W13 - Disorders of Bone - Curtin Flashcards
What is actinomyces (relevance, where is it seen)
- Commonly seen in third world / remote
- Associated with dental infections
- “in btw bacteria and fungus”
How to differentiate hypercementosis from cementosseous lesions
Hypercementosis has PDL radiolucency
Cementosseous blends
Stafnes bone cavity
- Bilateral
- Below the IAN canal
Features of Pagets disease of bone
aka Osteitis Deformans
Two phases
- Resorptive phase / osteoclastic
- Osteosclerotic phase (incr mass, disordered)
Most commonly in long bones but can occur in maxilla and zygoma
Features of osteopetrosis
- Loss of coritical definition
- Dense calvaris
- May present with hearing and vestibular issues
- Sensory problems
What is fibrous dysplasia? (3)
Bone gets replaced by fibrous tissue
- Affects craniofacial bones
- Painless enlargement / swelling
- Ends around puberty
Define osteomyelitis (what is it described as?)
Inflammation of the bone
- possible extrusion of pus
- Described as: acute/chronic, suppurative
- Usually due to infection
ID + describe + tx
Inferior border of RHS mandible expansion
- pathological
- calcifications within it surrounded by radiolucency
- Infection is within marrow of bone
Tx: excision of bone sequestrum
How can inflammatory bone disorders come from sterile bone?
Sterile bone inflammation
- Rare
- Autoinflammatory bone disorders
- Ex/ Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
- Skin +/- gut disorders
- Origin of problem most likely from gut not bone
What are some examples of nutritional / metabolic / endocrine bone disorders
- Osteomalacia → mineral def or Rickets
- Post menopausal osteoporosis
- Hyperparathyroidism / acromegaly
2 neoplastic disorders of bone
How does chondrosarcomas appear on radiograph
They dont → radiolucent
chondro = cartilage
not osseous enough to be radiopaque
*this is also how untreated broken jaw will look like
- “sunray” appearance of bone spicules
What are some categories of bone disorders
Inflammatory bone diseases
Cystic lesions
Reparative lesions of bone
Example of developmental disorder of bone (3)
Cleidocranial dysplasia
Fibrous dysplasia
Example of infective bone disorder
Example of dystrophic bone disorders (3)
Pagets disease of bone
Curtins Q
Features of cleidocranial dys (5)
- Autosomal dominant condition
- List characteristic feats
- Dental abnormalities
- Sinusitis
- Mild developmental delays
- Effects on bone undergoing intramembranous ossificaiton