W2 - Wiese & Burke Understanding team learning dynamics Flashcards
Team learning processes
- Intrateam
- Interteam
- Fundamental learning behaviors
Learning curves
- Represent a consequence of team learning
- Changes in performance over a period of time
Intrateam learning
Internal processes within the team that build shared understanding, identify gaps and integrate new information
- Asking questions, experimenting, discussing errors
Interteam learning
Involves seeking and integrating information from outside the team, promoting innovation but potentially causing coordination issues and conflicts (interdepartmental workshops)
Fundamental learning behavior
Basic activities individual members take to share, store and retrieve knowledge across time (note-taking)
How knowledge is transported across time
Team learning outcomes
Changes in collective knowledge: shifts in team’s understanding, assessed through team shared mental models and transactive memory systems
Performance changes: learning curves that indicate imporvements in performance
Intreateam processes
The methods and actions team members take to process and refine shared knowledge
Interteam processes
External changes where teams might attent cross-team meetings
Fundamental processes
The storage of knowledge in formats that allow for later retrieval
Kowzlowski’s model of team learning
- Basic task understanding
- Focus shifts to refining team performance strategies
- Understand the implications of individual roles on group performance
- Mastery of complex tasks and a high level of adaptability are achieved
Temporal phases of team processes
Action phases: teams focus on carrying out their primary tasks, emphasizing the execution of their roles
Transition phase: teams evaluate past performances, reasses goals, and strategize for upcoming tasks
Interpersonal processes: facilitate effective communication, conflict resolution, and trust-building among members
Team performance episodes
Blocks of time where teams engage in goal directed activity
- Characterized by transition and action phases
Emergent state
- Developed from interactions between team members
- Developed by triggers
Types of triggers
Learning triggers: events in which the team inspects or questions their collective knowledge state
Transition phase: team recognizes the need for an update
Action phase: process of integration of new knowledge into their collective knowledge state
Initial triggers: when new objectives are set
Team-level triggers: emerge from collective experiences (shared successes)
Unpredictable triggers: external disruptions
Patterns of team learning over time
Information complexity: more detailed information can extend the learning curve
Cultural factors: team culture can determine how fast learning occurs
Team dynamics: communcation styles and interpersonal trust impact how knowledge is shared