W2 - Occlusion - Abbott Flashcards
3 Rules of Occlusion
- Even, bilateral occlusal contact
- Must be disclusion of posteriors during canine guidance
- Unobstructed envelope of function
Why is canine guidance important (2)
Greatly reduces forces on anterior teeth
- When posterior teeth toch, MoM function with full force
- When only anterior teeth touch, force decreases significantly
Reduces of grinding on posterior teeth
- If pt lacks canine guidance, posteriors will grind with full force on lateral movements → typical to see pts with severe attrition and wear on posteriors when no guidance
What is meant by “Envelope of Function” and why must it be unobstructed
Refers to the forward swing of the md while chewing
- Requires correct overjet of anteriors, correct concavity of mx incisors
Interference may cause:
- scraping of anterior teeth
- increased wear
- Thinning of incisal edges
- wear of lingual surface of mx incisors
- wear of labial surface of md incisors
- pt will complain that bite feels “high”
What is group function?
More than one tooth is contacting during lateral excursion
- Posteriors are subjected to excess pressure
What’s happening here?
Group function resulting in excess wear
- NO canine guidance
What happened here?
Violation of envelope of function causing “thinning” appearance
Ceramic crown wearing opposing teeth
Crown fracture caused by breach of envelope of function
Massetter hypertrophy
What is Centric Relation?
Retruded Contact Position
- Head of the condyle is in its most superior position in the glenoid fossa
What is the greatest problem with excessive overbite?
Gingival stripping of mx palatal mucosa
Also very difficult to wear mx splints or partial dentures bc theres no room
What type of malocclusion can missing back teeth lead to?
Class 2 “deep bite”
What causes gonial angle notching?
Parafunction - clenching
Masseter is always flexed
What causes gonial notching?
Parafunction - clenching
Masseter is always flexed
What tool is needed for occlusal equilibration?
Requires articulated study models mounted on a semi adjustable articulator with face bow transfer
What caused this?
Clenching with tongue bracing on pre-maxilla day and night
What is this and why is it bad
NTI splint
- Leads to overeruption of posterior teeth - pt develops anterior open bite
What denture problem can cause angular cheilitis? Solution?
- remake dentures with increased VDO
What problems can too much VDO cause? (5)
- Joint and muscle pain
- Speech problems
- Difficulty swallowing
- Impaired chewing
- Poor facial aesthetics
Canine/Cuspid eminence
- Use as guide for arrangement of mx anterior teeth
Zygomatic process (malar bone)
- Located opposite to first molar region
- Often found in mouths that has been edentulous for long time
- May require relie due to soreness from denture pressure