the flight plan IAW AR 95-1 and DOD FLIP.
- Perform mission risk assessment IAW unit SOP.
TASK 1006
Plan an Instrument Flight Rules Flight
- Determine whether the aircrew and aircraft are capable of completing the assigned mission.
- Determine whether the flight can be performed under IFR IAW AR 95-1 and applicable Federal
Aviation Regulations (FARs)/host-nation regulations, local regulations, and SOPs. - Determine the departure, enroute, and destination procedures.
- Select route(s) and altitudes that avoid hazardous weather conditions, do not exceed aircraft or equipment
limitations, and conform to IFR cruising altitudes IAW DOD FLIP. - If off airway, determine the course(s) ±5 degrees.
- Select an approach that is compatible with the weather, approach facilities, and aircraft equipment; determine
if an alternate airfield is required. - Determine distance ±1 nautical mile, true airspeed ±5 knots, ground speed ±5 knots, and ETE ±1 minutes for
each leg of the flight. - Determine the fuel required IAW AR 95-1 and TC 3-04.5, ±100 pounds.
- Complete and file the flight plan IAW AR 95-1 and the DOD FLIP.
- Perform mission risk assessment IAW unit SOP.
TASK 1010
Prepare a Performance Planning Card
- Compute all applicable items of the PPC using the most current software.
- Input the appropriate information into the software.
- Compute PPC values using accurate conditions for the time of takeoff within the following parameters:
a. Free air temperature (FAT) ±5 degrees Celsius.
b. Pressure altitude (PA) ±1,000 feet.
c. Gross weight ±500 pounds.
d. Engine torque factor (ETF) ± 0.05. - When manual calculations are required, calculate PPC values IAW the current operator’s manual and
IAW the instructions in appendix D (now known as TSP 011-60Z-IMCA and located at: FTB website.)
Compute values within following parameters:
a. Torque values ±2 percent.
b. Weight values ±500 pounds.
c. Fuel flow ±100 pounds per hour.
d. Airspeeds ±5 knots. - Correlate planning information to determine aircraft and mission capabilities.
TASK 1011
Determine Dynamic Inflight Performance
- Verify planned performance values as required by environmental and aircraft configuration differences.
- Update aircraft performance data when either of the following conditions apply with intent to land or takeoff:
a. When operating within 3,000 pounds of MAX ALLOWABLE GWT OGE.
b. Increase of 1,000 feet pressure altitude from the PPC.
c. Increase of 5 degrees Celsius from the PPC. - Update aircraft performance data using automated planning software or data found in the operator’s and
crewmembers CL for the following items:
a. Maximum torque available.
b. Maximum allowable gross weight OGE.
c. Torque required to hover at maximum gross weight OGE and IGE.
d. Aircraft gross weight. - When not utilizing automated software determine values within following parameters:
a. Torque values ±2 percent.
b. Weight values ±500 pounds.
TASK 1012
Verify Aircraft Weight and Balance
- Verify that CG and gross weight remain within aircraft limits for the duration of the flight IAW the aircraft
current operator’s manual. - Identify all mission or flight limitations imposed by weight or CG.
- Ensure DD Form(s) 365-4 has been completed within 90 days.
TASK 1016
Perform Internal Load Operations
- RCM.
a. Perform or ensure that a thorough passenger briefing has been conducted and that a passenger manifest is on file IAW AR 95-1. Conduct the passenger briefing IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual/CL and unit SOP.
b. Ensure that the passengers/cargo is restrained.
c. Ensure that floor loading limits are not exceeded.
TASK 1022
Perform Pre-Flight Inspection
- RCM.
a. Perform the pre-flight inspection IAW the aircraft current operator’s manual/CL.
b. Review aircraft logbook for service intervals and deficiencies.
c. Enter appropriate information on DA Form 2408-13
TASK 1026
Maintain Airspace Surveillance
- Brief airspace surveillance procedures prior to flight. This will include scan sectors.
- Announce any unplanned drift or altitude changes, clear the aircraft, and immediately inform other
crewmembers of all air traffic or obstacles that pose a threat to the aircraft. - Announce when attention is focused inside the aircraft using a time limit that is appropriate for the
conditions and announce when attention is focused back outside. - Maintain airspace surveillance in assigned scan sectors.
TASK 1028
Perform Hover Power Check
- Determine whether aircraft weight exceeds maximum gross weight.
- Verify aircraft gross weight.
- Determine sufficient power is available to perform the mission.
TASK 1034
Perform Ground Taxi
- Maintain speed appropriate for conditions.
- Maintain the desired ground track within ±3 feet.
