60 limits Flashcards
Rotor brake shall not be applied with engine(s) operating and rotor turning except during an
emergency stop. Maximum rotor speed for emergency rotor brake applications is
Maneuvering limitations with a sling load are limited to a maximum of ____ angle of bank in
forward flight. Side flight is limited by bank angle and is _________.
30; decreased as airspeed increases
Rearward flight with a
sling load is limited to ____ knots.
35 knots
Above ____ KIAS avoid abrupt, full pedal inputs to prevent excess tail rotor system loading.
To prevent APU overheating, APU operation at ambient temperature of _________ and
above with engine and rotor operating, is limited to _____ minutes.
43C , 30 min
Manual control available. If the automatic stabilator control system fails in flight and
operation cannot be restored:
1) The stabilator shall be set full down at speeds below 40 KIAS.
2) The stabilator shall be set at 0 degrees at speeds above 40 KIAS.
3) Autorotation airspeed shall be limited to 120 KIAS at all gross weights.
The following slope limitations apply regardless of gross weight or CG, with or without
a. ____ degrees nose-up, right wheel up or left wheel upslope. The slope limitations shall be
further reduced by ____ degrees for every ____ knots of wind.
15; 2; 5
Do not exceed a touchdown sink rate of _____ feet-per-minute on level terrain and _____
feet-per-minute on slopes with gross weights of up to 16,825 pounds; above 16,825 pounds
gross weight do not exceed _____ feet-per-minute on level terrain and _____
feet-per-minute on slopes.
540; 360; 300; 180
The pneumatic starter is capable of making a number of consecutive start cycles when
exposed to the environmental conditions specified. What are the start cycle, rest period
limitations when the ambient temperature is 30° C?
2 starts, 30 minutes.
Maximum forward touchdown speed is limited to ____ knots ground speed on level terrain.
These types
of oil pressure fluctuations are acceptable, even when oil pressure drops into the yellow
range (below _____ psi). Oil pressure should remain steady and should be in the ______ psi
range to ensure that when fluctuations occur, they remain in the acceptable range as defined
30; 45-60
Maximum airspeed for one engine inoperative is _____ KIAS.
What are the aircraft weight limitations?
UH-60M: 22,000 lbs
UH-60M external lift mission: 23,500 lbs
ESSS/ERFS helicopter on ferry mission (Airworthiness release required): 24,500 lbs
Regarding torque, what is the 10-second transient for single engine?
Match the temperatures below with the operating time limit for each.
-54o-32o C. Unlimited
33o-38o B. 24 Minutes
39o-52o A. 16 Minutes
Bank angles shall be limited to ____ degrees when a PRI SERVO FAIL caution appears.
Manual operation of the stabilator in flight is _____ except as required by _______ and
________ requirements or as alternate stabilator control in case the AUTO mode
prohibited; formal training, maintenance test flight
The main gearbox may be operated up to ____ minutes at a time with pressure
fluctuations when the helicopter is known to be at a _______ attitude (i.e., slope landings or
hover with extreme aft CG).
30; nose-up
Regarding torque, what is the 10-second transient for dual engine, below 80 KIAS?
Sideward/rearward flight/hovering limits
45; 35; 45; 35
Helicopters with the following equipment installed, operational, and turned on are permitted
to fly into trace or light icing conditions.
- Windshield Anti-ice
- Engine Anti-ice
- Engine Inlet Anti-ice modulating valve
- Pitot Heat
- Insulated Ambient Air Sensing Tube
Regarding torque, what is the continuous limit for dual engine, above 80 KIS?
Cabin doors may be fully open up to ____ KIAS.
Match the temperatures below with the cool down period for each.
-54 to 32 - N/A
33 to 38 - 72 minutes
39 to 52 - 48 minutes
Maximum rotor brake pressure for engine start is ________ psi.
Windshield anti-ice check shall not be done when FAT is over _____.
27 degrees C (80 degrees F)
Regarding the NOTE for NP limitations, avoid operations in the _______ and _______ range
except during start and shutdown.
20-40; 60-90
On the EICAS or PFD Power Pod:
Green tapes and readouts indicate
normal operating range of the parameter the instrument represents.
Rearward ground taxi is ______.
b. ____ nose downslope. Landing in downslope conditions with tail winds greater than ____
knots shall not be conducted. A low-frequency oscillation may occur when landing
nose-down on a slope with the cyclic near the aft stop.
6, 15
Regarding Transmission Oil Temperature limitations, what are the continuous and
precautionary ranges?
Continuous: -20-105; Precautionary: 105-140
The pneumatic starter is capable of making a number of consecutive start cycles when
exposed to the environmental conditions specified. What are the start cycle, rest period
limitations when the ambient temperature is 10° C?
2 starts, 3 minutes, 2 starts, 30 minutes.
Simultaneous moving of both ENG POWER CONT levers to __________ (throttle chop) in
flight is prohibited.
Cabin doors may be fully open up to ____ KIAS.
Searchlight airspeed limits. If use is required, the searchlight must be extended prior to
reaching a maximum forward airspeed of ____ KIAS. With the searchlight extended,
airspeed is limited to ____ KIAS.
