Q&A L1 Flashcards
What do customers, suppliers and competitors represent to a firm?
Specific environment
True or false: Lewin’s model is holistic/simplistic and the action & positive model more concretely implement OD acitvities
True or false: basic assumptions are placed above values in the onion model
What are some predictors of unethical behavior?
Individual characteristics, moral issue characteristics, organizational environment
What type of culture does someone hold when it’s based on egoistic concerns and self-interest?
Instrumental ethical culture
True or false: formal ethics have a lot of impact on ethical workplace, even when not accompanied by social norms on how to apply them
Which one of these defines OD?
a. Helping people in the organization grow, work better together, and solve problems as a team
b. Making sure changes happen efficiently, within budget, and on time. It focuses on obtaining results, like saving money, meeting deadlines, and ensuring quality.
a) is correct
True or false: when looking back at the history of OD, it all began with Normative Approaches, which characterized organizations based on the type of system they held
False, it began with Laboratory Training
Focus was on groups improving relationships between people, personal growth, leadership skills, and how groups work together
True or false: Lewin’s planned change model says at any given moment, the behaviors we see are influenced by two forces:
- Maintaining the status quo
- Forces that want things to change
What process does the positive model use?
Appreciative inquiry (AI) which looks at what the organization is already doing well
What kind of intervention is this: work on individuals, groups, and the whole system
a. Human process intervention
b. Human resources intervention
c. Strategic intervention
d. Structure and technology intervention
a) Human process intervention
Human resource interventions focus on improving performance & well-being
An HR manager knows from experience that when employees are given more autonomy in their roles, it leads to higher job satisfaction and better performance
The HR manager has…
a. Boundaries
b. Field knowledge
c. Joint action planning
d. Strong task orientation
b) Field knowledge: another source of diagnostic models that offers practical information about how organizations operate
How people in a company see and understand outside factors (competitors, market) is an example of…
a. General environment
b. Task environment
c. Enacted environment
d. Organizational environment
c. Enacted environment
Which one of these is NOT part of Barak & Cherin’s measure of inclusion-exclusion?
a. Involvement in work groups
b. Participation in the decision-making process
c. Access to information and resources
d. None of the above
d) None of the above, all of them are included
When a company is focused on recruitment of protected social categories, management of harassment, and diveristy training, what type of management do they have?
a. Promotion orientation management
b. Authoritative management
c. Benevolent management
d. Prevention orientation management