IFR General knowledge Flashcards
DOD FLIP stands for what?
In reference to IFR, what 3 FLIP products correlate with planning, enroute, and terminal procedures?
Flight information publications
IFR Supplement - Planning
Enroute low altitude chart - Enroute
Instrument approach procedures - terminal
Types of NOTAMS
Distant - disseminated to all nav/airfield facilities in national air system
Local - Military only
FDC (flight data center) - changes to an IAP
SAA - Special airspace activity - Airspace active at non normal time
Pointer - Notam pointing out another notam
(O) - Official - Doesnt fit NOTAM criteria but still can be useful to pilots
(U) - Unofficial, hasnt been verified yet
Types of departure procedures
Obstacle departure procedures - for obstacle clearance
Standard instrument departure - for efficiency of airspace
When can an aircraft departing IFR ensure a diverse departure will give them obstacle clearance
-Theres at least 1 IAP
-There are no published departure procedures
Parameters for a diverse departure
35 feet agl by departure end of runway
400 ft above departure end before turning
200ft per NM climb rate
What are the speeds for aircraft approach categories
A - less than 91 knots
B - 91 to 120
C - 121 to 140
D - 141 to 165
E - Over 166
How were aircraft approach categories determined?
The speed is based on 1.3 times the stall speed in landing configuration of an aircraft at max gross weight
What are restrictions in a copter approach
90 knots or less
Cant reduce visibility
Require 400ft/NM on missed approaches
High above airport - Height of DA above published airport elevation
Height above landing - height above designated heli landing area used for helicopter IAPs
Height above touchdown - DA or MDA heigh above highest runway elevation in touchdown zone (First 3000ft of rnway)
When is an alternate required
Radar required
Navaid unmonitored
Predominant weather less than 400-1 above planning minimum
VFR exception rule
What parameters do we need for an alternate
Worst weather 400-1 above planning minimum
GPS not used on primary and alt
Radar not required
A/NA not depicted
Monitored navaid
Surface base airspace exists at alt
Calculate VFR exception rule for ILS 32 into KDAA
1700 MIA
500ft cloud clearance
74 ft airfield elevation
round up to nearest 100
= 2200 - 3
When ATC tells you to climb to descend to a new altitude in cruise, what is the minimum rate you must maintain?
500ft/min, otherwise must notify ATC
I filed for T0100 airspeed, I want to go 120, what am I required to do?
Notify ATC for changes of 5% or 10 knots of airspeed from that filed on flight plan
What do you do lost commo on an IFR plan while VMC?
Maintain VMC
Land as soon as practicable
Contact ATC from the ground
IFR IMC lost commo
-Route selection
-As assigned in last ATC clearance received
-Vectors - from failure direct to fix, route, or airway in vector
-As filed
IFR IMC lost commo
-Altitude selection
Altitude: Highest of the 3
-Last assigned
-Minimum IFR for route
IFR lMC lost commo
-Leaving clearance limits
If your clearance was to a fix from which an approach begins:
-Commence descent/approach as close as possible to EFC time. If no EFC time was given, as close to time of arrival filed for
If clearance was not to a fix where an approach begins:
-If you have an EFC, leave the fix at EFC limit to an IAF
-If you dont have an EFC, leave immediately to an IAF
-Then commence descent/approach as close to filed time of arrival