Vowel Heavy Flashcards
Eulogiae eulogia
eulogia (plural eulogiae) (Christianity, historical) The practice of sending the consecrated Eucharist to those not present, or the Eucharist itself so sent.
aeneous aenous
or a·e·ne·us. adjective. Brassy or golden green in color. Origin of aeneous. From Latin aēneus of bronze from aes bronze ; see ayes- in Indo-European roots.
Eucaine (beta-eucaine) is a drug that was previously used as a local anesthetic.[1] It was designed as an analog of cocaine and was one of the first synthetic chemical compounds to find general use as an anesthetic.[2] It is a white, crystalline solid.
a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.
Eupnea eupnoea
Normal respiration
Miaou miaow miaoued
any of various tropical evergreen trees and shrubs of the myrtle family with colorful, cherrylike fruit which is often edible
the fruiting body of a rust fungus in which the first binucleate spores are usually produced
an official in ancient Rome in charge of public works and games, police, and the grain supply
. noun. another version of codeine, a drug made from opium used for cough medicine.
Pertaining to an aedes mosquito vector of dengue fever & yellow fever
the person to whom personal property is bailed
a green or bluish patina formed on copper, brass, or bronze surfaces exposed to the atmosphere for long periods of time, consisting principally of basic copper sulfate.
Also called verdigris
informal + usually disparaging : marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability : BOURGEOIS also bourgie
Aeonic aeonian
lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time
Chinese labor camp
1 : a net ground or foundation in lace
2 : a grid photographed by a separate exposure onto a plate containing star images to facilitate astronomical measurements
Plural: reseaux