W8 - Zirconia vs PFM - Abbott Flashcards
2 types of zirconia fabrication
Solid full-contour zirconia - monolithic
Layered zirconia - not as popular anymore
Why are shoulders better than chamfers for zirconia? (2)
Shoulder can be picked up and analysed by scanning device
Chamfer will not yield thick enough material → will fracture
Disadvantages of zirconia crowns
Some are skeptical about the hardness → may wear opposing teeth and adjacent teeth
It was originally unaesthetic → dentists put emax on top of zirc for better aesthetics → no need now due to monolithic zirconia
Alternative to Emax in anterior teeth
High translucency Zirconia
- Not as strong as conventional zirconia, but still stronger than Emax
What can cause the opening of margins and fracturing of ceramics that appear like NCCL’s?
- Pt clenches in edge to edge bite → Teeth flex → enamel or ceramic fractures
Zirconia vs PFM aesthetics
Light shines through the translucent nature of the zirconia and transmits back the color of adjacent teeth
Zirc is also metal-free → no darkening around the gingival area or possibility of metal margins with recession
PFM - opaque → doesn’t absorb any of the light. Material bounces the light right back at the camera
“Samsung fridge door” - Abbott
What is Layered zirconia?
An older style of zirconia
- Made in attempt to increase aesthetics
- Emax layered on top of zirconia
- Not used much anymore now that we have high translucency zirconia
What is “green-stage” zirconia
Zirconia blocks prior to being heated to 1500 degrees for hardening
- Allows for easier cutting during fabrication
Advantages of choosing Zirconia
- Can be coventionally cemented in place
- Computer-aided design for precise fit → reduced chair-side time for adjustment
- Highly biocompatible
- Suitable for pts with metal allergies
- Promotes a healthy tissue response
What is the flexural strength of zirconia HT
590-720 MPA
What is the flexural strength of Opalite / Monolithic zirconia?
1100 MPA
indications for High Translucent zirconia
Single anterior and posterior crowns
Bridges up to three units
Implants crowns
indications for High Translucent zirconia
Single anterior and posterior crowns
Bridges up to three units
Implants crowns
When is HT zirconia not recommended?
- Use monolithic instead
Preparation guidelines for anterior zirconia crown (3)
- Sufficient wall thickness (1.0mm and 1.5mm incisor reduction)
- Clear and continous shoulder at gingival margin (1mm)
- All incisal edges to be rounded
Preparation guidelines for posterior zirconia crown?
- Sufficient wall thickness (1 mm and 1.5-2.0mm occlusal reduction)
- Clear and continous shoulder (1mm) around gingival margin
- Bevel not recommended
- Round off all sharp points
factors that may make a crown prep unacceptable
- no undercuts
- no gutter preparation
- 90 degree shoulder unacceptable
- parallel walls unacceptable
- sharp edges
What must you do when drilling zirconia during adjustment
No pressure → will increase heat which can fracture zirconia
Use water
Why is layered zirconia not preferred? (2)
More expensive
Can lead to debonding between materials