TASK 1040
Perform Visual Meteorological Conditions Takeoff
- Maintain aircraft in trim above 50 feet AGL or as appropriate for transition to mission profile.
- When operating within 3,000 lbs of MAX GWT OGE, estimate the point where the aircraft will enter ETL
and establish an abort line to assist in determining type of takeoff. - Determine the type of takeoff that requires the minimum amount of power to clear the obstacles, taking into
account gross weight, power available, and distance from obstacles: - Additional Standards for rolling takeoff:
a. Before liftoff—
(1) Establish and maintain power, as necessary.
(2) Maintain alignment with takeoff direction ±5 degrees.
(3) Accelerate to desired/planned takeoff speed not to exceed 60 knots ground speed.
b. After liftoff—
(1) Adjust power, as required, not to exceed aircraft limits.
(2) Maintain ground track alignment with the takeoff direction with minimum drift.
(3) Maintain maximum rate of climb airspeed ±5 KIAS.
(4) Maintain aircraft aligned with runway (or suitable liftoff surface) below maximum rate of climb
TASK 1044
Navigate By Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
- Maintain orientation within 1⁄2 mile or 800 meters.
- Arrive at checkpoints/destination at estimated time of arrival (ETA) ±1 minute.
TASK 1048
Perform Fuel Management Procedures
a. The PC will verify that the required amount of fuel is onboard at the time of takeoff.
b. Initiate an alternate course of action if the actual fuel consumption varies from the planned value and the
flight cannot be completed without the planned use of the required reserve.
c. Balance/manage fuel tank levels to maintain aircraft within CG limits.
TASK 1058
Perform Visual Meteorological Conditions Approach
- Select a suitable landing area (analyze suitability, barriers, wind, approach path, touchdown point, and
takeoff direction). - Ensure that sufficient power exists for the type of approach/landing desired.
- Maintain a constant approach angle clear of obstacles to desired point of termination (hover) or touchdown
(surface). - Maintain rate of closure appropriate for the conditions.
- Maintain ground track alignment with the landing direction, as appropriate.
- Align aircraft with landing direction below 50 feet AGL or as appropriate for transition from terrain flight.
- Perform a smooth and controlled termination to a hover or touchdown to the surface.
- Monitor wind conditions using cockpit indicators (CI).
- Determine wind direction and velocity at the landing point.
TASK 1062
Perform Slope Operations
- RCM.
a. Select a suitable landing area.
b. Set the parking brake before landing.
c. Perform a smooth and controlled descent and touchdown.
d. Maintain heading ±5 degrees.
e. Do not allow aircraft to drift ±3 feet until touchdown. Then no drift allowed.
f. Perform a smooth and controlled ascent from the surface.
TASK 1064
Perform a Roll-On Landing
- Select a suitable landing area.
- Maintain a constant approach angle clear of obstacles to desired point of touchdown.
- Maintain ground track alignment with the landing direction, as appropriate.
- Perform a smooth, controlled touchdown and termination, appropriate for the conditions, below 60 knots
ground speed and aligned with the landing direction ±5 degrees prior to touchdown. - Ensure speed at touchdown is no slower than that appropriate for the conditions.
TASK 1166
Perform Instrument Maneuvers
- Tune and identify appropriate navigational aids (NAVAIDs).
- Determine, intercept, and maintain the desired course ±5 degrees.
- Maintain the desired heading ±5 degrees.
- Maintain the desired distance measuring equipment (DME) arc ±1 nautical mile.
- Identify station passage.
TASK 1170
Perform Instrument Takeoff
- Comply with appropriate departure procedure.
- Maintain power as required to climb at or above the minimum climb rate on the departure procedure.
- Maintain accelerative climb attitude until climb airspeed is attained.
- Maintain the aircraft in trim after ETL.
TASK 1174
Perform Holding Procedures
- Tune and identify the appropriate navigational aids (NAVAIDs).
- Determine, brief and enter the holding pattern.
- Time and track holding pattern legs.
- Send the appropriate report to ATC IAW DOD FLIP.
TASK 1176
Perform Non-Precision Approach
- Perform the approach.
- Intercept and maintain NDB courses within 5 degrees of course centerline.
- Intercept and maintain VOR or GPS course line within 5 degrees of course centerline.
- Intercept and maintain localizer courses within 2.5 degrees of course centerline.
- During airport surveillance radar (ASR) approaches, make immediate heading and altitude changes issued
by air traffic control (ATC) and maintain heading ±5 degrees. - Comply with descent minimums prescribed for the approach.
- Perform the correct missed approach procedure as published or IAW ATC instructions upon reaching the
missed approach point (MAP) if landing cannot be completed IAW AR 95-1.
