W4 - Impression Problems - Abbott Flashcards
Is adhesive required for metal trays?
Only for plastic and special trays
Should you put vaseline on tooth in clinical setting prior to impression?
No - interferes with wettability
Use saliva instead
ID problem + cause + solution
Inhibited / slow setting
cause: For PVS materials: Sulfur inhibition due to contact of latex gloves with impression material
Residues from temp crown or cement present
- Wear gloves without sulfur
- Fabricate temp crown after final impression has been made
- Remove air-inhibited layer on exposed surface with alcohol wipe before final imp
ID problem + cause + solution
Inadequate mix
cause: inadequate mixing, expired materials
Solution: bleed before applying mix tip, ensure tip is correctly attached, ensure correct ratio of catalyst and base paste
ID problem + cause + solution
Lack of impression detail
- Material stored too hot or too cold
- Blood/saliva around prep
- Exceeding working time
- inadequate retraction
Poor retraction and syringing technique
Exceeding the working time
ID + cause + solution
Voids on margins
cause: air trapped in syringe or whilst filling tray
bleed syringe
keep tip immersed in material and do not stop when loading syringe
keep mix tip immersed in tray material while filling
must retake impression
Trapped air or moisture
ID + cause + solution
ID - tearing at margin (insufficient tear resistance)
Cause: inadequate mix, insufficient retraction or expired material
ID + cause
ID - tearing at margin (insufficient tear resistance)
Cause: inadequate mix, insufficient retraction or expired material
ID + cause + solution
Lingual pull
Cause: exceeding working time, tray movement after seating, insuffiecient amount of impression material
Solution: follow manufacturers working time or use different material with longer working time, don’t move after seating, use more material
ID + cause + solution
Tray tooth contact
Caused by: tray too small, insufficient material
Solution: test various sizes of tray, fill adequately
common with disposable trays
ID + cause
Caused by exceeding working time or material being stored in elevated temperature
What can cause stone model discrepancies? (4)
Tooth contact with tray
Gauze of double bite tray causes water to leach out of tray, dehydrating stone
Problems casting the model
Hydrogen gas emission if using VPS
How to avoid stone model discrepancies
Instruct pt to bite passively in centric occlusion when using dual arch trays
Fill tray with sufficient material
Provide lab with as much info as possible. (type of impression material, whether or not it has been disinfected)
Follow manufacturers instruction for casting time
Hydrogen Evolution voids
Caused if manufacturer does not use a platinum catalyst - creates hydrogen gas instead of silica
Moisture contamination
caused by alginate impressions that have been left for too long on stone model
- Stone model pulls the moisture out of the alginate