100; 180
On the EICAS or PFD Power Pod:
Red and Yellow striped tapes and red readouts indicate the limit ___________________.
Above or below which continued operation is likely to cause damage or shorten
component life.
Minimum rotor brake pressure for engine start is ________ psi.
Regarding torque, what is the continuous limit for single engine?
Operating an engine against the gust lock is ______.
The maximum weight that may be suspended from the cargo hook is _____ pounds. The
external load limit of the airframe will not be exceeded when using the cargo hook.
Regarding Transmission Oil Pressure limitations, what are the correct limitations for each
Idle and Transient: 20-30; Continuous: 30-65; Precautionary:
The __#__ cabin ceiling tiedown fittings have a limited load capability of _____ pounds.
The ___#___ net restraint rings in the cargo compartment are rated at ______ pounds capacity
in any direction.
The __#___
tiedown fittings installed on the cargo for can restrain a _____ pound load in any direction.
Flight with cockpit door(s) removed is ______.
If main transmission oil pressure is not steady during steady state forward flight or in a level
hover, or if oil pressure is steady but under ______ psi, make an entry on the appropriate
maintenance form.
Use of the rotor brake with engine(s) operating is restricted to __________ and __________
engine starts and operations at IDLE only.
single, dual
egarding engine torque, what is the 10-second transient for dual engine, above 80 KIAS?
Any time an operational limit is exceeded, an appropriate entry shall be made on ________.
Entry shall state what limit or limits were ______, ______, ______, and any additional data
that would aid maintenance personnel in the maintenance action that may be required. The
helicopter shall not be ______ until corrective action is taken.
DA Form 2408-13-1; exceeded, range, time beyond limits; flown
The minimum crew required to fly the helicopter is ____ pilots.
Sudden pressure drop (more than ______ psi) without fluctuation requires an entry on the
appropriate maintenance form.
With engine and rotor not operating, the APU may be operated continuously up to an
ambient temperature of ___°C.
Maximum wind velocity for rotor start or stop is ______ from any direction.
Hovering turns greater than _____ degrees per second are prohibited. Intentional
maneuvers beyond attitudes of _____ pitch or over _____ roll are prohibited.
30; +/-30; 60
NP1 or NP2 operation in yellow range (101% to 105%) is
not recommended as good operating practice.
Power off (autorotation) rotor speeds up to _______ are authorized for use by maintenance
test flight pilots during autorotational RPM checks.
120% NR
Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering are to be avoided to prevent __________
in the helicopter and __________ to windows on open cargo doors.
accumulation of exhaust fumes; heat damage
Routine stops will be with engine(s) off, NR below _____, and with _______ psi applied to
stop the rotor in not less than ______.
40%; 150-180; 12 seconds
Maximum airspeed for autorotation at a gross weight of 16,825 or more is ______ KIAS.
Regarding stowage provisions, maximum capacity for each storage compartment is _____
Regarding weight limitations, maximum weight is further limited by cargo floor maximum
capacity of ______ pounds per square foot.
Landing light airspeed limits. If use is required, the landing light must be extended prior to
reaching a maximum forward airspeed of _____ KIAS. With the landing light extended,
airspeed is limited to _____ KIAS.
130, 180
NP1/2 limits (4)
Transient - 91 to 95%
Continuous - 95 to 101%
Transient - 101 to 105%
12 second transient - 105 to 107%
Power on NR limits (3)
Transient - 91 to 95%
Continuous - 95 to 101%
Transient - 101 to 107%
Power off NR limits (auto) (3)
Normal - 90 to 105%
Transient - 105 to 110%
Maximum - 110%
NG limits (2)
Continuous - 0 to 105%
12 second transient - 105 to 106%
Q limits Dual engine
Continuous at/below 80 KT - 0 to 120%
Continuous above 80 KT - 0 to 100%
10 sec transient at/below 80 KT - 120 to 144%
10 sec transient above 80 KT - 100 to 144%
Q limits single engine
Continuous - 0 to 135%
10 second transient - 135 to 144%
TGT limits (all degrees C)
Normal - 0 to 793
30 min limit - 793 to 846
10 min limit - 846 to 879
2.5 min transient - 879 to 903
12 second transient - 903 to 949
Abort start limit - 851
Engine temperature limits
Continuous : -20 to 135
30 min limit : 135 to 150
Engine pressure limits
Idle - 22 to 26 PSI
Normal - 26 to 100 PSI
5 Min limit - 100 to 120 PSI
Transmission oil temperature limits
Continuous : -20 to 105
Precautionary : 105 to 140
Transmission oil pressure limits
Idle/transient - 20 to 30 PSI
Continuous - 30 to 65 PSI
Precautionary - 65 to 130 PSI
Fuel limit ranges
Precautionary - 0 to 200lb each tank
Normal - above 200lbs each tank
Engine starter limits
15 degrees and below - 2 start cycles, 3 min rest, 2 start cycles, 30 min rest