TASK 1178
Perform Precision Approach
- Perform the approach.
- For an ILS approach, intercept and maintain the localizer course within 2.5 degrees of course centerline, and
glide slope within 0.5 degree of glide slope center. - For a precision approach radar (PAR) approach, make immediate heading and altitude changes issued by air
traffic control (ATC) and maintain heading ±5 degrees; for final approach, maintain glide slope as directed by
ATC. - Comply with the published decision altitude or decision height (DH) prescribed for the approach.
- Perform the correct missed approach procedure as published or IAW ATC instructions upon reaching the
decision altitude/DH if landing cannot be done IAW AR 95-1. - M When coupled flight is selected, program FD/DCP for the appropriate approach and monitor for correct
aircraft response.
TASK 1184
Respond To Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions
- Announce “IMC”, maintain proper aircraft control, immediately make the transition to instrument flight, and
initiate a climb. - Initiate IIMC recovery procedures.
a. Attitude - level the wings on the attitude indicator.
b. Heading - maintain heading; turn only to avoid known obstacles or as briefed for multi-ship operations.
c. Torque - adjust torque as necessary.
d. Trim - trim aircraft as necessary.
e. Airspeed - adjust airspeed as necessary. - Contact ATC, as required. Comply with ATC instructions, local regulations, and SOP.
TASK 2012
Perform Tactical Flight Mission Planning
- Analyze the mission using the mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time
available and civil considerations (METT-TC) factors available. - Perform a map/photo reconnaissance using the available map media or photos. Ensure that all known hazards
to terrain flight are plotted or entered into the approved mission planning software (if applicable). - Select the appropriate altitude(s) and terrain flight modes as appropriate.
- Select appropriate primary and alternate routes and enter all of them on a map, route sketch, or into the
approved mission planning software. - Determine the distance ±1 kilometer, ground speed ±5 knots, and ETE ±1 minute for each leg of the flight.
- Determine the fuel required and reserve IAW AR 95-1 ±100 pounds.
- Obtain and analyze weather briefing to determine that weather and environmental conditions are adequate to
complete the mission. - Conduct a thorough crew mission briefing.
TASK 2024
Perform Terrain Flight Navigation
- During NOE flight (surface to 25 feet above highest obstacle [AHO]), know the en route location within 200
meters. - During contour flight (25 to 80 feet AHO) or low-level flight (80 to 200 AHO), know the en route location
within 500 meters. - Locate each objective within 100 meters.
- Arrive at each objective at the planned time ±1 minute (if an objective arrival time was given in the mission
TASK 2026
Perform Terrain Flight
a. Maintain altitude and airspeed appropriate for the selected mode of flight, terrain, weather, visibility, and
mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, civil considerations
b. Maintain aircraft in trim during contour and low-level flight and when appropriate for NOE flight.
c. Accelerate/Decelerate aircraft to the desired airspeed.
d. Maintain aircraft clear of all obstacles.
TASK 2048
Perform External (Sling) Load Operations
a. Before hookup.
(1) Verify copy of DA Form 7382 is complete and on file and that the aircraft will remain within gross
weight and CG limitations.
(2) Hook up and hover.
(3) Ensure that the aircraft remains clear of the load and any obstacles.
(4) Perform a vertical ascent with the load to a load height of 10 feet ±5 feet.
(5) Determine power sufficient to complete the maneuver without exceeding aircraft limitations.
b. Take off. Maintain aircraft in trim (above 100 feet AGL).
(1) Approach and load release.
(2) Maintain a constant approach angle to ensure the load safely clears obstacles and terminate over the
intended point of landing with a load height of 10 feet ±5 feet.
(3) Perform a vertical descent with the load to the desired touchdown point ±5 feet.
TASK 3010
Perform Multi-Aircraft Operations
a. Participate in a formation flight briefing in accordance with unit SOP.
b. Maneuver into the flight formation.
c. Change position in the flight formation when required.
d. Maintain proper horizontal and vertical separation for the type of formation flight being conducted.
e. Announce if visual contact is lost with other aircraft.
f. Perform techniques of movement, if required.
The aircrew will not attempt the tasks listed below when performance planning and the hover power check indicates that OGE power is not available.
● Task 2048, Perform Sling Load Operations.
● Task 2052, Perform Water Bucket Operations.
● Task 2054, Perform Fast-Rope Insertion and Extraction System Operations.
● Task 2056, Perform Rappelling Operations.
● Task 2058, Perform Special Patrol Infiltration/Exfiltration System Operations.
● Task 2060, Perform Rescue Hoist Operations.
● Task 2076, Perform Caving Ladder Operations.