Above 15 degrees - 2 start cycles, 30 min rest
Weight limits
60M - 22,000lb
60M external lift mission - 23,500 (only with cargo hook load above 8,000lb)
60M ESSS, ferry mission, AWR - 24,500
Cargo floor max capacity per SQ foot
Airspeed limits - Cargo hook up to 8,000lb
Airspeed limits - external lift above 22,000lb
Max airspeed above ________lbs for autorotation is ______________
Above 16,825
Max airspeed at or under ________lbs for autorotation is ______________
150 KIAS
SAS or HYD inop airspeed limits
1 system INOP - 170
2 system INOP - 150
2 system INOP IMC- 140
Hovering turn max rate
30 degrees per second
Pitch and roll limits
30 degrees pitch, 60 degrees roll
Sling load limits
30 degrees of bank
Max 35 knot rearward flight
30 degrees nose down, big dick accelleration on takeoff, or diving manuevers can result in what (Warning)
The FCC commanding a stabilator Auto mode failure
Pneumatic inlet limits
Min : 40 PSGI, 30PPM, 300 degrees F
Max 50 PSGI, 480 degrees F
Engine starts at _______________ pressure altitude can result in ________
Starts above 18,000’ PA can result in hot start
Parameters for a crossbleed start
Rotor 100%
NG 90%
ENG 1/2 Anti-Ice ON advisory may NOT be on
When do we use fuel boost pumps, not in an EP
With JP4 when:
Above 5000ft PA
When XFEED at any altitude
max airspeed skis installed
Max airspeed gunner doors open
Max airspeed to open or close cabin doors
“Below 80 KIAS”
Where does VNE read in STAB MAN mode
Prohibited maneuvers
Turns 30/s, Pitch 30, Roll 60
Reward ground Taxi
Throttle chop
Restricted Maneuvers
-Manual ops of stab (exception training, maintenance)
-Downwind hovering
Nose upslope with skis, at what weight may parking brake not hold AC in position
slope limits
Nose up, left ski high, right ski high
10 degrees
Ice rate meter calibrated for what speed?
100 knots
If faster, may read greater icing rate
Flight into moderate icing requires what in addition to WEEPI
Blade de ice
Blue force tracker limits (got you!)
26 to 71 degrees C
water buckets shall not be used when what is installed
Red/yellow tapes and red readouts indicate
limit above or below where operation may cause damage or shorten life
Yellow tapes and readouts indicate
Special attention should be given to the parameter
Green tapes and readouts indicatie
normal operating range
Demand for max power with different ETFs engines will do what
Normal to have Q split when lower ETF engine hits TGT limiting
the high power engine may exceed dual engine Q limit
Write ups
What limits exceeded
Time beyond limits
Restarting helicopter after using JP4
If within 2 hours of shutdown and spinning up
Run NR 100% for 2 minutes to purge hot fuel from nacelle area
engine overspeed in flight
prohibited, only for checks on the ground by authorized personnel
Airspeed limit external hoist up to 8000
Airspeed limit hoist above 8000 and gross weight above 22000
Transmission and nose up slope - whats normal
10 degree slope - 30-35 PSI
15 degree slope - 10 - 15 PSI
Avoid what during engine anti ice ops
Extreme lower power requirements (less than 10 Q)
Rate of descent > 1900fpm
Ground bleed air heater operation below 100% NR
Turn off cabin heat before high rate of descent
Flight into ANY turbulence prohibited if
sling load attached, INOP collective trim
How to fill CEFS tanks
3 inches below filler port, room for expansion
In what conditions is it normal to see transmission oil pressure fluctuations?
-When flying with pitch attitudes above +6 degrees
-During transient maneuvers (IE hovering in gusty conditions)
Having T oil P in 45-60 ensures that even with fluctuations, oil P stays in an acceptable range
During an auto with the rotor fully decoupled, what is it normal to see for NP1 and NP2
It is normal to see a speed split between NP1 and NP2 up to 107% for an engine referenced to 100%
Momentary checks of NPs over ___% are authorized when?
Over 107% NP is authorized by MTPs during autorotational RPM checks
After flying with JP4 and going back to JP5/8, what must be done?
3 more flights with fuel boost pumps on
Max airspeed for auto with volcano isntalled
Max Rate of descent with Rescue Hoist Load
1000 fpm
Maneuvering flight which results in __________________ is prohibited
which results in severe blade stall and significant increase in 4-per-rev vibration
Slope limits with FLIR installed
6 degrees nose up
15 degrees left and right
reduce by 2 degrees every 5 knots
Helicopters with blade erosion kit tape are prohibited from doing what
flying into icing conditions - sounds like any severity is prohibited
Only acceptable CEFS configurations
All 4
2 tanks - 1 on each outboard
2 tanks - 1 on each inboard
Fuel tank jettison envelope
Level flight:
0-120 knots - no more than 1 ball out of trim
120+ - Must be fully in trim
Below 80 knots jettison not recommended
80 knots - 1000FPM descent max
90 knots - 875FPM descent max
100 knots - 750FPM descent max
110 knots - 625FPM descent max
120 knots - 500FPM descent max
Above 120 not recommended
Subtract 125FPM for every 10 knots